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File metadata and controls

21 lines (17 loc) · 6.4 KB
name type default description
enabled String, String[] Required Enabled compiler id(s). See below for included compilers.
src String, String[] cwd Directories to search for source files to compile.
dest String src or
src[0] if Array
Directory to write compiled result.
roots {src:dest, ...},
[[src, dest], ...]
Allows you to specify multiple, ordered src-dest pairs. One of roots or src is required; roots takes precedence over src if present.
log_level String , Number WARN Logging verbosity. Valid values (case-insensitive): error, warn, info, debug, silent, or a numeric constant (as found in LOG).
create_dirs Boolean true Creates intermediate directories for destination files.
mount String Prefix trimmed off request path before matching/processing.
delta Number 0 Delta mtime (in seconds) required for a derived file to be considered stale, and therefore recompiled. By default, any change will cause a file to be recompiled on next request.
expires Boolean false Automatically treat files as stale if this old in secs.
external_timeout Number 3000 Milliseconds after which to kill subprocess commands.
cascade Boolean false Invoke all compilers that match? otherwise, only first.
resolve_index Boolean , String false If true-y, directories are resolved with the supplied filename, where true maps to 'index.html'.
ignore RegExp /\.(jpe?g!gif!png)$/i Requests matching this pattern are short-circuit ignored, and no compiler matching occurs.
allowed_methods String[] ['GET'] HTTP methods compiler should process. This setting is global-only -- per-compiler overrides specified via options will have no effect.
options {compilerId:settings, ...} Hash of additional per-compiler options, mapped by compiler id. Each compiler is supplied a copy of the settings object; if additional options are supplied in this way for a given compiler, they will be merged into the settings (and override any colliding top-level keys).