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Bardia Moshiri edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 3 revisions

Droidian's porting guide can be found Here

If your device is launched with Android 9 or above it is possible to port Droidian to it. If it already has a halium-compliant kernel of halium-9.0 and above chances are that Droidian will work without much modification.

The Droidian telegram group (also bridged to Matrix) is a great resource. It's quite possible that your issue has been already discussed and resolved.

Please use the search function rather than ask straight away. Discussing the same things at length is boring especially when it has been already done in the past.

If you can't find an answer for your issue, try to be as detailed as possible (include a pastebin of your logs). When someone is available, they will try to help you out.

Note that no one owes you an answer, avoid pinging people repeatedly. Avoid posting screenshots of text messages, use a pastebin service instead.