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@weitzman weitzman released this 06 Jan 13:22
· 269 commits to 11.x since this release

852db7b Inject migration plugin manager (#4980) [Claudiu Cristea]
ca9e31d Convert migrate tests to integration tests (#4834) [Claudiu Cristea]
7d016bc Stop asking for bundle in the field commands if the entity type isn't able to have bundles [Dieter Holvoet]
786948b Fix PHP 8.1 deprecation notice (#4972) [Dieter Holvoet]
52fdffe Only show fieldable entity types when asking for entity type in field commands (#4970) [Dieter Holvoet]
7baba0d Remove Drush's cache API. We no longer need to cache annotation parsing. (#4965) [Moshe Weitzman]
21eb502 Remove vestiges of Backend invoke system (#4964) [Moshe Weitzman]