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A TAL template parser for javascript.

copyright (c) 2005-2012 Iván -DrSlump- Montes


Known issues

  • This script uses the own browser to parse the html, so you must be carefull with the validity of the code. A common mistake is to use the short syntax <tag /> for elements which shouldn't according to the standard. It's always a good idea to use the full syntax (except for <br/> and <hr/>) even when no content is defined.

  • In Internet Explorer the tal attributes (processors) can't be removed from the generated code although this shouldn't affect anything.

Differences with standard TAL

  • The default tales prefix/modifier is js, which resolves a basic javascript statement instead of a simple path to a variable.
  • No support for tal:block element.
  • No support for tal:on-error processor.
  • No support for Metal, however a similar behaviour can be mimicked with document fragments and common tal processors.
  • omit-tag works a bit differently. If the tales expression evaluates to true the tag is removed and its contents shown, otherwise the tag is also shown. This is an intended change and can be easily removed by creating a custom wrapper for this processor.


  • Check for performance bottlenecks and memory leaks


First we need to have a template somewhere in the page. Be it as an html string, a containing element or a document fragment.

 <div id="myTemplate" style="display: none">
     <tr tal:repeat="user users"
         tal:attributes="class js:${repeat.user.odd}?'odd':'even'">
         <td tal:content=""></td>

we could also use an html string, either as a javascript string literal or by using the script tag

 <script type="template/domtal" id="myTemplate"><![CDATA[
 <tr tal:repeat="user users"
     tal:attributes="class js:${repeat.user.odd}?'odd':'even'">
     <td tal:content=""></td>

next we need to create the template object and set the apropiate data. Note that we can create the data set anyway we want, even loading it with JSON or similar remoting methods.

 var tpl = new DomTal();
 tpl.set( 'users', [{
   name: 'Joe Black',
   email: ''
 }, {
   name: 'Mike Flowers',
   email: ''

now we just need to assign our template to the parser, process it and get the result

 tpl.load( document.getElementById('myTemplate') );
 var out =;
 // put the result on the page
 document.getElmentById('outUsers').appendChild( out );

And that's it. There a few more options but overall it's a pretty easy to use library.


Creating a new processor

To extend the available processors we only need to create (or redefine) a method in DomTal.processors. Be aware that the order in which the processor methods are defined in the code specify their priority. The standard ones are applied in this order: define, condition, repeat, content, replace, attributes, omit-tag

The return value of a processor has meaning. If it returns true then the children elements of that node will be further processed, alternatively, if it returns false its children will be skipped.

We are going to create a new processor which will convert an array items to a set of LI elements. It'll apply a class named 'selected' to the LI whose key is equal to the second tales expression:

 <ul tal:li=" selectedKey" />

The processor implementation: = function (node, exp) {
     var tales, key, arr;

     exp = new ExpressionParser(exp);
     tales = exp.tales();
     key = exp.ident();

     tales = this.tales(tales);
     arr = this.makeIterable(tales);

     node.innerHTML = '';
     if (arr.count) {
         for (var i=0; i<arr.count; i++) {
             var li = document.createElement('LI');
             if (arr.keys[i] == key)
                 li.setAttribute('class', 'selected');
             li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( arr.values[i] ) );
             node.appendChild( li );

     return false;

The following expression with a data set of ['one', 'two', 'three']

 <ul id="list" tal:li="data 1">
   <li>Test item</li>

will generate the following html

 <ul id="list">
   <li class="selected">two</li>

Creating a new tales modifier

We can also add our own Tales modifiers by extending the DomTal.modifiers object with new methods. The methods just take an argument with the expression to evaluate and should return the result of that argument.

In this example we are going to create a modifier which will evaluate to the string 'odd' or 'even' based on the value of an expression.

 DomTal.prototype.modifiers.oddeven = function(exp) {
     var value;
     value = this.tales(exp);
     return (value % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even';

then the following template

 <span tal:content="oddeven: 3">foo</span>

will produce

 <span class="odd">foo</span>


A TAL template parser for javascript







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