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Compiling AMBiT

We’ve tested AMBiT and know it works on the Linux and macOS operating systems. It will probably work on MS Windows or other Unix operating systems (e.g. FreeBSD, Illumos, etc), but we haven't tried it so we can't say for sure.

In order to compile AMBiT you’ll need the following software libraries and tools:

  • A C++ compiler with support for C++17, such as GCC, Clang, or the Intel C++ compiler.

  • GSL - The GNU Scientific Library.

  • The Boost C++ libraries.

  • Eigen (v3) - C++ linear algebra package.

  • LAPACK and BLAS - linear algebra subroutines. Can be substituted for internal libraries in the (proprietary) Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL). Compiling against MKL allows expensive linear-algebra operations (including generating angular data) to be automatically parallelised at run-time.

  • Google Abseil

  • CMake software build tool.

  • (Optional) OpenMP and MPI - parallel programming libraries to run AMBiT on high-performance computing clusters. These will generally be cluster-specific, although OpenMP is supported by default on both GCC and the Intel C++ compiler.

Most of these dependencies can be installed from your operating system's pacakge manager (e.g. apt-get in Ubuntu, dnf in Fedora or Homebrew in macOS). Some package managers have separate "development" packages, which you must also install to be able to compile AMBiT against them. These development packages tend to have names ending with some variation on "dev", such as liblapack-dev on Ubuntu.

It is important that Boost dependencies are built with the same compiler as the rest of AMBiT. Some package managers (such as Homebrew or the module systems on HPC clusters) do not guarantee this, which can cause crashes and unpredictable behaviour at run-time. Consult your system's documentation for instructions on how to ensure AMBiT and Boost are built with compatible compilers.


AMBiT makes extensive use of modern C++ features, and requires a compiler which supports at least C++17. Notably, AMBiT requires a toolchain (C++ compiler and standard library) which supports the filesystem library introduced in the C++17 standard; a table showing the minimum versions of major compilers which support this feature can be found at this link:

The following compilers are known to work with AMBiT:

  • GCC with libstdc++ v8.x or later
  • Intel "Classic" C++ compiler (icpc, not the newer LLVM-based compiler icpx) v2023 or later
  • Clang with libc++ v7.x or later

There is a bug in the newer LLVM-based Intel C++ compiler (icpx, released in 2024) which causes the compiler to crash when compiling AMBiT; use the "Classic" Intel C++ compiler or GCC instead.

Building with CMake

Quick start

Do this to build AMBiT in ./build and install it to a sensible directory:

cmake -B build
cmake --build build
cmake --install build

The AMBiT build process is based around a build tool called CMake, which handles both build configuration and the actual compilation. CMake is a powerful, highly-customisable tool; we provide a brief overview here, but see the official Kitware CMake FAQ and documentation for more detailed instructions.

###Configuring A CMake build has three conceptual stages:

  1. Configuration, including setting compiler options and finding external libraries,
  2. Compilation, which can optionally be done in parallel on multi-core machines,
  3. Installation, where CMake copies the final ambit binary executable to another directory.

We recommend compiling AMBiT in a dedicated folder, as this keeps everything neat and tidy, and makes it easy to quickly clean up things like shared objects by just deleting the build folder. For concreteness, we'll use build as the name of the build folder for the examples throughout this guide.

The first stage, configuration, is the most complex and is CMake's "special sauce". It lets us specify a choice of compiler (and compiler flags), toggle different modes of parallelism, and set up (or automatically infer) the paths and options for linking to external libraries. To configure the build, make sure you're in the base-level AMBiT directory and run:

cmake -B build

This creates a folder called build in the current directory and populates it with basic CMake scaffolding. We can provide additional options to CMake via command line options of the form:

cmake -B build -D<OPTION>=<VALUE>

For example, to build AMBiT with MPI and OpenMP, we need to set USE_MPI=true and USE_OPENMP=true during configuration, we'd do:

cmake -B build -DUSE_MPI=true -DUSE_OPENMP=true

We can leave most build options unspecified and CMake will attempt to automatically infer sensible defaults, but these inferences can be explicitly overridden if required. It may be necessary to explicitly specify the paths to some of the libraries required by AMBiT, since CMake may not be able to automatically find the libraries on all systems (especially if there are multiple versions available).

CMake can often automatically find and configure the external libraries needed by AMBiT, but may sometimes struggle on systems with non-standard installation directories (especially on HPC systems using non-standard environment modules). The CMake configuration step will fail if it can't find any of the required libraries, in which case you'll need to manually set the paths using one of the CMake options listed below.

