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If you're looking at Drupal Commerce for the first time, you may be wondering, "where are the customers?" Under the Commerce administrative menu, you can see Orders, Products, and Promotions, but there is no item for Customers.

Commerce administrative menu

Drupal Commerce has been designed to allow developers to build ecommerce sites without an overly rigid structure for managing customers and their data. Instead, developers can take a wide variety of approaches with respect to customers. For example, you may already have CRM and marketing systems in place within your organization. In that case, you can adopt a minimalistic setup for your customers within Drupal Commerce and then feed the data into your existing external system(s). Conversely, if you do want your Drupal site to be an all-in-one ecommerce solution, you can extend the basic framework provided to customize and organize your customer information however you like, to suit your specific business needs.

Drupal Commerce is dependent upon three separate modules for its customer data:

User module

The User module is provided by Drupal Core and is required for all Drupal sites. In Drupal, anyone who visits your website is a user. When a user registers on your site, a user account is created to store information including email address, username, and password. Guests and registered users not currrently logged in to your site are Anonymous users. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts of users and user accounts in Drupal, you will want to read about Managing User Accounts in the Drupal 8 User guide.

In Drupal Commerce, a customer is any user who places an order. Thus, the user accounts that belong to registered customers serve as customer accounts within Drupal Commerce. Whenever an order is created, the current user is assigned to that order. If the current user is not logged in, and if your checkout is configured to allow Guest checkout, then the Anonymous user is assigned to the order. Administrative users can also create orders on behalf of customers by explicitly assigning them to orders.

This "Create a new order" form is available only for administrative users with appropriate permissions. To create a new order, click the, "Create a new order" button on the Orders administrative page. The Customer owner of the order is a required field.

Create order admin page

For additional information about how to customize and manage customer accounts in Drupal Commerce, see the Customer accounts documentation page.

Profile module

Each customer account has one or more profiles, which are provided by the Profile module.

Data model for Customer accounts and Profiles

The Profile module is a popular, well-maintained Drupal 8 contributed module that is required by Drupal Commerce. Drupal Commerce defines its own type (bundle) of profile, called the customer profile. Customer profiles contain collections of data required to process orders such as billing information, shipping information, and other types of details. Orders and payment methods have billing profiles, and if you have physical products that require shipping, your shipments will have shipping profiles. Drupal Commerce provides just a single type of profile, the customer profile, to be used everywhere so that it's possible for customers to elect to use the same profile for both billing and shipping.

Customers can have multiple billing and shipping profiles. Each customer profile has a single address field, which is provided by the Address module. The collection of all profiles belonging to a customer account is called the customer's address book. When an order is placed, copies of customer profiles are saved to the order so that the integrity of the data at the time of the order is maintained even if the customer's profile data is subsequently updated.

For additional information about how to customize and manage customer profiles in Drupal Commerce, see the Profiles documentation section.

Address module

The Address module is another popular, well-maintained Drupal 8 contributed module that is required by Drupal Commerce. It provides functionality for storing, validating, and displaying international postal addresses. Within Drupal Commerce, customer addresses are all encapsulated into customer profiles. They do not exist independently, and every customer profile should have exactly one address.

For additional information about how to customize address data entry forms and the display of addresses in Drupal Commerce, see the Addresses documentation section.