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thresholdmodeling: A Python package for modeling excesses over a threshold using the Peak-Over-Threshold Method and the Generalized Pareto Distribution
Threshold Models
Peak-Over-Threshold Method
Generalized Pareto Distribution
Estatistical Modeling
name orcid affiliation
Iago Pereira Lemos
1, 2, 3
name orcid affiliation
Antônio Marcos Gonçalves Lima
4, 2, 3
name orcid affiliation
Marcus Antônio Viana Duarte
4, 1, 2, 3
name index
Acoustics and Vibration Laboratory
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School of Mechanical Engineering
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Federal University of Uberlândia
name index
Associate Professor
06 January, 2020


Extreme value analysis has emerged as one of the most important disciplines for the applied sciences when dealing with reduced datasets and when the main idea is to extrapolate the observations over a given time. By using a threshold model with an asymptotic characterization, it is posible to work with the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) [@coles] and use it to model the stochastic behavior of a process at an unusual level, which can be of maximum or minimum. For example, suppose that it is available a large dataset of wind velocity in Florida, USA, during a certain period of time. It is possible to model this process and to quantify extreme events' probability, like hurricanes, which are maximum observations of wind velocity, in a time of interest using the return value tool.

In this context, this package provides a complete toolkit to conduct a threshold model analysis, from the beginning phase of selecting the threshold, going through the model fit, model checking and return value analysis. Moreover, statistical moments functions are provided. In case of extremes of dependent sequences it is also possible to conduct a declustering analysis.

In a software context, it is possible to see a strong community working with R packages like POT [@POT],evd [@evd] and extRemes [@extremes], that are used for a complete extreme value modeling. Otherwise, in Python, it is possible to find the scikit-extremes [@kiko], which does not contain the threshold models yet. In addition, another package is scipy, with the genpareto [@scipy] functions, which also does not provide any Peak-Over-Threshold modeling functions since it is not possible to define a threshold using this package. Moreover, this package brings to the community of scientists, engineers, and any other interested person and programmer, the possibility to conduct an extreme value analysis, using a strong, consolidated and high-level programming language, given the importance of the extreme value theory approach for statistical analysis in corrosion engineering [see @scarf; and @tan], hydrology [see @katz], enviromental data analysis [see @max; and @esther] and many other fields of natural sciences and engineering [for a massive number of other applications see @coles p. 1]

Hence, the thresholdmodeling package presents numerous functions to model the stochastic behavior of an extreme process. For a complete introduction of the complete fifteen package functions it is crucial to go to the Functions Documentation, on the GitHub page.

Package Features

Threshold Selection

  • Mean Residual Life Plot : It is possible to plot the Mean Residual Life function, as it is defined in @coles;

  • Parameter Stability Plot : Also, it is possible to obtain the two parameter stability plots of the GPD: the Shape Parameter Stability Plot and the Modified Scale Parameter Stability Plot, which is defined from a reparametrization of the GPD scale parameter [see @coles for a complete theoretical introduction about these two plots].

Model Fit

  • Fit the GPD Model : Fitting a given dataset to a GPD model using some fit methods (see Model Fit).

Model Checking

  • Probability Density Function, Cumulative Distribution Function, Quantile-Quantile and Probability-Probability Plots : Plots the theoretical probability density function with the normalized empirical histograms for a given dataset, using some bin methods (see gpdpdf). Also, the theoretical CDF in comparison to the empirical one with the Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz confidence bands can be drawn. In addition, The QQ and PP plots, comparing the sample and the theoretical values can be obtained, where the first one uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two Sample Test for getting the confidence bands while the second one uses the Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz method;

  • L-Moments Plots : L-Skewness against L-Kurtosis plot for a given threshold values using the Generalized Pareto parametrization. As warning, L-Moments plots are really difficult to interpret. See @POT and @hosking for more details.

Model Diagnostics and Return Level Analysis

  • Return Level Computation and Plot : Computing a return value for a given return period is also possible, with a confidence interval obtained by the Delta Method [@coles]. Furthermore, a return level plot is provided, using the Delta Method in order to obtain the confidence bands. In order to compare, the empirical return level plot is provided.

Declustering and Data Visualization

It is possible to visualize the data during the unit of a return period. In case of extreme dependences sequences, for a given empirical rule (number of days, for example), it is possible to cluster the dataset and, taking the maximum observation of each cluster, a declustering of maximums is done.

Further Functions

It is also possible to compute sample L-Moments, model L-Moments, non-central moments, differential entropy and the survival function plot.


For installation instructions, go to README.

Reproducibility and User's Guide

In the repository on GitHub page is possible to get the dataset: Daily Rainfall in the South-West of England from 1914 to 1962. Using it is a way of testing the software in order to verify its results and compare it with the forseen ones in @coles. For a more detailed tutorial of the using of each function, go to the Test folder.

A minimal simple example on how to use the software and get some of the results presented by @coles is given below. For information about the functions employed see the Functions Documentation and for more detailes of reproducibility see the README.

from thresholdmodeling import thresh_modeling 
import pandas as pd 

url = '
df = pd.read_csv(url, error_bad_lines=False) 
data = df.values 

thresh_modeling.MRL(data, 0.05)   
thresh_modeling.return_value(data, 30, 0.05, 365, 36500, 'mle') 

Fig. 1: Mean Residual Life Plot for the daily rainfall dataset.

Fig. 2: Return level plot with the empirical estimatives of the return level and the confidence bands based on the Delta Method.

Also, for the given return period (100 years), the software presentes the following results in the terminal:

The return value for the given return period is 106.3439 ± 40.8669

For more details, the documentation is up-to-date on the GitHub page.


The authors would like to thanks the School of Mechanical Engineering at Federal University of Uberlândia and CNPq and CAPES for the financial support to this research.
