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Super Simple Jenkins Viewer

This project is a super simple Jenkins front end.

It's meant to shield your Jenkins server from potential security issues.

Don't forget to block the internal Jenkins port with a firewall and bind only to localhost for good measure!

Live demo

Deployment info

More for myself than a recommendation. This assumes a few things about the runtime environment:

  • Use Arch Linux (nginx user:group is http:http instead of www-data:www-data).
  • Use nginx on the host as a proxy.
  • Use (sub)domains to differentiate between different apps (or have nginx do the url-rewriting).
  • The nginx worker user is http, the /run/sock folder can be used with 1 subfolder per app/subdomain.
  • Jenkins is bound to This means need to run with --network host to avoid dealing with routing from the container to the host but still not allow external access to jenkins.

Here is my startup command:

docker run -d --name jenkinsviewer -v /run/sock/jenkins:/sock -e RUNAS=$(id -u http):$(id -g http) --network host --restart unless-stopped

The nginx config is roughly based on previous configs of mine and the gunicorn example. This is the important bits:

user http http;
http {
    include mime.types;
    sendfile on;
    server {
        listen 80 deferred;
        keepalive_timeout 5;
        location / {
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
            # we don't want nginx trying to do something clever with
            # redirects, we set the Host: header above already.
            proxy_redirect off;
            proxy_pass unix:/run/sock/jenkins/web.sock;