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Frequency Pretraining (FPT)

About The Project

Implementation of Frequency Pretraining (FPT) as described in:

Niklas Grieger, Siamak Mehrkanoon and Stephan Bialonski. Data-Efficient Sleep Staging with Synthetic Time Series Pretraining. arXiv:2403.08592, 2021. URL

Part of our work will be presented at the ICLR 2024 Workshop on Learning from Time Series for Health:

Niklas Grieger, Siamak Mehrkanoon and Stephan Bialonski. Pretraining Sleep Staging Models without Patient Data. In ICLR 2024 Workshop on Learning from Time Series for Health, Vienna, Austria, 2024. URL

Project Structure

The project is set up as follows:

  • base/: contains the python implementations of the FPT scheme
  • cache/dod_o_h/: contains the preprocessed data, as produced by the and scripts
  • config/: contains the configurations of the experiments, configuring how to train or evaluate the model; configurations are based on the hydra framework
    • data/: base configurations around dataloading and data splits
    • exp001/: experiments are groups of sub-experiments, e.g. exp001 contains the four sub-experiments exp001a, exp001b, exp001c, and exp001d
      • exp001a.yaml, exp001b.yaml, exp001c.yaml, exp001d.yaml: configurations for the four sub-experiments
      • fpt_config.yaml: base configuration for the exp001 experiment group
      • manual for the exp001 experiment group, which describes how to run the experiments and evaluate the models; the manual is used to reproduce the results of the paper
    • exp002/ and exp003/: similar to exp001, but for a different set of experiments
    • launcher/: base config around the launcher that is used by hydra to launch runs
    • sweeper/: base config around the sweeper that is used by hydra to sweep over parameter ranges in multiruns
    • base_config.yaml: base configuration for all experiments; describes the rough outline of experiment configurations
    • describes the existing experiments and where to find the results of training and evaluation
  • logs/: contains the logs of the training and evaluation runs; the folder structure is described in the config/ file
  • models/: contains the trained model checkpoints
  • preprocessing/: contains scripts used to preprocess the data
  • scripts/: contains training and evaluation scripts, which are used for model training and subsequent evaluation in experiments (as configured within the config directory); also contains scripts used to create the figures in our paper


On Linux and Windows the project can be used by running the following commands to clone the repository and install the required dependencies.

Either with anaconda or miniconda installed (recommended)

git clone
cd frequency-pretraining
conda create -n fpt python=3.10
conda activate fpt

# install pytorch following the instructions at
# e.g. for CUDA 12.1
conda install pytorch pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia

# install remaining dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

or using pip

git clone
cd frequency-pretraining

# install pytorch following the instructions at
# e.g. for the latest CUDA version
pip install torch

# install remaining dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Reproducing the results of the paper

To reproduce the results described in the paper, you need to (i) download the data, (ii) preprocess the data, (iii) pretrain/fine-tune the models according to exp001a-exp001d, and (iv) evaluate the models:

  1. Download the data:
    1. Download the EEG signals using the script.
    2. Download the annotations from the dreem-learning-evaluation repository.
  2. Preprocessing of the data:
    1. Preprocess the data using the and scripts (see below for details on the parameters of the scripts).
    2. Copy all preprocessed datafiles to the cache/dod_o_h directory.
  3. Follow the instructions given in the manual files of the experiments to pretrain and fine-tune the models.
    1. exp001 contains the configuration to reproduce Figure 2 and Figure 4 of the paper. The manual can be found at config/exp001/
    2. exp002 contains the configuration to reproduce Figure 3 of the paper. The manual can be found at config/exp002/
    3. exp003 contains the configuration to reproduce the results of a hyperparameter exploration investigating various pretraining parameters (only mentioned shortly in the paper). The manual can be found at config/exp003/
  4. Evaluation on the test set is also described in the manual files.


Preprocessing scripts

The preprocessing directory contains scripts used to preprocess the data (in our case, the dreem data sets).

Downloads the EEG signals from the Dreem data set to ~/data/dreem.

Sample call: python preprocessing/dreem/

Preprocessing script for the DODH data set.


  • -s or --signals_dir: path to the directory containing the EEG signals
  • -a or --annotations_dir: path to the directory containing the annotations
  • -o or --output_dir: path to the directory where the preprocessed data should be saved; default is cache/dodh

Sample call: python preprocessing/dreem/ -s ~/data/dreem -a ~/data/dreem -o cache/dodh

Preprocessing script for the DODO data set.


  • -s or --signals_dir: path to the directory containing the EEG signals
  • -a or --annotations_dir: path to the directory containing the annotations
  • -o or --output_dir: path to the directory where the preprocessed data should be saved; default is cache/dodo

Sample call: python preprocessing/dreem/ -s ~/data/dreem -a ~/data/dreem -o cache/dodo

Running and evaluating an experiment

All training and evaluation scripts can be found in the scripts directory. The scripts require configuration files, which are expected to be located in the config directory (see section " Configuration" for details).