Here is a short list of CMake options for AMBiT:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: location to install AMBiT (you must have read/write permissions for this directory)
  • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: C++ compiler to use when compiling AMBiT. For MPI-enabled builds, this must be manually set to the correct MPI compiler wrappers (e.g. mpiCC for OpenMPI)
  • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS: Flags to pass to the C++ compiler
  • CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER (case sensitive): Fortran compiler to use when compiling Davidson eigensolver
  • CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS (case sensitive): Flags to pass to the Fortran compiler
  • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: additional paths for CMake configuration files for external libraries. Only necessary when CMake's automatic package configuration fails
  • EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR: directory containing Eigen header files
  • USE_OPENMP: toggle whether to use OpenMP multithreading parallelism
  • USE_MPI: toggle whether to use MPI parallelism
  • USE_MKL: toggle whether to use MKL for linear algebra operations
  • MKL_INTERFACE_FULL: MKL library interface to link against (see below for more details)
  • MKL_THREADING: backend library to use for multithreaded linear algebra operations (see below for more details)
  • MKL_MPI: choice of MPI library to use for MKL (must be the same as used by AMBiT)
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: choose the build type. Options include
    • Release (-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release) the default, optimised build
    • Debug
    • RelWithDebInfo
  • BUILD_TESTING: (for developers) toggle whether to build unit testing suite (see below for more details)

###Compiling Once we've configured the build, we can compile AMBiT by doing

cmake --build build

Additionally, you can pass the -j option to tell cmake to use multiple cores when compiling AMBiT. For example, we can use all available CPU cores on a system by doing:

cmake --build build -j $(nproc)

which will considerably speed up the build process by using compiling multiple files at a time in parallel.

###Installing Finally, we can install AMBiT by running:

cmake --install build

You might need to sudo this command. By default, this will try to install AMBiT somewhere like /usr/local/bin/ambit. This directory is often not writable on shared systems like HPC clusters, so we usually want to set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during configuration to some directory we have write-access to. In this case, CMake will install AMBiT to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/ambit, so for example:

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./installed
cmake --build build
cmake --install build

will install AMBiT to ./installed/bin/ambit.

Building with MKL

Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL) can provide substantial speedups for linear algebra operations, but it has many configuration options and can be difficult to link against. Fortunately, MKL releases greater than 2021.3 have good support for CMake, so most of the necessary configuration can by done by setting CMake variables. CMake can usually find MKL automatically, but if it fails then you may need to manually specify the path to the MKL CMake configuration (i.e. the folder containing MKLConfig.cmake) by setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH configuration variable.

It's important to note that MKL supports two different linking interfaces for its dynamic libraries: 64-bit integers (the default) and 32-bit integers. These can be set via the MKL_INTERFACE_FULL CMake option. Eigen (which AMBiT uses for linear algebra operations) can use MKL as a backend, but it only works with the 32-bit interface and will crash at run-time (usually with a segmentation fault) if compiled with the default 64-bit interface.

As a result, you must explicitly request the 32-bit interface when compiling AMBiT by setting MKL_INTERFACE_FULL in the configuration stage. The exact value this variable must be set to can be different depending on your configuration, but it's usually one of either -DMKL_INTERFACE_FULL=lp64 or -DMKL_INTERFACE_FULL=intel_lp64 (for Intel compilers), or -DMKL_INTERFACE_FULL=gf_lp64 (for GNU). If MKL_INTERFACE_FULL is not explicitly set, then CMake will print the possible options in the configuration output. Consult the documentation for your version of MKL, as well as for Eigen, if you are unsure:

Finally, MKL supports using multithreading to do linear algebra operations in parallel, which can provide substantial speedups when enabled. There are multiple supported backends, but it's important to select one that's compatible with the compiler you are using to build AMBiT. You can specify which backend MKL should use by setting the MKL_THREADING CMake variable to one of the following values:

  • sequential: no multithreading
  • intel_thread: Intel's OpenMP implementation (default)
  • tbb_thread: Intel's Threading Building Blocks library
  • gnu_thread: The GNU/GCC OpenMP implementation

While it is technically possible to "mix and match" libraries, the safest choice is to set MKL_THREADING=gnu_thread if you're using GCC, or MKL_THREADING=intel_thread if you're using the Intel compilers. If no value is supplied then it will default to using MKL_THREADING=intel_thread

Building the test suite

AMBiT has a set of automated unit and regression tests via GoogleTest and CMake's inbuilt ctest runner program. Running tests can often catch bugs well before they show up in production, so we we recommend running the test suite early and often if you're developing AMBiT or adding your own functionality.

To enable tests, set BUILD_TESTING=true when configuring with CMake, then compile as normal - CMake will automatically download GoogleTest and build the test suite. Once the tests have been built, change into the build directory (e.g. ./build) and run ctest, e.g.:

cmake -B build -DBUILD_TESTING=true
cmake --build build
cd build

Note that the unit tests do not currently support MPI parallelism, so you must also compile with USE_MPI=no to build the test suite.

