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1. getAllProducts() action now removed. User getProducts() action wit…
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…h the proper options.

2. getProducts() now can take various options to return a specific set of products as requested.
  - The options include $includeCurrent, $includeDeleted, $excludeTypes and $includeStatus
3. getLiveProducts() action no longer filters the result in PHP. The new query added will do the job instead.
4. Fix some function signatures for newly added columns like knows_me_as
5. When SquizSuite sends out the message to the other products, it now checks knows_me_as column in case the target product is not aware of the current system's systemid changes.
6. productKnowsMeAs($systemid) now returns the current system's systemid that the target system knows.
7. suiteProductInfo() action added and it's superuser accessible API.
  - This API will be used between suite products to get the information about one another.
8. syncWithLiveProducts() action added.
  - This is the magic function which performs the sync between suite products.
  - Also this is the action which runs by SquizSuite cron job.
9. A couple of new actions added for SquizSuite screen display.
10. 'Refresh Now' button is now added to SquizSuite screen to manually run the syncing code from the interface.

git-svn-id: 1b08cf3a-d8dc-418b-9366-0d0b919357ef
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skim committed Nov 23, 2010
1 parent a87f54e commit 09a30c8
Showing 1 changed file with 520 additions and 165 deletions.

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