Performs pretraining as specified in the corresponding configuration file, writes its log to the console and saves a log file and results to a result directory in the logs directory. Model checkpoints are written to the models directory.


  • this is a hydra-based script, which means that any configuration can be overwritten using command line arguments (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -m: sets the script to the multirun mode (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -cn=<experiment group>/<sub-experiment>: name of experiment to run, for which a <sub-experiment>.yaml file has to exist in the config/<experiment group> directory

Sample call (single run): python scripts/ -cn=exp001/exp001b

Performs fine-tuning as specified in the corresponding configuration file, writes its log to the console and saves a log file and results to a result directory in the logs directory. Model checkpoints are written to the models directory.


  • this is a hydra-based script, which means that any configuration can be overwritten using command line arguments (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -m: sets the script to the multirun mode (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -cn=<experiment group>/<sub-experiment>: name of experiment to run, for which a <sub-experiment>.yaml file has to exist in the config/<experiment group> directory

Sample call (single run): python scripts/ -cn=exp001/exp001a

First, performs pretraining, then fine-tuning as specified in the corresponding configuration file, writes its log to the console and saves a log file and results to a result directory in the logs directory. Model checkpoints are written to the models directory.


  • this is a hydra-based script, which means that any configuration can be overwritten using command line arguments (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -m: sets the script to the multirun mode (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -cn=<experiment group>/<sub-experiment>: name of experiment to run, for which a <sub-experiment>.yaml file has to exist in the config/<experiment group> directory

Sample call (single run): python scripts/ -cn=exp001/exp001b

Evaluates a model as specified in the corresponding configuration file, writes its log to the console and saves a log file and results to a result directory in the logs directory.


  • this is a hydra-based script, which means that any configuration can be overwritten using command line arguments (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -m: sets the script to the multirun mode (see section "Configuration" for details)
  • -cn=<experiment group>/<sub-experiment>: name of experiment to run, for which a <sub-experiment>.yaml file has to exist in the config/<experiment group> directory

Sample call (single run): python scripts/ -cn=exp001/exp001a +model.downstream.path='exp001b-base_fe_clas-2023-10-13_14-21-17-final.pth' +training.downstream.trainer.evaluators.test='${evaluators.downstream.test}' model.downstream.feature_extractor.path=null

Explanation of the sample call: The +model.downstream.path parameter specifies the path to the model checkpoint that should be evaluated. The +training.downstream.trainer.evaluators.test parameter specifies the evaluator that should be used for evaluation. In this case, we want to evaluate on the test set and use the test evaluator that was defined in exp001/fpt_config.yaml under the key evaluators.downstream.test. Since both the model path and the evaluator weren't part of the configuration before, we add them using the + prefix. The last parameter model.downstream.feature_extractor.path=null is used to overwrite the feature extractor path, which is not needed for evaluation because we always load the full model.

Visualization scripts

The scripts/visualization directory contains scripts used to create the figures used in our paper.

Creates sample bar charts that were used in Figure 1 of the paper.

Sample call: python scripts/visualization/

Creates the plot used in Figure 3 of the paper by reading the results of experiment group exp002 from the logs directory.

Sample call: python scripts/visualization/

Creates the plot used in Figure 4 of the paper by reading the results of experiment group exp001 from the logs directory.

Sample call: python scripts/visualization/

Creates the plot used in Figure 2 of the paper by reading the results of experiment group exp001 from the logs directory.

Sample call: python scripts/visualization/


The configuration of an experiment is implemented using the hydra framework that is based on YAML files. If you are not familiar with the hydra framework, you can find a good introduction and tutorial in the official documentation. This repository makes use of the object instantiation feature of hydra, which allows to instantiate objects at runtime based on the configuration files (see here for more details).

All configuration files must be placed within the config directory. The configuration files are organized in a hierarchical structure, where the base configuration is defined in config/base_config.yaml, the experiment-specific configurations are defined in the experiment folders (e.g. config/exp001/fpt_config.yaml for exp001), and the sub-experiment-specific configurations are defined in the folders of the sub-experiments (e.g. config/exp001/exp001a.yaml for exp001a). Configuration files that are lower in the hierarchy can overwrite parameters defined in higher-level configuration files. All configurations can be overwritten using command line arguments when running a script.

Any parameters or groups of parameters that should be None, have to be configured as either null or Null following the YAML definition.

The available parameters are described in the existing configuration files and the doc-strings of the classes. To get an overview of the final configuration of a run, it might be helpful to look into the .hydra folder in the logs directory after running a script.