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SvelteKit Route Hooks


It's not recommended to use this library in production, this was an experiment to see if it was possible to create route-scoped hooks in SvelteKit. It is, but it's not pretty and depends on adapter-specific implementation.

This library makes it easy to create hooks that are scoped to specific routes right where you expect them: in your routing tree. No more need for string pattern matching in your hook files when guarding routes!

Getting started

First, install the library:

npm install --save-dev sveltekit-route-hooks

Next, configure your project hooks to use the handlers:

// src/hooks.server.js
export { handle } from 'sveltekit-route-hooks';

Finally, use exported helpers to create hooks scoped to routes. Primitive authentication that runs on every request and then guards an admin route might look like:

// src/routes/+layout.server.js
import { handleRoute } from 'sveltekit-route-hooks';
import { db } from '$lib/db';

handleRoute(async function ({ event, resolve }) {
    const sessionId = event.cookies.get('session');
    const user = await db.getUserInfo({ sessionId });
    event.locals = {
    return await resolve(event);

// src/routes/admin/+layout.server.js
import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { handleRoute } from 'sveltekit-route-hooks';

handleRoute(async function ({ event, resolve }) {
    if (!event.locals?.user?.isAdmin) {
        throw error(403, 'Forbidden');

    return await resolve(event);