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Victory is a design landscape inspired by Mondrian, specifically Victory Boogie-Woogie.


Design landscapes are expansive drawing surfaces. In this case, the surface stretches infinitely in two dimensions with several layers of depth throughout. Mondrain was influenced by the cityscape around him, and here these themes play out as a navigable map that stretches in all directions.

This work presented many technical challenges. Algorithmically, the visuals are the result of a dynamic process which is a hand-crafted hybrid of fractal and simulation. All graphics are generated dynamically - none of the visuals are pre-computed. The world literally springs to life as you zoom or pan to look at it.

The document you are reading is both the description of the program as well as the full algorithm itself. The programming language I have used is literate coffeescript, which was chosen because it allows me to naturally interleave the machinery of the algorithm with explanation and context.


To obtain the overall effect of predetermined variation, I needed to implement my own custom random number generator. This generator needs to be fully repeatable and takes three arguments which represent the position and depth as the seed. This implementation is based on Michal Budzynski's JavaScript implementation and forgoes better statistics for speed and initialization time because this program has the somewhat unusual characteristic of needing thousands of individual random number generators as the design unfolds.

By using individual random number generators spatially connected to their environment, locations are independent of each other given some radius of interaction, which allows the image tiles to be generated in any order.

These numbers are used again and again, so we cache them for efficiency

cachedRandomConstant = Math.pow(2, 13)+1
cachedRandomMaximum = Math.pow(2, 50)

When called, returns an object whose next method can be used to generate the random numbers (here random numbers vary between 0 and 1024).

CustomRandom = (x,y,s) ->
  constant = cachedRandomConstant
  prime = 37
  maximum = cachedRandomMaximum

  x += 10000
  y += 10000
  x = Math.abs(x)
  y = Math.abs(y)

  seed = (x * y * 13 + 1) + ((y & x) * 13 + 1) + s

  nextfn = () ->
    seed *= constant
    seed += prime
    seed %= maximum
    ~~(1024 * seed / maximum)
  for times in [0...6]

  return {
      next : nextfn

This additional mod function provides correct results with negative numbers. (more information is available on StackOverflow and

Number.prototype.mod = (n) ->

A utility for snapping an x,y point to a grid. Grid spacing varies as a function of depth.

getPointAlignedToGrid = (x, y, s) ->
  gx = x - x.mod(s)
  gy = y - y.mod(s)
  [gx, gy]

Utilities for reading/writing values in a lookup table. A key,value is written into the map object at a specific point and depth on the grid. This is used for collision detection across layers, etc.

rememberCellProperty = (map, x, y, s, k, v) ->
  map[s] = {} if not map[s]?
  map[s][x] = {} if not map[s][x]?
  map[s][x][y] = {} if not map[s][x][y]?
  map[s][x][y][k] = v

recallCellProperty = (map, x, y, s, k) ->
  if map[s]? && map[s][x]? && map[s][x][y]?


There are 18 distinct layers. Each layer has twice the detail in width and height as the previous layer. The layers are numbered from 11 to 28 inclusive. Layer 11 is the highest level of detail.

Here's a lookup table used in city generation that encodes some of the sizes.

indexSizeTable =
  14: 8192
  15: 16384
  16: 32768
  17: 65536
  18: 131072

The layers are grouped into lists so that the simulation can be ordered. Layers within a group can interact with each other in a timeline, but subsequent groups spring into being after the group before them has completed. In this way large features can be laid down followed by smaller ones, though the different sized layers within a group can interact as they are growing.

Most of the overall design is encoded in these magic constants.

Color definitions.

mYellow = '#f7bf00'
dullYellow = '#dba300'
mBlue = '#37508a'
dullBlue = '#5b5c94'
mRed = '#f50603'
dullGrey = '#dfc4bd'
mGrey = '#ded5d3'
mBlack = '#291f20'
mBackground = '#fcfffc'
forestGreen = '#0b9600'
darkForestGreen = '#006a02'
darkBlueGreen = '#006a50'
darkerBlueGreen = '#004d39'
veryDarkYellow = '#243300'
forestWoods = '#964e00'
sageStreak = '#00ce91'
darkBackground = '#0a4d00'

Elements are grown from seeds. Each seed can grow as one of the following primitives.

LINE   = 1
CROSS  = 2
POOL   = 3
CLOUD  = 4

The layers are defined inline with the groups that contain them. Not all fields are necessary for all layers, and sometimes debug or other information is added to a layer for convenience.

