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Development Environment Setup

drebain edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 2 revisions



  • Install CMake: needed to build your code.
  • Install Visual Studio Community: comes with the MSVC compiler (see notes at bottom). During the install, select only "Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++". This will save you some space in your drive, and we really don't need the rest of the stuff that comes bundled with it.
  • Install Qt Creator: IDE for C++ and GLSL.
  • Install Git: version control.


  • Install XCode (the g++ compiler and git are distributed therein)
  • Install Command Line Tools for Xcode (google how as it changes according to your OS version)
  • Install homebrew: package manager to install libraries
  • Install Qt Creator: IDE for C++ and GLSL.
  • Install Git: version control.

Finally we use homebrew to install all dependencies (execute these one by one in terminal):

brew install cmake
brew install eigen
brew install pkgconfig

When we start working on OpenGL you will also need these (not necessary for ray tracing):

brew install homebrew/core/glfw3
brew install glew
brew install anttweakbar

Cloning the Repository

Open a terminal in your desired working directory and clone the git repository using the --recursive flag:

git clone --recursive

Opening the icg project from within QtCreator

  • open Qt Creator
  • browse the menu "file -> Open File or Project..."
  • select icg/CMakeLists.txt

If no files appear under your project in the file browser, check the 'General Messages' tab, and make sure the output contains 'Configuring done' and 'Generating done'. If it does not, see what error messages are printed for more information on what the problem is. Otherwise, check that the kit you have selected in the projects tab has its compiler and CMake tool set.

Important note: the CMakeLists to be opened is the one in the main icg folder and not the one in the raytrace subfolder!