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Switch to Alduin color scheme
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Why you made the change:

I did this because I wanted to try out this new color scheme and see if
I thought it was better or not.
  • Loading branch information
drewdeponte committed Feb 2, 2016
1 parent 5399fcb commit 2361e89
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Showing 2 changed files with 273 additions and 2 deletions.
266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions colors/alduin.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
" " ___ "
" " - -_, ,, |\ "
" " ( ~/|| || \\ ' "
" " ( / || || / \\ \\ \\ \\ \\/\\ "
" " \/==|| || || || || || || || || "
" " /_ _|| || || || || || || || || "
" " ( - \\, \\ \\/ \\/\\ \\ \\ \\ "

" A Terminal Vim colorscheme
" Author: Alessandro Yorba
" Maintainer: Alessandro Yorba
" Script URL:
" License: MIT
" Version: 1.1.0
" Last Change: February 1st, 2016

" --------------------------------
set background=dark
" --------------------------------

highlight clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="alduin"

" Optional Shouts:
"Change Special to light red
if !exists("g:alduin_Shout_Windhelm") " {{{
let g:alduin_Shout_Windhelm = 0
endif " }}}

"To Be Determined
if !exists("g:alduin_Shout_AuraWhisper") " {{{
let g:alduin_Shout_AuraWhisper = 0
endif " }}}

let s:alduin = {}

let s:alduin.Krosulhah = [ '5f0000', 52 ]
let s:alduin.Morthal = [ '5f5f87', 60 ]
let s:alduin.Dawnstar = [ '5f8787', 66 ]
let s:alduin.Durnehviir = [ '875f5f', 95 ]
let s:alduin.Winterhold = [ '87875f', 101 ]
let s:alduin.Relonikiv = [ '878787', 102 ]
let s:alduin.Falkreath = [ '8787af', 103 ]
let s:alduin.Mirmulnir = [ '87afaf', 109 ]
let s:alduin.Markarth = [ '87ffaf', 121 ]
let s:alduin.Sahloknir = [ '870000', 124 ]
let s:alduin.Odahviing = [ 'af5f00', 130 ]
let s:alduin.Windhelm = [ 'af5f5f', 131 ]
let s:alduin.Viinturuth = [ 'af875f', 137 ]
let s:alduin.Kruziikrel = [ 'af8787', 138 ]
let s:alduin.Riverwood = [ 'afd7d7', 152 ]
let s:alduin.Sahrotaar = [ 'dfaf87', 180 ]
let s:alduin.Whiterun = [ 'dfdfaf', 187 ]
let s:alduin.Paarthurnax = [ 'ffdf87', 222 ]
let s:alduin.Solitude = [ '121212', 233 ]
let s:alduin.Skyrim = [ '1c1c1c', 234 ]
let s:alduin.Ivarstead = [ '262626', 235 ]
let s:alduin.Riften = [ '303030', 236 ]
let s:alduin.Rorikstead = [ '3a3a3a', 237 ]

function! s:HL(group, fg, ...)
" Arguments: group, guifg, guibg, gui, guisp

let histring = 'hi ' . a:group . ' '

if strlen(a:fg)
if a:fg == 'fg'
let histring .= 'guifg=fg ctermfg=fg '
let c = get(s:alduin, a:fg)
let histring .= 'guifg=#' . c[0] . ' ctermfg=' . c[1] . ' '

if a:0 >= 1 && strlen(a:1)
if a:1 == 'bg'
let histring .= 'guibg=bg ctermbg=bg '
let c = get(s:alduin, a:1)
let histring .= 'guibg=#' . c[0] . ' ctermbg=' . c[1] . ' '

if a:0 >= 2 && strlen(a:2)
let histring .= 'gui=' . a:2 . ' cterm=' . a:2 . ' '

if a:0 >= 3 && strlen(a:3)
let c = get(s:alduin, a:3)
let histring .= 'guisp=#' . c[0] . ' '

