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The cert cacher magician

If you create machines on the fly to run your integration tests and your services run over TLS, you may run into rate limits when requesting certificates.

Cert-cacher is a simple tsnet cert caching service that leverages the built-in identity on tailnets.


$ git clone
$ cd cert-cacher
$ go build .
# This will store the certs in memory (use -disk to store in disk)
$ ./cert-cacher

Now you can make requests from any node in the tailnet. Remember to update your (ACL) to give proper permissions to the machines you want to have access to the cert-cacher.

# Save your certs (the service will look at the file header to determine what you are sending):
$ curl  --data-binary @./ http://cert-cacher:9191/
$ curl  --data-binary @./ http://cert-cacher:9191/

# Get the private key/cert for the cert associated with the machine that makes the request
$ curl http://cert-cacher:9191/key
$ curl http://cert-cacher:9191/cert

# Check how many days before the cert expires:
$ curl http://cert-cacher:9191/days

All these require you to issue the certs. you will probably use tailscale cert. To help with that, cert-cacher embeds a shell script that you can execute like so:

# Execute the script but only print the cmds you'd run (-p)
$ curl -s http://cert-cacher:9191/sh |  sh -s -- -p -d
LOG> -p enabled, printing cmds only
LOG> /days status=404 days_to_expire=404 page not found
LOG> Cert not available in cacher. Requesting one and sending it to the cacher
tailscale cert
curl --data-binary @./ http://cert-cacher:9191
curl --data-binary @./ http://cert-cacher:9191

If the cert was cached:

$ curl -s http://cert-cacher:9191/sh |  sh -s -- -p -d
LOG> -p enabled, printing cmds only
LOG> /days status=200 days_to_expire=359
LOG> Cert cached and valid. Getting it from the cacher
curl http://cert-cacher:9191/cert >
curl http://cert-cacher:9191/key >