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Getting Started

To run ImproveMe locally, nodejs, yarn, and postgres need to be installed.

Once all three major dependencies are installed, we need to get app dependencies installed.

# Download server packages
yarn install
# Go to client and do the same
cd client
yarn install

Database Setup

In order to get the database created, we need a new role created locally. Use improveme_user as the name of the new role. It needs to get at least DB create permission.

createuser --interactive --pwprompt

Next, lets create both the dev and test databases. We'll need to start using the sequelize binary which can be done either with npx or with our sequelize helper in package.json, letting us run it as a yarn script:

NODE_ENV=development yarn run sequelize db:create
NODE_ENV=local_test yarn run sequelize db:create

Lastly, we'll run the migrations for both databases:

NODE_ENV=development yarn run sequelize db:migrate
NODE_ENV=local_test yarn run sequelize db:migrate

At this point the backend tests should be able to run:

yarn test


To run the app, ensure the steps in the getting started section have been followed.

Simply run the backend with yarn run dev and inside the client run yarn start to get the backend and front end running. Webpack dev server is used to proxy requests from the frontend to the backend during development.