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Setting up your system

Pau Gómez edited this page Apr 19, 2023 · 44 revisions

Prepare your PC

System Requirements

The system requirements are detailed within the Vivado User Guide UG973. To summarize, you are typically fine with:

  • OS: Windows or Linux
  • ~ 8GB RAM
  • ~ 150GB free storage

Install Vivado WebPACK

I recommend to follow the step-by-step instructions within the Digilent Reference Documentation.

Clone this repository

git clone

Install the Redpitaya-125-14 board files

To be able to generate your custom FPGA designs, it is recommended to use a board files that pre-configures your Vivado design environment. To date, no official board files for the Redpitaya-125-14 exist. For this reason, I created a custom board file that includes the most important settings of the Redpitaya-125-14. To install them, you have to:

  • Navigate to FPGA-Notes-for-Scientists/board_files and copy the redpitaya-125-14 folder.
  • Navigate to <Vivado-Install-Path>/data/boards/board_files and paste the redpitaya-125-14 folder.

Prepare your Redpitaya-125-14

SD card image

Power up the Redpitaya-125-14

  • Insert the SD card into your Redpitaya-125-14.
  • Connect the Redpitaya-125-14 to your ethernet switch/router.
  • The Redpitaya-125-14 has two micro usb connectors label as CON and PWR:
    • Connect the CON port to your PC and access it via a serial terminal (see details here).
    • Connect the PWR port to your PC or external power supply. The Redpitaya-125-14 will immediately boot and you can follow the boot sequence over the serial terminal.

Assign a static IP address

  • Use the CON terminal to enter the network configurations (password: xilinx):
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0
  • Press a and edit the file (<static-ip-address> and <net-mask> are placeholders, replace them with the corresponding static IP address of your choice and the netmask of your local network):
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static
address <static-ip-address>
netmask <net-mask>
  • Press Esc followed by :wq and Enter, which will save the modified interface configurations.

  • Reboot your Redpitaya-125-14:

sudo reboot
  • Open a separate CMD / Terminal and verify that you can SSH into your Redpitaya-125-14 (password: xilinx):
ssh xilinx@<static-ip-address>

Verify PYNQ Server

  • Open your web browser and navigate to <static-ip-address>. You should be prompted to the PYNQ Jupyter Notebook welcome page (password: xilinx).
  • (OPTIONAL) The PYNQ image also includes a Samba file sharing service, which allows to access the file system as if it would be a remote drive. This is very handy to transfer files between your PC and the Redpitaya-125-14. The configuration process is described here. Do not worry if your user permissions our your network settings do not allow you to access the Samba service. File transfers can also be done via SCP.

Speed up the design flow

Define a RSA key pair

We will generate an RSA key pair that will prevent you from using the xilinx password in your SSH and SCP commands:

  • Open a command line terminal (for Windows see ⚠️).
  • Generate the key pair:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • You can proceed with the default configurations and hit Enter.
  • Upload the the generated key pair to the Redpitaya-125-14 (password: xilinx).
ssh-copy-id xilinx@<static-ip-address>
  • Verify that you can use SSH without having to provide a password.
ssh xilinx@<static-ip-address>

⚠️ The ssh-copy-id command is not supported within the regular Windows CMD, use instead the Git Bash Terminal or the Linux Subsystem Terminal for all the steps of this section. Alternatively, you can use the Windows Powershell to set up the RSA key sharing (see here).

Create a Vivado shortcut to upload overlays

Overlays are file bundles created around a custom FPGA image, which include the generated bitstream and hardware_handoff files to provide information on the instantiated IPs, memory interfaces, etc. These files are typically manually collected out of the Vivado project, renamed and uploaded to the FPGA. The process is simple but require a few minutes of your time. I have created a simple TCL script that fully automates this process and which can be launched via a shortcut in the Vivado IDE. To set this up, you need to:

  • Open Vivado.
  • Open the upper toolbar and go to Tools --> Custom Commands --> Customize Commands.
  • Add a new command that executes <FPGA-Notes-for-Scientists>/tcl/upload_overlay.tcl.
  • After pressing OK, a new button appears on the Vivado toolbar. We will use it after bitstream creation to automatically construct the corresponding overlay and upload it to the Redpitaya-125-14.

  • Close Vivado.

  • Open FPGA-Notes-for-Scientists/tcl/upload_overlay.tcl and insert the static IP address of your Redpitaya-125-14:

set ip # Replace with <static-ip-address>
set user xilinx
cd [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]
set projName [get_property NAME [current_project]]
# ...
  • Save and close the file.

Known Issues

  • Vivado 2020.X does not re-open existing project. See solution here