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dssecret edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 14 revisions


All parameters that are sufficed with at * are optional parameters. If a parameter has a default state, the default state will be included in the description of the parameter. All commands are listed to use ? as the prefix, but the prefix on your server will be whatever is set in your server or ? if none is set.

?help [command]

Returns links to the documentation, issues, and other pages if no command is passed. If a command is passed, the command returns the help message of the command.

command* - The command whose help message is requested.

Moderation Commands

All moderation commands require the command invoker to have Administrator permissions or to be the superuser.

?purge [messages]

Deletes the specified number of messages in the invoked channel.

Faction Commands

Commands related to the faction that can be run by any faction member.

?withdraw [money]

Sends a request to specified channel for a specified amount of money.

money - The amount of money requested by the user

?req ?with

`?fulfill [requestid]

Fulfills the specified withdrawal request. Recommended to only allow faction leadership to see the withdrawals channel.

requestid - The ID of the withdrawal request to be fulfilled (specified in the withdrawal request message from the bot)



Returns the user's exact faction vault balance.



Returns the user's simplified faction vault balance.

Administrative Commands

All administrative commands require the command invoker to have the Administrator permission or to be the superuser.

?config [key] [value]

Returns the current configuration of the bot if no key is inputted. Certain items of the configuration will be returned as Classified, and if the actual value is wanted the config.ini file should be looked at with an IDE or text editor.

?config guild
Sets the guild ID to the server the command is invoked from in the config.ini file. Any value passed with this key is ignored.

?config vc [value]
Sets the primary vault channel in the config.ini file. The value must be a channel in the form #channel and is required.

?config vc2 [value]
Sets the secondary vault channel in the config.ini file. The value must be a channel in the form #channel and is required.

?config vr [value]
Sets the primary banker role in the config.ini file. The value must be a mention of a role in the form @role and is required.

?config vr2 [value]
Sets the secondary banker role in the config.ini file. The value must be a mention of a role in the form @role and is required.

?config prefix [value]
Sets the bot's prefix in the config.ini file. Once the bot's prefix is set, a restart is required for the prefix to take effect. The value is required.

?config nr [value]
Sets the noob role (WIP) in the config.ini file. The value must be a mention of a role in the form @role and is required.

?config key [value]
Sets the secondary key in the config.ini file. The secondary key must be of a secondary faction member (otherwise the secondary faction withdrawal and balance commands won't work). The value is required. The command invocation will be deleted as to maintain the security of the API key.

?config bc [value]
Sets the banking channel the vault commands are invoked in. The value must be a channel in the form #channel and is not required.

Miscellaneous Commands


Returns the bot's prefix.


Returns the bot's current version (assuming the developer remembers to update it).


Returns the bot's licensing terms. These terms are required to be in the bot's code and the source code of the bot is required to be available from the bot's server.


Returns information on the bot's current status.