Use ctest -V to print "verbose" diagnostic output to the terminal for the whole test suite, and ctest --output-on-failure to print diagnostics for only those tests which fail. Additionally, it can sometimes be useful to only run a subset of the test suite while debugging, which can by providing a test or group of tests via ctest -R e.g.:

ctest -R AngularDataTester

Will run just the AngularData tests and exit (ctest -R also accepts test IDs in the form of regular expressions).

You can also run ctest --help for a full list of possible options when running unit tests.

Example build options


We recommend using the homebrew package manager on MacOS systems. Your MacBook or MacPro has a single shared pool of memory, so it is best to compile with OpenMP and not MPI. Step by step instructions for an 8-core Mac:

  1. Install dependencies
    brew install gcc gsl boost eigen abseil cmake libomp

  2. Set environment variable to find OpenMP
    export OpenMP_ROOT=$(brew --prefix)/opt/libomp

  3. Build AMBiT and install it somewhere in $PATH

    cmake -B build -DUSE_OPENMP=true
    cmake --build build -j 8
    sudo cmake --install build
  4. Test it for your preferred number of threads

    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8
    ambit template.input

You might like to set the default environment variables by putting the export commands in your ~/.profile (bash) or ~/.zprofile (zsh) configuration files. Thanks to Steven Worm (DESY) for help with this configuration.

Gadi supercomputer (NCI Australia)

This is intended only as an example of building for a CPU-based cluster. We use Gadi for large jobs run over several nodes. Gadi uses a module system, but does not have a module for Abseil at the time of writing.

We install Abseil using CMake in a user directory which we write as <home> below (instructions here). Abseil is configured with the flag -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<home>/abseil-cpp/installed. We also needed to point CMake at Abseil and Eigen explicitly in the AMBiT configuration step.

The ANGULAR_DATA_DIR is set to a group directory so that angular data is shared between different users by default (you can override this at runtime). The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is also set to the group directory.

Our configuration step looks like:

cmake -B build \
  -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<home>/abseil-cpp/installed/lib64/cmake/absl/ \
  -DEigen3_DIR=/apps/eigen/3.3.7/share/eigen3/cmake/ \
  -DUSE_OPENMP=yes -DUSE_MPI=yes \
  -DUSE_MKL=yes \
  -DMKL_THREADING=gnu_thread \

Troubleshooting common build errors

CMake fails to automatically find the path to external dependencies

Example error output:

CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:16 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "absl" with any of
  the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "absl" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "absl_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If "absl"
  provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been

This error occurs when you have installed one of AMBiT's external dependencies in a non-standard location (e.g. not in /usr/lib or similar global locations). It also occurs if the dependency is not installed at all.

Fix: All of AMBiT's external dependencies have native support for CMake, so ensure the directories where the problem package is installed has one of the .cmake files mentioned in the error message (they'll usually be installed in something like /path/to/installation/lib/cmake) and modify the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH build option to include this path.

AMBiT crashes on a segmentation fault when calling into MKL functions

Eigen only works with MKL as a backend via MKL's 32-bit integer interface (which Intel calls LP64) (see:, which we can control by setting the -DMKL_INTERFACE_FULL CMake variable. The exact value required varies, but it's usually one of either -DMKL_INTERFACE_FULL=lp64 or -DMKL_INTERFACE_FULL=intel_lp64 (for Intel compilers), or -DMKL_INTERFACE_FULL=gf_lp64 (for GNU compilers).

Building with MKL and GCC fails due to missing libiomp*.so library

Intel MKL has multiple ways of enabling multithreading for libear algebra operations, which are controlled by setting the MKL_THREADING CMake variable to one of the following choices:

  • sequential: no multithreading
  • intel_thread: Intel's OpenMP implementation (default)
  • tbb_thread: Intel's Threading Building Blocks library
  • gnu_thread: The GNU/GCC OpenMP implementation

If no value is supplied to MKL_THREADING, it will default to using intel_thread, which requires the libiomp library to be available. This will usually be fine if you're using the Intel compilers, but may not be present when compiling AMBiT with GCC so you'll need to set MKL_THREADING=gnu_thread.

Compilation fails when using Intel LLVM C++ compiler icpx

Example error output:

icpx: error: clang frontend command failed with exit code 139 (use -v to see invocation)
Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.1.0 (2024.1.0.20240308)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.1/bin/compiler

Fix: There is a bug in the newer LLVM-based Intel C++ compiler (icpx, released in 2024) which causes the compiler to crash when compiling AMBiT; use the "Classic" Intel C++ compiler (icpc) or GCC instead.