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dsouth edited this page May 11, 2012 · 26 revisions

Sketch 1

Sketch that comes in the quil readme run for some time...

Sketch 2

Just adding a random background colour...

Sketch 3

And now with random colour everywhere...

The next sketch just sped up the rate at which the circles were rendered, so that looks a lot like the previous sketch from a static point of view...

Sketch 5

Instead of circles of random sizes, we now have ellipses with rand x and y diameters...

Sketch 6

With this one, trying to keep all of the ellipses within the boundary of the image. The ellipses themselves are, but their outlines can stray outside...

Sketch 7

With this one, I wanted to vary the x and y diameters based on the location of the ellipses within the image. My intention was to have the heights thin near the top and bottom and the widths thin on the edges. I guess this is the opposite of what I had intended. All the same, it is an effect comparable to what I was aiming to achieve...

Sketch 8

This is what I had intended with the previous sketches...

Sketch 9

Back to circles with this one. Now I'm varying the gradient of the grey used for the circle and it's border. Circles further from the centre have black borders with white centres. Closer to the centre have white borders with black centres. Actually, it's not really the distance from the centre, but more the distance along one axis, hence the diamond shape of the pattern where the centre and the border become the same colour...

In addition to varying the colour based on the location in the image, I also varied the diameter of the circles based on the size of the image (which is more interesting when it is resized while rendering). It takes the maximum of the height and width and sets the diameter to 1/10th of that...

Sketch 10

Same as the previous image, but instead of shades of grey using shades of blue...

Sketch 11

Back to shades of grey, but this time the circle diameter is a constant 50 pixels...

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