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Added a new example for generating networks from Twitter social graph…
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drewconway committed Jul 13, 2011
1 parent 6359630 commit b601f67
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 0 deletions.
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions examples/generators/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Description: This is an example of how to interact with a restful wed-based API to build a
a network from social graph data. In this case, we will use Google's SocialGraph
API to build the local star-graph for a given Twitter user
# Copyright (c) 2011, under the Simplified BSD License.
# For more information on FreeBSD see:
# All rights reserved.

__auhthor__= """Drew Conway ("""
__date__ = """2011-07-12"""
__credits__ = """"""
__revision__ = ""

import networkx as nx
import urllib2
import json
import re
import warnings

def socialGraphAPI(user):
"""Returns the raw, unparsed, JSON from a call to the Google SocialGraph API
for a given Twitter user. """

gsg_url = ''+user+"&edo=1&edi=1"
gsg_raw = urllib2.urlopen(gsg_url)
return gsg_raw.readlines()[0]

def getSocialGraph(user):
Returns the parsed JSON text from a call to the Google SocialGraph API
for a given Twitter user.

# Get the raw JSON, and check that there was no HTTP error
gsg_json = socialGraphAPI(user)
while gsg_json.find("Service Unavailable. Please try again later.") > -1:
gsg_json = socialGraphAPI(user)
# Decode the JSON, and check that the user existed
return json.loads(gsg_json)

def stripURL(twitter_url):
"""Return the user name from a given Twitter URL"""
return re.split('[/\.]', twitter_url)[-1]

def buildSocialGraph(user, twitter_only=True):
"""Builds a NetworkX DiGraph object from a Twitter user's social graph"""

gsg_data = getSocialGraph(user)

nodes_out = gsg_data['nodes'][''+user]['nodes_referenced'].keys()
nodes_in = gsg_data['nodes'][''+user]['nodes_referenced_by'].keys()

# Check if any data was returned, and if not, issue warning
null_user = False
if len(nodes_out) < 1 and len(nodes_in) < 1:
warnings.warn("API call returned no data, check that '"+user+"' exists.\nReturning empty graph", UserWarning)
null_user = True

# Some of the nodes returned by GSG are not Twitter, but other social network website.
# To build a graph from links to only Twitter pages set to True to search for only
# nodes with ''. This will also remove the 'http' heading around
# a Twitter user.
if twitter_only and not null_user:
nodes_out = [(v) for (v) in nodes_out if v.find('') > -1 and v.find('/account/') < 0]
nodes_out = map(stripURL, nodes_out) # Strips out only the user name
nodes_in = [(v) for (v) in nodes_in if v.find('') > -1 and v.find('/account/') < 0]
nodes_in = map(stripURL, nodes_in)

# Build the edge list and return the DiGraph
gsg_graph = nx.DiGraph()
if not null_user:
# To keep node labeling consistent in each case
if not twitter_only:
user = ''+user

gsg_graph.add_edges_from(map(lambda i: (user, nodes_out[i]), xrange(len(nodes_out))))
gsg_graph.add_edges_from(map(lambda i: (nodes_in[i], user), xrange(len(nodes_in)))) = user
return gsg_graph

def main():
test_user = 'hmason'
test_graph = buildSocialGraph(test_user, twitter_only=True)


Additional problems:
1: Define node types for all data returned from the API calls; including, Twitter users,
Twitter lists, non-Twitter nodes, or more.
2. Write a function to generate a k-snowball search for a given seed users. This would
require taking users returned from buildSocialGraph and using them as new seeds.

if __name__ == '__main__':

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