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An Erlang Webmachine resource library for faster and less verbose API development.


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An Erlang web resource library for faster and less verbose API development.

Rebar Configuration

In your rebar.config, ensure the following is there:

{deps, [
    {webturbine, {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}

Cowboy Integration

Webturbine relies on Cowboy. Here's an example resource dispatch:

%% Start HTTP listeners
DispatchList = webturbine:dispatch([myresource]),
Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([{'_', DispatchList}]),
{ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(http, 10, [{port, 8080}], #{env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}}).

Resource Definition


Your resource module should implement the webturbine_resource behaviour like so:

-behaviour(webturbine_resource). %% Optional

%% Behaviour Callbacks:
routes() -> [wtb_route:new(something)].

%% Route Callbacks:
something_get() -> "You got something!".


Routes can be specified as records, or as function calls to wtb_route:new/1-3. Here is an example route which uses all of the available fields:


routes() ->
         name = myroute,
         path = [["my", "route", var],["my", "alias", var]],
         methods = ['GET'],
         provides = [json],
         accepts = [any],
         routes = [
                 name = mysubroute,
                 path = [["part", "two", var2]],
                 provides = [json]
         prefix = [["this", "is"]]},
         handlers = [{myroute_get, fun(_,S)-> {"myroute GET response!",S} end}],
         resource = myroute_module,
         state = {my, initial, <<"state">>},
         handler_type = rest

That #wtb_route{} definition will result in the following webmachine routes getting created:

GET /this/is/my/route/#{var}
GET /this/is/my/route/#{var}/part/two/#{var2}
GET /this/is/my/alias/#{var}
GET /this/is/my/alias/#{var}/part/two/#{var2}

Route Fields

Name Possible Values Example
name atom() cluster
path string(), atom() [["path", "to", thing],["alias", "to", thing]]
methods (optional) 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE' ['GET', 'PUT']
provides (optional) json, binary, text, html, requested, any, none, string() [json]
accepts (optional) json, binary, text, html, requested, any, none, string() ["application/mycustomtype"]
routes (optional) wtb_route() [#wtb_route{name=simple}] or [wtb_route:new(simple)]
prefix (optional) string(), atom() [["prefix", "to", "route"],["alias_prefix", "to", "route"]]
resource (optional, overrides) module() webturbine_static_res
handlers (optional) [{atom(), function()}] [{myroute_get, fun(_,S)-> {"myroute_value",S} end}]
state (optional) term() [{mykey, <<"myvalue">>}]
handler_type (optional) `rest websocket`


For routes that don't require request data, use this callback format:

RouteName_CallbackName() -> wtb_resp().

For routes that do require request data, use this callback format:

RouteName_CallbackName(wtb_req()) -> wtb_resp().

For routes that require a resource defined state, use this callback format:

RouteName_CallbackName(wtb_req(), term()) -> {wtb_resp(), term()}.
Available Callbacks Per Route:
Name Description Example
init Define the initial state of a request here. myroute_init() -> #state{}.
available Continues processing if true, renders 503 page if false myroute_available(_Req) -> true
exists Should return true or false, renders 404 if false myroute_exists(Req, State) -> Response=get_thing(wrq:path_info(thing, Req)), {true, State#state{response=Response}}.
is_conflict Should return true or false, renders 409 if true myroute_is_conflict(Req, State) -> myroute_exists(Req, State).
previously_existed Should return true or false myroute_peviously_existed(Req, State) -> myroute_exists(Req, State).
malformed_request Should return true or false myroute_malformed_request(Req, State) -> {valid_req(Req), State}.
get Should return the contents of an HTTP GET request myroute_get(Req, State=#state{response=Response}) -> {Response, State}.
put Should accept the body from an HTTP PUT request myroute_put(Req) -> put_thing(wrq:req_body(Req)), [{sucess, true}].
patch Should accept the body from an HTTP PATCH request myroute_patch(Req) -> patch_thing(wrq:req_body(Req)), [{sucess, true}].
post_path If this function exists, then a POST is considered a create operation, and post_path should create the new resource name myroute_post_path() -> "node1".
post Should accept the body from an HTTP POST request myroute_put(Req) -> create_thing(wrq:req_body(Req)), true.
delete Should process an HTTP DELETE request myroute_delete(Req) -> delete_thing(wrq:path_info(thing, Req)), true.
last_modified Should return the last modified date of a resource for a route myroute_last_modified(Req) -> {{2021,1,1},{0,0,0}}.
etag Should return ETag header for a resource myroute_etag(Req, State) -> {generate_etag(State)), State}
handle (Websocket routes only, use 'handler_type=websocket') mysocket_handle({text, Msg}) -> {text, << "Great, how about you! ", Msg/binary >>}.
info (Websocket routes only, use 'handler_type=websocket') mysocket_info({timeout, _Ref, Msg}) -> {text, Msg}

Example Rest Resource



routes() -> 
    ClusterRoute = wtb_route:new(cluster, [["clusters", cluster]]),
    ClusterRoute1 = wtb_route:set_field(routes, [
        wtb_route:new(node, [["nodes", node]])

%% Cluster
cluster_exists(Req) -> 
    ClusterKey = wrq:path_info(cluster, Req),
    % Some logic with ClusterKey
cluster_get(Req) ->
    ClusterKey = list_to_binary(wrq:path_info(cluster, Req)),
    [{ClusterKey, [
        {nodes, [node1, node2, node3]}
%% Node
node_exists(Req) -> 
    NodeKey = wrq:path_info(node, Req),
    case cluster_exists(Req) of
        true ->
            %% Some logic with NodeKey
        false ->
node_get(Req) ->
    ClusterKey = list_to_binary(wrq:path_info(cluster, Req)),
    NodeKey = list_to_binary(wrq:path_info(node, Req)),
    [{NodeKey, [
        {cluster, ClusterKey},
        {host, <<"localhost:8098">>}]

Example Websocket Resource



routes() -> 
      #wtb_route{name = mysocket,
                path = [["mysocket"]],
                handler_type = websocket}

mysocket_init() ->
	erlang:start_timer(1000, self(), <<"Hello!">>),

mysocket_handle({text, Msg}) ->
	{text, <<"You sent me: ", Msg/binary >>}.

mysocket_info({timeout, _Ref, Msg}) ->
	erlang:start_timer(1000, self(), <<"Hello?">>),
    {text, Msg}.


An Erlang Webmachine resource library for faster and less verbose API development.







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