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File metadata and controls

6445 lines (5115 loc) · 153 KB

Python Wrappers

This chapter provides a description of each supported Python wrapper in METplus Wrappers. A wrapper is generally a Python script that encapsulates the behavior of a corresponding MET tool. Each of these sections can be added to the PROCESS_LIST configuration list variable. The METplus Configuration section of each wrapper section below lists the METplus Wrappers configuration variables that are specific to that wrapper organized by config file section. You can find more information about each item in the METplus Configuration Glossary. The MET Configuration section of each wrapper (if applicable) displays the wrapped MET configuration file that utilizes environment variables to override settings. These sections also contain a list of environment variables that are referenced in the wrapped MET configuration files and a table to show which METplus configuration variables are used to set them and which MET configuration variables they override.



Used to configure the MET tool ASCII2NC

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/Ascii2NcConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_FLAG` time_summary.flag
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_RAW_DATA` time_summary.raw_data
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_BEG` time_summary.beg
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_END` time_summary.end
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_STEP` time_summary.step
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_WIDTH` time_summary.width
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_GRIB_CODES` time_summary.grib_code
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_VAR_NAMES` time_summary.obs_var
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_TYPES` time_summary.type
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_VALID_FREQ` time_summary.vld_freq
:term:`ASCII2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_VALID_THRESH` time_summary.vld_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



This wrapper does not have a corresponding MET tool but instead wraps the logic necessary to create plots of cyclone tracks. Currently only the output from the MET tc-pairs tool can be plotted.

METplus Configuration



Used to configure the MET tool ensemble_stat.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/EnsembleStatConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC` or :term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBTYPE` obtype


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_REGRID_SHAPE` regrid.shape
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_REGRID_METHOD` regrid.method
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_REGRID_WIDTH` regrid.width
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_REGRID_TO_GRID` regrid.to_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CENSOR_THRESH` censor_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CENSOR_VAL` censor_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENS_THRESH` ens.ens_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENS_VLD_THRESH` ens.vld_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENS_OBS_THRESH` ens.obs_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENS_VAR<n>_LEVELS` ens.field.level
:term:`ENS_VAR<n>_THRESH` ens.field.cat_thresh
:term:`ENS_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NBRHD_PROB_WIDTH` nbrhd_prob.width
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NBRHD_PROB_SHAPE` nbrhd_prob.shape
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NBRHD_PROB_VLD_THRESH` nbrhd_prob.vld_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NMEP_SMOOTH_VLD_THRESH` nmep_smooth.vld_thresh
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NMEP_SMOOTH_SHAPE` nmep_smooth.shape
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NMEP_SMOOTH_GAUSSIAN_DX` nmep_smooth.gaussian_dx
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NMEP_SMOOTH_GAUSSIAN_RADIUS` nmep_smooth.gaussian_radius
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NMEP_SMOOTH_METHOD` nmep_smooth.type.method
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_NMEP_SMOOTH_WIDTH` nmep_smooth.type.width


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_MESSAGE_TYPE` message_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_DUPLICATE_FLAG` duplicate_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_SKIP_CONST` skip_const


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OBS_ERROR_FLAG` obs_error.flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENS_SSVAR_BIN_SIZE` ens_ssvar_bin_size


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENS_PHIST_BIN_SIZE` ens_phist_bin_size


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_FILE_NAME` climo_mean.file_name
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_FIELD` climo_mean.field
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_METHOD` climo_mean.regrid.method
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_mean.regrid.width
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_mean.regrid.shape
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_mean.time_interp_method
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_MATCH_MONTH` climo_mean.match_month
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_mean.day_interval
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_mean.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_FILE_NAME` climo_stdev.file_name
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_FIELD` climo_stdev.field
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_METHOD` climo_stdev.regrid.method
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_stdev.regrid.width
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_stdev.regrid.shape
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_stdev.time_interp_method
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_MATCH_MONTH` climo_stdev.match_month
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.day_interval
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_BINS` climo_cdv.cdf_bins
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_CENTER_BINS` climo_cdv.center_bins
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_WRITE_BINS` climo_cdv.write_bins


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_MASK_GRID` mask.grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_MASK_POLY` mask.poly