" echom histring

execute histring

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Editor Settings:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'Normal', 'Whiterun', 'Skyrim', '' )
"call s:HL( 'Cursor', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'CursorLineNR', '', '', '' )
call s:HL( 'CursorLine', '', 'Ivarstead', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'LineNr', 'Rorikstead', 'Solitude', 'none' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Number Column:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"call s:HL( 'CursorColumn', '', '', '' )
call s:HL( 'FoldColumn', 'Mirmulnir', 'Skyrim', '' )
"call s:HL( 'SignColumn', '', '', '' )
call s:HL( 'Folded', 'Rorikstead', 'Solitude', 'none' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" WindowTab Delimiters:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'VertSplit', 'Winterhold', 'Ivarstead', 'none' )
"call s:HL( 'ColorColumn', '', '', '' )
call s:HL( 'TabLine', 'Winterhold', 'Solitude', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'TabLineFill', 'Winterhold', 'Solitude', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'TabLineSel', 'Solitude', 'Winterhold', 'none' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" File Navigation:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'Directory', 'Windhelm', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Search', 'Whiterun', 'Krosulhah', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'IncSearch', 'Windhelm', '', 'reverse' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Prompt Status:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'StatusLine', 'Solitude', 'Winterhold', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'StatusLineNC', 'Winterhold', 'Riften', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'WildMenu', 'Whiterun', 'Krosulhah', 'none' )
"call s:HL( 'Question', '', '', '' )
call s:HL( 'Title', 'Windhelm', '', 'none' )
"call s:HL( 'ModeMsg', '', '', '' )
call s:HL( 'MoreMsg', 'Markarth', '', 'none' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Visual Aid:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'MatchParen', 'Skyrim', 'Durnehviir', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Visual', 'Whiterun', 'Krosulhah', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'VisualNOS', '', '', 'underline' )
call s:HL( 'NonText', 'Winterhold', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Todo', 'Odahviing', 'Solitude', 'italic' )
call s:HL( 'Underlined', 'Riverwood', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Error', 'Windhelm', 'Solitude', 'reverse' )
call s:HL( 'ErrorMsg', 'Windhelm', 'Solitude', 'reverse' )
call s:HL( 'WarningMsg', 'Windhelm', '', 'none' )
"call s:HL( 'Ignore', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'SpecialKey', '', '', '' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Variable Types:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'Constant', 'Kruziikrel', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'String', 'Paarthurnax', 'Ivarstead', 'none' )
"call s:HL( 'StringDelimiter', '', '', '' )
call s:HL( 'Character', 'Odahviing', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Number', 'Odahviing', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Boolean', 'Odahviing', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Float', 'Odahviing', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Identifier', 'Mirmulnir', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Function', 'Durnehviir', '', 'none' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Language Constructs:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'Statement', 'Relonikiv', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Conditional', 'Relonikiv', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Repeat', 'Relonikiv', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Label', 'Relonikiv', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Operator', 'Relonikiv', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Keyword', 'Relonikiv', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Exception', 'Relonikiv', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Comment', 'Winterhold', '', 'none' )

call s:HL( 'Special', 'Sahloknir', '', 'none' )
"call s:HL( 'SpecialChar', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'Tag', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'Delimiter', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'SpecialComment', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'Debug', '', '', '' )

" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" C Like:
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call s:HL( 'PreProc', 'Sahrotaar', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Include', 'Sahrotaar', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Define', 'Sahrotaar', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Macro', 'Sahrotaar', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'PreCondit', 'Sahrotaar', '', 'none' )

call s:HL( 'Type', 'Viinturuth', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'StorageClass', 'Viinturuth', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Structure', 'Viinturuth', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'Typedef', 'Viinturuth', '', 'none' )

" HTML: |
call s:HL( 'htmlArg', 'Durnehviir', '', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'htmlItalic', 'Sahrotaar', '', 'none' )

" Diff: |
call s:HL( 'DiffAdd', 'Ivarstead', 'Dawnstar', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'DiffChange', 'Ivarstead', 'Morthal', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'DiffDelete', 'Ivarstead', 'Windhelm', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'DiffText', 'Ivarstead', 'Falkreath', 'none' )

" Completion Menu: |
call s:HL( 'Pmenu', 'Rorikstead', 'Solitude', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'PmenuSel', 'Whiterun', 'Krosulhah', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'PmenuSbar', '', 'Solitude', 'none' )
call s:HL( 'PmenuThumb', '', 'Whiterun', '' )

" Spelling: |
call s:HL( 'SpellBad', 'Windhelm', '', 'undercurl' )
"call s:HL( 'SpellCap', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'SpellLocal', '', '', '' )
"call s:HL( 'SpellRare', '', '', '' )

" Executed SHOUTS:
if g:alduin_Shout_Windhelm
call s:HL('Special', 'Windhelm', '', 'none')
if g:alduin_Shout_AuraWhisper
"call s:HL( '', '', '', '' )
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions vimrc
Expand Up @@ -216,12 +216,17 @@ augroup END

" Tell it to use the Alduin color scheme
let g:alduin_Shout_Windhelm = 1
colorscheme alduin

" Tell it to use the solarized color scheme
" In order to have this work properly in iTerm2 you also need to setup the
" iTerm2 solarized color scheme.
set background=light
colorscheme solarized
" set background=light
" colorscheme solarized

Expand Down

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