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File metadata and controls

86 lines (74 loc) · 3.2 KB


Having a backup of my config files is generally handy.


I use stow to manage my dotfiles.

Programs I use

  • x11: display server.
  • bspwm: window manager.
  • sxhkd: hotkey daemon.
  • picom: compositor.
  • polybar: status bar.
  • eww: status bar, notifications via tiramisu and widgets.
  • dunst: notification daemon.
  • alacritty: terminal.
  • zsh: shell.
  • rofi: program launcher. (based on what I yoinked from elkowar)
  • nvim: editor. (based on what I yoinked from elkowar)
  • gtk: gui framework.
  • zathura: pdf viewer.
  • pipr: a program to test shell pipes interactively.
  • paru: package manager.
  • flashfocus: window focus indicator.

Scripts I use

  • 0x0st: uploads an image to
  • arch-aur-updates: checks the number of updates pending.
  • cheat: gets hints about commands.
  • codefix: wrapper around vscode in order to declutter home.
  • colorfetch: prints pretty colors.
  • copy: copies the contents of a file to the clipboard.
  • createuserdirs: creates a basic directory structure in ~.
  • cronbat: sends a notification if the battery is low.
  • cronupdate: sends a notification if there are updates pending.
  • dlaunch: program launcher using dmenu.
  • dmount: mount partitions using dmenu.
  • doted: access dotfiles quickly using rofi.
  • dots: wrapper around git in order to use a bare repo for dofile management.
  • dpass: password prompt using dmenu.
  • firefox: wrapper around firefox in order to declutter home.
  • lightctrl: controls the backlight.
  • mans: manpage selection through rofi.
  • night: toogles night mode using redshift
  • night-legacy: toogles night mode.
  • powermenu: power menu using rofi.
  • scr: takes a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard and stdout.
  • setbg: sets the background and caches it (for betterlockscreen).
  • sfetch: fetches system information.
  • spotify: wrapper around spotify in order to declutter home.
  • tdaemon: wrapper around urxvt to run a urxvtd.
  • twitch: checks live streams and prompts the user using rofi.
  • xobinit: wrapper around xob.
  • xrdbr: reloads xresources and generates configs for other programs.
  • xresq: queries a value in Xresources.
  • yaysync: downloads fresh yay package databases.

Other things I use

  • UI Font: NotoSans Nerd Font
  • Terminal Font: DejaVu Sans Mono
  • Icon Fonts: Font Awesome 5 Free & Brands
  • GTK Theme: Phocus
  • GTK Icon Theme: Papirus
  • Google Chrome Theme: My own, (chrome-theme)

See also




  • Look into Jsonnet to: split configs between multiple machines, have unified colors...
  • Switch to xmonad (or wayland... if nvidia sway wants...)
  • Redo zsh config
  • Redo nvim config using fennel
  • Create eww config, replace dunst (?), polybar (?)...
  • Migrate scripts to rofi