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_CI_ALPHA` ci_alpha


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_INTERP_FIELD` interp.field
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_INTERP_VLD_THRESH` interp.vld_thresh
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_INTERP_SHAPE` interp.shape
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_INTERP_METHOD` interp.type.method
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_INTERP_WIDTH` interp.type.width


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_ECNT` output_flag.ecnt
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_RPS` output_flag.rps
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_RHIST` output_flag.rhist
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PHIST` output_flag.phist
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_ORANK` output_flag.orank
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_SSVAR` output_flag.ssvar
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_RELP` output_flag.relp


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_LATLON` ensemble_flag.latlon
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_MEAN` ensemble_flag.mean
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_STDEV` ensemble_flag.stdev
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_MINUS` ensemble_flag.minus
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_MIN` ensemble_flag.min
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_MAX` ensemble_flag.max
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_RANGE` ensemble_flag.range
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_VLD_COUNT` ensemble_flag.vld_count
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_FREQUENCY` ensemble_flag.frequency
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_NEP` ensemble_flag.nep
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_NMEP` ensemble_flag.nmep
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_RANK` ensemble_flag.rank
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_ENSEMBLE_FLAG_WEIGHT` ensemble_flag.weight


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_PREFIX` output_prefix


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



Used to demonstrate how the METplus wrappers handle looping and building commands.




The ExtractTiles wrapper is used to regrid and extract subregions from paired tropical cyclone tracks that are created by the tc_pairs_wrapper. Unlike the other wrappers, the extract_tiles_wrapper does not correspond to a specific MET tool. It invokes the tc_stat_wrapper, which in turn calls the MET tc_stat tool to determine the lat/lon positions of the paired track data. This information is then used to create tiles of subregions. The ExtractTiles wrapper creates a 2n degree x 2m degree grid/tile with each storm located at the center.

METplus Configuration

The following should be set in the METplus configuration file to define the dimensions and density of the tiles comprising the subregion:



Used to configure the utility GempakToCF.

METplus Configuration





Used to configure the MET tool GenVxMask to define and generate masking regions.




Used to configure the MET tool grid_diag.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/GridDiagConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC` or :term:`GRID_DIAG_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_DIAG_REGRID_SHAPE` regrid.shape
:term:`GRID_DIAG_REGRID_METHOD` regrid.method
:term:`GRID_DIAG_REGRID_WIDTH` regrid.width
:term:`GRID_DIAG_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`GRID_DIAG_REGRID_TO_GRID` regrid.to_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_DIAG_CENSOR_THRESH` censor_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_DIAG_CENSOR_VAL` censor_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`BOTH_VAR<n>_LEVELS` data.field.level
:term:`BOTH_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_DIAG_MASK_GRID` mask.grid
:term:`GRID_DIAG_MASK_POLY` mask.poly


Since the default value in the MET config file for 'grid' is grid = [ "FULL" ];, setting GRID_DIAG_MASK_GRID to an empty string will result in a value of grid = []; in the MET config file.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



Used to configure the MET tool grid_stat.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/GridStatConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC` or :term:`GRID_STAT_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBTYPE` obtype


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_REGRID_SHAPE` regrid.shape
:term:`GRID_STAT_REGRID_METHOD` regrid.method
:term:`GRID_STAT_REGRID_WIDTH` regrid.width
:term:`GRID_STAT_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`GRID_STAT_REGRID_TO_GRID` regrid.to_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_GRID_STAT_FILE_TYPE` fcst.file_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_GRID_STAT_FILE_TYPE` obs.file_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_FILE_NAME` climo_mean.file_name
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_FIELD` climo_mean.field
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_METHOD` climo_mean.regrid.method
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_mean.regrid.width
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_mean.regrid.shape
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_mean.time_interp_method
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_MATCH_MONTH` climo_mean.match_month
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_mean.day_interval
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_mean.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_FILE_NAME` climo_stdev.file_name
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_FIELD` climo_stdev.field
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_METHOD` climo_stdev.regrid.method
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_stdev.regrid.width
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_stdev.regrid.shape
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_stdev.time_interp_method
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_MATCH_MONTH` climo_stdev.match_month
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.day_interval
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_MASK_GRID` mask.grid
:term:`GRID_STAT_MASK_POLY` mask.poly


Since the default value in the MET config file for 'grid' is grid = [ "FULL" ];, setting GRID_STAT_MASK_GRID to an empty string will result in a value of grid = []; in the MET config file.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_NEIGHBORHOOD_COV_THRESH` nbrhd.cov_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_PREFIX` output_prefix


