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Data Stewardship Wizard Engine Backend

User Guide Engine Backend CI License CII Best Practices

Backend application for Data Stewardship Wizard


  • Wizard (<application> = wizard-server)
  • Registry (<application> = registry-server)


For contributing guidelines, please read CONTRIBUTING and relevant section in our guide.


  • Stack (recommended 2.9.1 or higher)
  • Postgres & libpq (recommended 11)
  • Fourmolu (recommended, optional)
  • HLint (recommended 3.4.1, optional)
  • Docker (recommended 19.03.0-ce) - for build of production image
  • document-worker (corresponding version)
  • mailer (corresponding version)

Build & Run

For running application it's need to run MongoDB database and set up connection in configuration file.

Run these comands from the root of the project

$ stack build <application>
$ stack exec <application>

Run tests

Run these comands from the root of the project

$ stack test <application>

Format code

Create a bash script which will do the work for you. Run the script from the root of the project

$ fourmolu -i (find <application>/src -name '*.hs')
$ fourmolu -i (find <application>/test -name '*.hs')

Code coverage

Run these comands from the root of the project

$ stack build <application>
$ stack test <application> --jobs=1 --fast --coverage --ghc-options "-fforce-recomp"

Build an app version and built date

Run these comands from the scripts folder

$ ./<application>/


This project is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 - see the LICENSE file for more details.