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METexpress 4.3.0

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@ksearight ksearight released this 02 Dec 16:47

METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.3.0


Production images can be found at

Release Notes:

Production build date: 2021.11.20

Integration build date: 2021.11.19
All apps v4.3.0


  • Added error bars to contingency table difference curves.
  • Added significance overlay to contingency table contour diff plots.
  • Contingency table statistical calculations are now done by the app instead of in the query, resulting in a speed increase.
  • Contingency table apps have a new and improved text display.
  • Plot axis ranges are re-calculated after matching, so that there are not large gaps on the sides of plots.
  • Contour diff selectors X-axis-parameter and Y-axis-parameter are now are now plot parameters instead of curve parameters, since they should only have one value for the entire plot.
  • Difference curve and QC controls are now hidden for plot types they are not relevant to.
  • Infrastructure improvements for when we eventually use GitHub actions to manage app container builds.
  • Updated all apps to Meteor v2.5.