The building group represents "large buildings" in the city.

buildingGroup = [
  {index: 18, size: 131072, thresh: 25, grow: LINE,
  minDrawSize: 4, minstretch: 1, stretch: 3, 
  colors: [mBlue, mRed, mYellow], 
  outcolors: [forestWoods, forestGreen]},

  {index: 17, size: 65536, thresh: 100, grow: LINE,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 1, stretch: 3, 
  colors: [mRed, mYellow, mBlue, mGrey],

All the other details of the cities are in the city group.

cityGroup = [
  {index: 17, size: 65536, thresh: 100, grow: LINE,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 1, stretch: 2,
  colors:[mRed, mYellow, mBlue, mGrey]},

  {index: 16, size: 32768, thresh: 100, grow: LINE,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 1, stretch: 3,
  colors:[mRed, mYellow, mBlue, mGrey]},

  {index: 15, size: 16384, thresh: 7, grow: LINE,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 6, stretch: 7,
  colors:[mRed, mYellow, mBlue],

  {index: 14, size: 8192, thresh: 9, grow: LINE,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 22, stretch: 24,
  colors:[mRed, mYellow, mBlack, mBlue, mGrey],

Drawn separately are the finest details, which can only exist in open spaces. (this layer does not appear in the final version)

peopleGroup = [
  {index: 11, size: 1024, thresh: 1, grow: CLOUD,
  minDrawSize: 4, minstretch: 1, cloudThresh: 40, stretch: 9,
  colors:['#d8ad00', '#a68500', '#735c00', '#403300']}

The outer group defines the largest features which are seen when zooming out. waterGroup is the furtherst out and is established on its own timeline so that nothing will be on top of it.

waterGroup = [
  {index: 28, size: 134217728, thresh: 30, grow: POOL,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 1, stretch: 4, colors:['#7777ee']},

  {index: 27, size: 67108864, thresh: 30, grow: POOL,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 1, stretch: 2, colors:['#8888ee']}

outerGroup = [
  {index: 25, size: 16777216, thresh: 20, grow: POOL,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 2, stretch: 6,
  colors:[darkBlueGreen, veryDarkYellow, darkerBlueGreen]},

  {index: 24, size: 8388608, thresh: 16, grow: POOL,
  minDrawSize: 8, minstretch: 1, stretch: 4,
  colors:[darkForestGreen, darkBlueGreen]},

  {index: 22, size: 2097152, thresh: 8, grow: POOL,
  minDrawSize: 4, minstretch: 1, stretch: 5,
  colors:[forestGreen, darkForestGreen]},

  {index: 23, size: 4194304, thresh: 1, grow: POOL,
  minDrawSize: 4, minstretch: 1, stretch: 2, colors:[mBackground]},

  {index: 19, size: 262144, thresh: 5, grow: CROSS,
  minDrawSize: 4, minstretch: 1, stretch: 5, colors:[mRed],

This is the master list of groups and encodes the order in which they are generated.

layerGroups = [

Each layer generates a number of seeds on a timeline, and then grows the feature from the seed by running the timeline in order. This is the function that grows an individual seed into a feature. The result is a list of rectangle objects pushed onto the provided rects array.

growSeed = (c, x1, y1, scalex, scaley, rects, map, cy) ->
  colors = cy.colors

A POOL is a spreading group of squares.

  if (cy.grow == POOL)
    main_rng = CustomRandom(c.x, c.y, cy.size)
    cindex = % cy.colors.length
    poolColor = colors[cindex]
    for i in [0-c.extent1 ... c.extent2]
      for j in [0-c.extent1 ... c.extent2]
        r = {}
        r.color = poolColor
        r.rect = [(c.x-x1+i*cy.size)*scalex, (c.y-y1+j*cy.size)*scaley,
            cy.size*scalex, cy.size*scaley]
        rememberCellProperty(map, (c.x+i*cy.size), (c.y+j*cy.size),
            cy.size, "active", true)

A CLOUD is a group of scattered squares

  if (cy.grow == CLOUD)
    main_rng = CustomRandom(c.x, c.y, cy.size)
    cindex = % cy.colors.length
    poolColor = colors[cindex]
    for i in [0-c.extent1 ... c.extent2]
      curx = (c.x+i*cy.size)
      for j in [0-c.extent1 ... c.extent2]
        cury = (c.y+i*cy.size)
        abort = false
        rng = CustomRandom(curx, cury, cy.size)
        # abort randomly to get that cloud effect
        n =
        if (n > cy.cloudThresh)
            abort = true

