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File metadata and controls

31 lines (29 loc) · 2.61 KB

Project Overview

  • The Gator Library Management System is designed to efficiently manage books and their reservations.
  • It is written in C++ which runs natively and also provides a granular control over memory.
  • To manage the books we implement a Red Black Tree. Each node in the tree is a key-value pair (bookId, BookData).
  • Bookdata consists of book name, author name, availability, borrowed by, and reservations.
  • Also, reservations are a priority queue implemented using Binary Min heaps.

Project Structure

  • Main.cpp
    • Main controls the overall run of the program.
    • It creates the instance of our library class GatorLibrary.
    • It reads commands in the input file, parses them, and calls appropriate functions on the library instance.
    • Furthermore, it manages the output file. It changes the cout buffer to point to the output file buffer, and thus the library instance writes to a file and not the standard output.
  • GatorLibrary.h & GatorLibrary.cpp:
    • The GatorLibrary class is defined here that stores books using RB tree.
    • The GatorLibrary Class implements our business logic comprising function such as insertBook, printBook, borrowBook, returnBook, etc.
    • It also implements private functions to rebalance the tree after inserts or deletes, rotate nodes, print Nodes, check parents Nodes, etc.
    • Structures that abstract a Red Black Tree Node (named BookNode) and the data about a book (named BookData) are also defined here.
  • Reservations.h & Reservations.cpp:
    • The Reservations class is defined here that stores Reservations using Min-Binary heap.
    • The Reservations class implements our business logic for inserting new reservations and popping the highest priority reservations.
    • It also implements private functions to heapify the heap again after inserts and deletes.
    • A structure to hold a reservation (named Reservation) and a function to compare two reservations are also defined

How to use

  • Run make or make all to build the executable gatorLibrary.
  • Run make test to run automated test cases in present in the folder tests.
  • Run make clean to remove the executable gatorLibrary and delete outputs generated during tests.