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_BINS` climo_cdf.cdf_bins
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_CENTER_BINS` climo_cdf.center_bins
:term:`GRID_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_WRITE_BINS` climo_cdf.write_bins


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_FHO` output_flag.fho
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_CTC` output_flag.ctc
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_CTS` output_flag.cts
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_MCTC` output_flag.mctc
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_MCTS` output_flag.mcts
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_CNT` output_flag.cnt
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_SL1L2` output_flag.sl1l2
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_SAL1L2` output_flag.sal1l2
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_VL1L2` output_flag.vl1l2
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_VAL1L2` output_flag.val1l2
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_VCNT` output_flag.vcnt
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PCT` output_flag.pct
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PSTD` output_flag.pstd
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PJC` output_flag.pjc
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRC` output_flag.prc
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_ECLV` output_flag.eclv
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_NBRCTC` output_flag.nbrctc
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_NBRCTS` output_flag.nbrcts
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_NBRCNT` output_flag.nbrcnt
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_GRAD` output_flag.grad
:term:`GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_DMAP` output_flag.dmap


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_LATLON` nc_pairs_flag.latlon
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_RAW` nc_pairs_flag.raw
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_DIFF` nc_pairs_flag.diff
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_CLIMO` nc_pairs_flag.climo
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_CLIMO_CDP` nc_pairs_flag.climo_cdp
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_WEIGHT` nc_pairs_flag.weight
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_NBRHD` nc_pairs_flag.nbrhd
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_FOURIER` nc_pairs_flag.fourier
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_GRADIENT` nc_pairs_flag.gradient
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_DISTANCE_MAP` nc_pairs_flag.distance_map
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_APPLY_MASK` nc_pairs_flag.apply_mask


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_INTERP_FIELD` interp.field
:term:`GRID_STAT_INTERP_VLD_THRESH` interp.vld_thresh
:term:`GRID_STAT_INTERP_SHAPE` interp.shape
:term:`GRID_STAT_INTERP_TYPE_METHOD` interp.type.method
:term:`GRID_STAT_INTERP_TYPE_WIDTH` interp.type.width


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_NC_PAIRS_VAR_NAME` nc_pairs_var_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`GRID_STAT_GRID_WEIGHT_FLAG` grid_weight_flag



The MakePlots wrapper creates various statistical plots using python scripts for the various METplus Wrappers use cases. This can only be run following StatAnalysis wrapper when LOOP_ORDER = processes. To run MakePlots wrapper, include MakePlots in PROCESS_LIST.

METplus Configuration

The following values must be defined in the METplus Wrappers configuration file:

The following values are optional in the METplus Wrappers configuration file:



Used to call the script from dtcenter/METdatadb to load MET output into a METviewer database.

METplus Configuration

XML Configuration

Below is the XML template configuration file used for this wrapper. The wrapper substitutes values from the METplus configuration file into this configuration file. While it may appear that environment variables are used in the XML template file, they are not actually environment variables. The wrapper searches for these strings and substitutes the values as appropriate.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/METdbLoad/METdbLoadConfig.xml


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_HOST` <load_spec><connection><host>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_DATABASE` <load_spec><connection><database>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_USER` <load_spec><connection><user>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_PASSWORD` <load_spec><connection><password>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_VERBOSE` <load_spec><verbose>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_INSERT_SIZE` <load_spec><insert_size>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_MODE_HEADER_DB_CHECK` <load_spec><mode_header_db_check>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_DROP_INDEXES` <load_spec><drop_indexes>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_APPLY_INDEXES` <load_spec><apply_indexes>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_GROUP` <load_spec><group>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_LOAD_STAT` <load_spec><load_stat>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_LOAD_MODE` <load_spec><load_mode>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_LOAD_MTD` <load_spec><load_mtd>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_MV_LOAD_MPR` <load_spec><load_mpr>


METplus Config(s) XML Config File
:term:`MET_DB_LOAD_INPUT_TEMPLATE` <load_val><field name="dirs"><val>



Used to configure the MET Method for Object-based Diagnostic Evaluation tool mode.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/MODEConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBTYPE` obtype


