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dscbot edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 1 revision



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Name of the secondary zone
MasterServers Required StringArray[] IP address or DNS name of the secondary DNS servers
Ensure Write String Whether the secondary zone should be present or absent. Present, Absent
Type Read String Type of the DNS server zone


The DnsServerSecondaryZone DSC resource manages a standalone file-backed secondary zone on a Domain Name System (DNS) server. Secondary zones allow client machine in primary DNS zones to do DNS resolution of machines in the secondary DNS zone.


Example 1

This configuration will manage a secondary standalone DNS zone

Configuration DnsServerSecondaryZone_config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'DnsServerDsc'

    Node localhost
        DnsServerSecondaryZone 'sec'
            Ensure        = 'Present'
            Name          = ''
            MasterServers = ''
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