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Making a Pootle Release


  1. Git clone pootle-release
  2. Create release notes
  3. Up version number
  4. Update translations
  5. make build
  6. Test install and other tests
  7. Tag the release
  8. Publish on PyPI
  9. Upload to Sourceforge
  10. Add product version to Bugzilla
  11. Release documentation
  12. Update translate website
  13. Unstage sourceforge
  14. Announce to the world
  15. Cleanup

Other possible steps

We need to check and document these if needed:

  • Pre-release checks
  • Translations
  • Build docs: we need to check if e need to build the docs for the release
  • Change URLs to point to the correct docs: do we want to change URLs to point to the $version docs rather then 'latest'
  • Building on Windows, building for other Linux distros. We have produced
  • Communicating to upstream packagers

Detailed instructions

Get a clean checkout

We work from a clean checkout to esnure that everything you are adding to the build is what is in VC and doesn't contain any of your uncommitted changes. It also ensure that someone else could relicate your process.

git clone pootle-release

Create release notes

The release notes will be used in these places:

  • Pootle website - download page (used in gh-pages)
  • Sourceforge download - README.rst (used to give user info)
  • Email announcements - text version

We create our release notes in reStructured Text, since we use that elsewhere and since it can be rendered well in some of our key sites.

First we need to create a log of changes in Pootle:

git diff N-1 HEAD > release/RELEASE-NOTES-$version.rst

Edit this file. You can use the commits as a guide to build up the release notes. You should remove all log messages before the release.


Since the release notes will be used in places that allow linking we use links within the notes. These should link back to products websites (Virtaal, Pootle, etc), references to Translate and possibly bug numbers, etc.

Read for grammar and spelling errors.


When writing the notes please remember:

  1. The voice is active. 'Translate has released a new version of the toolkit', not 'A new version of the toolkit was release by Translate'.
  2. The connection to the users is human not distant.
  3. We speak in familiar terms e.g. "I know you've been waiting for this release" instead of formal.

Up version numbers

Update the version number in:

  • pootle/
  • docs/`

In, bump the build number if anybody used the toolkit with the previous number, and there have been any changes to code touching stats or quality checks. An increased build number will force a toolkit user, like Pootle, to regenerate the stats and checks.

For change version and release


FIXME - We might want to automate the version and release info so that we can update it in one place.

The version string should follow the pattern:




$EXTRA is optional but all the three others are required. The first release of a $MINOR version will always have a $MICRO of .0. So 1.10.0 and never just 1.10.

Update translations

Update the translations from the Pootle server

  1. Download all translations:

    # On
    ./ sync_stores --project=pootle
    # On your computer
    scp -rp $$location pootle/locales
  2. Update pootle/locale/LINGUAS to list the languages we would like to ship. While we package all PO files, this is an indication of which ones we want packagers to use. The requirements is roughly 100% translated with no obvious variable errors.

Build the package

Building is the first step to testing that things work. From your clean checkout run:

make mo-all # if we are shipping an pre-release
make build

This will create a tarball in dist/ which you can use for further testing.


We use a clean checkout just to make sure that no inadvertant changes make it into the release.

Test install and other tests

The easiest way to test is in a virtualenv. You can install the new toolkit using:

pip install path/to/dist/Pootle-$version.tar.bz2

This will allow you test installation of the software.

You can then proceed with other tests such as checking

  1. Documentation is available
  2. Converters and scripts are installed and run correctly
  3. Meta information about the package is correct. See pypi section of reviewing meta data.

Tag the release

You should only tag once you are happy with your release as there are some things that we can't undo.

git tag -a 2.5.0 -m "Tag version 2.5.0"
git push --tags

Publish on PyPI

Publish the package on the Python Package Index (PyPI)


You need a username and password on and have rights to the project before you can proceed with this step.

These can be stored in $HOME/.pypirc and will contain your username and password. A first run of ./ register will create such a file. It will also actually publish the meta-data so only do it when you are actually ready.

Review the meta data. This is stored in, use ./ --help to se some options to display meta-data. The actual long description is taken from /README.rst.

To test before publishing run:

make test-publish-pypi

Then to actually publish:

make publish-pypi

Copy files to sourceforge

Publishing files to the Translate Sourceforge project.


You need to have release permissions on sourceforge to perform this step.

You will need:

  • Tarball of the release
  • Release notes in reStructured Text
  1. Create a new folder in the Pootle release folder using the 'Add Folder' button. The folder must have the same as the release name e.g. 2.5.0-rc1. Mark this as being for staging for the moment.
  2. make publish-sourceforge will give you the command to upload your tarball and README.rst.
    1. Upload tarball for release.
    2. Upload release notes as README.rst.
    3. Click on the info icon for README.rst and tick "Exclude Stats" to exlude the README from stats counting.
  3. Check that the README.rst for the parent Pootle folder is still appropriate, this is the text from /README.rst.
  4. Check all links for README.rst files, new release and parent.

Add product version to Bugzilla

We need to allow users to report issues against the released version.

In the Administration interface, products add a product version.

Release documentation

We need a tagged release before we can do this. The docs are published on Read The Docs.

Use the admin pages to flag a version that should be published


FIXME we might need to do this before publishing so that we can update doc references to point to the tagged version as apposed to the latest version.

Update Pootle website

We use github pages for the website. First we need to checkout the pages:

git checkout gh-pages
  1. In _posts/ add a new release posting. This is in Markdown format (for now), so we need to change the release notes .rst to .md, which mostly means changing URL links from '`xxx <link>`_' to [xxx](link).
  2. Change $version as needed. See download.html, _config.yml and egrep -r $old_release *
  3. git commit and git push - changes are quite quick so easy to review.

Unstage on sourceforge

If you have created a staged release folder, then unstage it now.

Announce to the world

Let people know that there is a new version:

  1. Announce on mailing lists: Send the announcement to the translate-announce mailing lists on
  2. Adjust the #pootle channel notice. Use /topic to change the topic.
  3. Email important users
  4. Tweet about it


Some possible cleanup tasks:

  • Remove any RC builds from the sourceforge download pages (maybe?).
  • Checkin any release notes and such (or maybe do that before tagging).
  • Remove your pootle-release checkout.
  • Update and fix these release notes.