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_REGRID_SHAPE` regrid.shape
:term:`MODE_REGRID_METHOD` regrid.method
:term:`MODE_REGRID_WIDTH` regrid.width
:term:`MODE_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`MODE_REGRID_TO_GRID` regrid.to_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_GRID_RES` grid_res


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_QUILT` quilt


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_CONV_RADIUS` fcst.conv_radius


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_CONV_THRESH` fcst.conv_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_MERGE_THRESH` fcst.merge_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_MERGE_FLAG` fcst.merge_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_MODE_CONV_RADIUS` obs.conv_radius


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_MODE_CONV_THRESH` obs.conv_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_MODE_MERGE_THRESH` obs.merge_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_MODE_MERGE_FLAG` obs.merge_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_MASK_POLY` mask.poly


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_OUTPUT_PREFIX` output_prefix


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_FILTER_ATTR_NAME` fcst.filter_attr_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_FILTER_ATTR_THRESH` fcst.filter_attr_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_CENSOR_THRESH` fcst.censor_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_CENSOR_VAL` fcst.censor_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_FCST_VLD_THRESH` fcst.vld_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_OBS_FILTER_ATTR_NAME` obs.filter_attr_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_OBS_FILTER_ATTR_THRESH` obs.filter_attr_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_OBS_CENSOR_THRESH` obs.censor_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_OBS_CENSOR_VAL` obs.censor_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_OBS_VLD_THRESH` obs.vld_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_MASK_GRID` mask.grid
:term:`MODE_MASK_GRID_FLAG` mask.grid_flag
:term:`MODE_MASK_POLY` mask.poly
:term:`MODE_MASK_POLY_FLAG` mask.poly_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_MATCH_FLAG` match_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_CENTROID_DIST` weight.centroid_dist
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_BOUNDARY_DIST` weight.boundary_dist
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_CONVEX_HULL_DIST` weight.convex_hull_dist
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_ANGLE_DIFF` weight.angle_diff
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_ASPECT_DIFF` weight.aspect_diff
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_AREA_RATIO` weight.area_ratio
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_INT_AREA_RATIO` weight.int_area_ratio
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_CURVATURE_RATIO` weight.curvature_ratio
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_COMPLEXITY_RATIO` weight.complexity_ratio
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_INTEN_PERC_RATIO` weight.inten_perc_ratio
:term:`MODE_WEIGHT_INTEN_PERC_VALUE` weight.inten_perc_value


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_LATLON` nc_pairs_flag.latlon
:term:`MODE_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_RAW` nc_pairs_flag.raw
:term:`MODE_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_OBJECT_RAW` nc_pairs_flag.object_raw
:term:`MODE_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_OBJECT_ID` nc_pairs_flag.object_id
:term:`MODE_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_CLUSTER_ID` nc_pairs_flag.cluster_id
:term:`MODE_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_POLYLINES` nc_pairs_flag.polylines


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_MAX_CENTROID_DIST` max_centroid_dist


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_INTEREST_FUNCTION_CENTROID_DIST` interest_function.centroid_dist


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_INTEREST_FUNCTION_BOUNDARY_DIST` interest_function.boundary_dist


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_INTEREST_FUNCTION_CONVEX_HULL_DIST` interest_function.convex_hull_dist


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODE_TOTAL_INTEREST_THRESH` total_interest_thresh



Used to configure the MET MODE Time Domain tool mtd. This tools follows objects through time and can also be used to track objects.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/MTDConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBTYPE` obtype


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_REGRID_SHAPE` regrid.shape
:term:`MTD_REGRID_METHOD` regrid.method
:term:`MTD_REGRID_WIDTH` regrid.width
:term:`MTD_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`MTD_REGRID_TO_GRID` regrid.to_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_MTD_INPUT_DATATYPE` fcst.file_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_FCST_CONV_RADIUS` fcst.conv_radius


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_FCST_CONV_THRESH` fcst.conv_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_MTD_INPUT_DATATYPE` obs.file_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_OBS_CONV_RADIUS` obs.conv_radius


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_OBS_CONV_THRESH` obs.conv_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_MIN_VOLUME` min_volume


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MTD_OUTPUT_PREFIX` output_prefix


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



The PB2NC wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the behavior of the MET pb2nc tool to convert prepBUFR files into netCDF.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/PB2NCConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_MESSAGE_TYPE` message_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_STATION_ID` station_id


