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Scripts for tracking down differences between local yarn install and yarn install in CI


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Yarn lock checksum mismatch


Some systems appear to experience faulty checksum in the yarn.lock file. See this thread for reports of such behavior.


This repo aims to demonstrate the problem, and provide boilerplate to quickly diagnose the issue.

System Setup

The system that this is currently being tested on is as follows:

  • Hardware: MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021)
  • OS: MacOS Monterey v12.6
  • git: v2.38.1
  • node: v16.13.2
  • CI docker image: cimg/node:16.13
    • git: v2.33.0
    • node: v16.13.2
  • Docker Version:
Cloud integration: v1.0.29
Version:           20.10.21
API version:       1.41
Go version:        go1.18.7
Git commit:        baeda1f
Built:             Tue Oct 25 18:01:18 2022
OS/Arch:           darwin/arm64
Context:           desktop-linux
Experimental:      true
Server: Docker Desktop 4.15.0 (93002)
 Version:          20.10.21
 API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
 Go version:       go1.18.7
 Git commit:       3056208
 Built:            Tue Oct 25 17:59:41 2022
 OS/Arch:          linux/arm64
 Experimental:     false
 Version:          1.6.10
 GitCommit:        770bd0108c32f3fb5c73ae1264f7e503fe7b2661
 Version:          1.1.4
 GitCommit:        v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d
 Version:          0.19.0
 GitCommit:        de40ad0
  • Git Config Settings:
   repositoryformatversion = 0
   filemode = true
   bare = false
   logallrefupdates = true
   ignorecase = true
   precomposeunicode = true

(Note: these are system defaults)

To produce failure

Run the ./, which does the following:

  1. Runs a clean yarn install
  2. Builds a docker image with both package and lockfile copied over.
  3. Attempts a yarn install.

With these steps, on a system as described above, the yarn install will fail due to a checksum mismatch

To Investigate Reason for Checksum Failure

Run ./, which does the following:

  1. Runs a clean yarn install
  2. Builds a docker image with both package and lockfile copied over.
  3. This time it sets the YARN_CHECKSUM_BEHAVIOR to update so the install doesn't fail, and new checksums are produce.
  4. The files from the docker container are then copied to docker-state.
  5. The local repository files are copied to local-state.
  6. A diff is run on the local-state and docker-state folders to determine where the issue lies. This is output, and stored in results/main.diff

To simply generate a lock file matching the remote system

Run './', which does the following:

  1. Runs a clean yarn install
  2. Builds a docker image with both package and lockfile copied over.
  3. This time it sets the YARN_CHECKSUM_BEHAVIOR to update so the install doesn't fail, and new checksums are produce.
  4. Copies the lockfile from the docker image to results/yarn.lock

Forking This Repo

This repo is a great starting point for anyone trying to diagnose build discrepancies between a remote build (conducted with docker) and local build. The code is designed around detecting issues with a yarn install, but it can easily be modified to support other repos, and probably other types of install / build processes. Once forked, if you are just trying to diagnose yarn install issues, simply edit the .env file with desired settings to change the behavior. To diagnose a different install / build i.e. npm, pip, gems, etc, some modification of the scripts and Dockerfile will be needed.

So what was the fix for the checksum mismatch?

Once I determined it was the result of new lines I found this bug: yarnpkg/berry#4917.

It seemed similar, so I tried adding RUN corepack enable in the dockerfile and the issue was resolved. The converse, however, wasn't true. Disabling or enabling corepack on my local system prior to running either or had no effect.

Apparently this will be fixed soon, since the PR landed somewhat recently. Let's hope it does, and explicitly enabling corepack is no longer necessary.


Scripts for tracking down differences between local yarn install and yarn install in CI







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