Checks are done here to not draw on top of other layers.

        if (!abort && cy.index >= 11 && cy.index <= 19)
          # lookup out of city colors
          gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(curx, cury, 4194304)
          onCity = recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], gridPoint[1],
              4194304, "active")
          if (onCity)
            for l in [12 .. 18]
              break if abort
              cellSize = indexSizeTable[l]
              gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(curx, cury, cellSize)
              onOther = recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], gridPoint[1],
                  cellSize, "active")
              if (onOther)
                abort = true
        if (!abort)
          r = {}
          cindex = % cy.colors.length
          r.color = cy.colors[cindex]
          r.rect = [(c.x-x1+i*cy.size)*scalex, (c.y-y1+j*cy.size)*scaley,
              cy.size*scalex, cy.size*scaley]
          rememberCellProperty(map, (c.x+i*cy.size), (c.y+j*cy.size),
              cy.size, "active", true)

LINE is a row or column of squares and a CROSS is a row and a column together. These shares logic here - a LINE is considered a special case of a CROSS.

  if(cy.grow == CROSS || (cy.grow == LINE))
    for isVertical in [true, false]
      # line skips one part of the cross
      if (cy.grow == LINE && isVertical != c.dir)
      for dual in [0 ... 2]
        abort = false
        start = 0
        inc = 1
        stopat = c.extent1
        if (dual > 0)
          start = -1
          inc = -1
          stopat = 0-c.extent2

Lines are drawn from the center out so that they can be stopped upon hitting a barrier.

        for i in [start ... stopat] by inc
          colors = cy.colors
          if (isVertical)
            curx = (c.x+i*cy.size)
            cury = c.y
            curx = c.x
            cury = (c.y+i*cy.size)
          rng = CustomRandom(curx, cury, cy.size)
          r = {}
          cindex = % cy.colors.length
          if (cy.index >= 11 && cy.index <= 19)
            # lookup out of city colors
            gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(curx, cury, 4194304)
            onCity = recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], gridPoint[1],
                4194304, "active")
            if (onCity)
              for l in [11 .. 18]
                break if abort
                cellSize = indexSizeTable[l]
                gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(curx, cury, cellSize)
                onOther = recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], 
                    gridPoint[1], cellSize, "active")
                if (onOther)
                  abort = true
            if (cy.index == 19 || cy.index == 18)
              if(onCity && cy.index == 19)
                abort = true
                colors = cy.outcolors
          if (!abort)
            r.color = colors[cindex]
            r.rect = [(curx-x1)*scalex, (cury-y1)*scaley,
                cy.size*scalex, cy.size*scaley]
            rememberCellProperty(map, curx, cury, cy.size, "active", true)

This is the core routine of the algorithm. Given a bounding box and level of zoom, it returns all of the rectangles that are in that bounding box. To do that it must run a full simulation of the seeds of all layers from a radius of causality around the provided box.

This method is called as needed by the interface as someone moves through the virtual space. It returns an array of rectangles to be drawn.

getRectsIn = (x1, y1, x2, y2, s) ->
  rects = []
  hs = s / 2

  if x2 < x1
    [x1, x2] = [x2, x1]

  scalex = s / (x2 - x1)
  scaley = s / (y2 - y1)

  map = {}

We iterate through each of the layerGroups. Layers within a layerGroups share a timeline and can interact as they grow.

  for lg in layerGroups

The runlist is a growing in-order list of scheduled tasks. Here I'm using shinout's SortedList javascript container class.

    runlist = SortedList.create {
      compare:  (a,b) ->
        if(a.tstart != b.tstart)
          return a.tstart - b.tstart
        if(a.x != b.x)
          return a.x - b.x
        return a.y - b.y

Iterate through all layers in the group and build up list of pending tasks.

    for cy in lg
      # short circuit out if features are too small
      if(cy.size * scalex < cy.minDrawSize)

      maxstretch = cy.stretch

      # iteration bounds
      gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(x1, y1, cy.size)
      dx = cy.size
      dy = cy.size
      size = cy.size
      xmin = gridPoint[0] - (maxstretch * dx)
      ymin = gridPoint[1] - (maxstretch * dy)
      gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(x2, y2, cy.size)
      xmax = gridPoint[0] + (maxstretch * dx) + dx
      ymax = gridPoint[1] + (maxstretch * dy) + dy

      c = {}

      # the cells themselves
      grid = new Array((xmax-xmin)/dx)

      Nthresh = cy.thresh

      stepx = 0
      for i in [xmin...xmax] by dx
        grid[stepx] = new Array((ymax-ymin)/dy)
        stepy = 0
        for j in [ymin...ymax] by dy
          cellSkip = false
          # water filter
          if (!cellSkip && cy.index == 27)
            # lookup water skip
            gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(i, j, 134217728)
            if (!recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], gridPoint[1],
                134217728, "active"))
              cellSkip = true
          # nothing else on water
          if (!cellSkip && cy.index < 27)
            # lookup water skip
            gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(i, j, 134217728)
            if (recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], gridPoint[1],
                134217728, "active"))
              cellSkip = true
          # don't cover up cities before layer 18
          if (!cellSkip && cy.index > 20 && cy.index < 23)
            # lookup city skip
            gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(i, j, 4194304)
            if (recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], gridPoint[1],
                4194304, "active"))
              cellSkip = true
          # city filter
          if (!cellSkip && cy.index < 18)
            # lookup city skip
            gridPoint = getPointAlignedToGrid(i, j, 4194304)
            if (!recallCellProperty(map, gridPoint[0], gridPoint[1],
                4194304, "active"))
              cellSkip = true
          if (!cellSkip)
            rng = CustomRandom(i, j, cy.size)
            n =
            if (n < Nthresh)
              c = {}
     = cy
              c.x = i
              c.y = j
              c.size = scalex
              c.dir = < 512 ? 0 : 1
              c.tstart =
              c.extent1 = cy.minstretch + 
         - cy.minstretch)
              c.extent2 = cy.minstretch + 
         - cy.minstretch)
              grid[stepx][stepy] = c
          stepy += 1
        stepx += 1

Whew. Now that we have a sorted list of tasks from the layers, we can run each in order.

    for runner in runlist
      growSeed(runner, x1, y1, scalex, scaley, rects, map,

And finally we return the aggregated list of rects to draw.

  return rects


The interface presented is a navigable map. The map interface itself is provided by the excellent leaflet javascript library. This use of leaflet is slightly unusual in that the map itself is dynamically generated as a result of navigation. To achieve this, a special subclass of leaflet's TileLayer class is created. This version of the class has a custom version of the leaflet drawTile method which tranlates coordinate spaces, delegates all the hard work to the getRectsIn function above, and then renders the set of rects on an HTML canvas.

tiles = new L.TileLayer.Canvas {continuousWorld: true}

tiles.drawTile = (canvas, tile, zoom) ->
  ctx = canvas.getContext '2d'
  ctx.fillStyle = darkBackground
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 256)
  ctx.fillStyle = 'black'

  tileCount = 1 << zoom
  XStart = 0
  XDiff = 268435456      
  MinX = XStart + XDiff * tile.x / tileCount
  MaxX = MinX + XDiff / tileCount
  YStart = 0
  YDiff = 268435456
  MinY = YStart + YDiff * tile.y / tileCount
  MaxY = MinY + YDiff / tileCount

  rects = getRectsIn(MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY, 256)
  for r in rects
    ctx.fillRect.apply(ctx, r.rect)

Provide settings for the map and start it working. I use mlevans' useful leaflet-hash plugin to allow links to specific views, though I have to do some custom initialization to make sure the map is created in the right place.

defaultStart =
  center: new L.LatLng 584.8926, 1106.5347
  zoom: 10
start = L.Hash.prototype.parseHash(location.hash) || defaultStart
map = new L.Map 'map', {
  zoom: start.zoom, 
  minZoom: 0,
  maxZoom: 14,
  layers: [tiles],
  attributionControl: false,
  crs: L.CRS.Simple
hash = new L.Hash map

And lastly, some external controls for navigation.

attrib = new L.Control.Attribution
attrib.setPrefix ""
attrStr = '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:clickDemo();">tour</a> | '
attrStr += '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:clickHome();">home</a> | '
attrStr += '<a href="">code</a>'
attrib.addAttribution attrStr
map.addControl attrib

curLinkIndex = 1
linkPath = [
  "#10/584.8931/1106.5347",  # home

this.clickHome = () ->
  curLinkIndex = 0
  location.hash = linkPath[0]

this.clickDemo = () ->
  curLinkIndex = (curLinkIndex + 1) % linkPath.length
  location.hash = linkPath[curLinkIndex]