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_OBS_WINDOW_BEGIN` obs_window.beg
:term:`PB2NC_OBS_WINDOW_END` obs_window.end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_MASK_GRID` mask.grid
:term:`PB2NC_MASK_POLY` mask.poly


Since the default value in the MET config file for 'grid' is grid = [ "FULL" ];, setting GRID_STAT_MASK_GRID to an empty string will result in a value of grid = []; in the MET config file.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_OBS_BUFR_VAR_LIST` obs_bufr_var


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_FLAG` time_summary.flag
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_RAW_DATA` time_summary.raw_data
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_BEG` time_summary.beg
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_END` time_summary.end
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_STEP` time_summary.step
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_WIDTH` time_summary.width
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_GRIB_CODES` time_summary.grib_code
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_VAR_NAMES` time_summary.obs_var
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_TYPES` time_summary.type
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_VALID_FREQ` time_summary.vld_freq
:term:`PB2NC_TIME_SUMMARY_VALID_THRESH` time_summary.vld_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_PB_REPORT_TYPE` pb_report_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_LEVEL_RANGE_BEG` level_range.beg
:term:`PB2NC_LEVEL_RANGE_END` level_range.end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_LEVEL_CATEGORY` level_category


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`PB2NC_QUALITY_MARK_THRESH` quality_mark_thresh



The PCPCombine wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET PCPCombine tool. It provides the infrastructure to combine or extract from files to build desired accumulations.

METplus Configuration



The PlotDataPlane wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET plot_data_plane tool. It provides the infrastructure to read in any input that MET can read and plot them. This tool is often used to verify that the data is mapped to the correct grid location.




The Point2Grid wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET point2grid tool. It provides the infrastructure to read in point observations and place them on a grid

METplus Configuration



The PointStat wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET point_stat tool. It provides the infrastructure to read in gridded model data and netCDF point observation data to perform grid-to-point (grid-to-obs) verification.


MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/PointStatConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC` -or- :term:`POINT_STAT_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_REGRID_SHAPE` regrid.shape
:term:`POINT_STAT_REGRID_METHOD` regrid.method
:term:`POINT_STAT_REGRID_WIDTH` regrid.width
:term:`POINT_STAT_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`POINT_STAT_REGRID_TO_GRID` regrid.to_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_MESSAGE_TYPE` message_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_FILE_NAME` climo_mean.file_name
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_FIELD` climo_mean.field
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_METHOD` climo_mean.regrid.method
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_mean.regrid.width
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_mean.regrid.shape
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_mean.time_interp_method
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_MATCH_MONTH` climo_mean.match_month
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_mean.day_interval
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_mean.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_FILE_NAME` climo_stdev.file_name
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_FIELD` climo_stdev.field
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_METHOD` climo_stdev.regrid.method
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_stdev.regrid.width
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_stdev.regrid.shape
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_stdev.time_interp_method
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_MATCH_MONTH` climo_stdev.match_month
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.day_interval
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_STDEV_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_WINDOW_BEGIN` obs_window.beg
:term:`OBS_WINDOW_END` obs_window.end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_MASK_GRID` mask.grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_MASK_POLY` mask.poly


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_MASK_SID` mask.sid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_PREFIX` output_prefix


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_BINS` climo_cdf.cdf_bins
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_CENTER_BINS` climo_cdf.center_bins
:term:`POINT_STAT_CLIMO_CDF_WRITE_BINS` climo_cdf.write_bins


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_OBS_QUALITY` obs_quality


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_FHO` output_flag.fho
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_CTC` output_flag.ctc
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_CTS` output_flag.cts
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_MCTC` output_flag.mctc
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_MCTS` output_flag.mcts
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_CNT` output_flag.cnt
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_SL1L2` output_flag.sl1l2
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_SAL1L2` output_flag.sal1l2
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_VL1L2` output_flag.vl1l2
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_VAL1L2` output_flag.val1l2
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_VCNT` output_flag.vcnt
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PCT` output_flag.pct
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PSTD` output_flag.pstd
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PJC` output_flag.pjc
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRC` output_flag.prc
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_ECNT` output_flag.ecnt
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_RPS` output_flag.rps
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_ECLV` output_flag.eclv
:term:`POINT_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG_MPR` output_flag.mpr


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`POINT_STAT_INTERP_VLD_THRESH` interp.vld_thresh
:term:`POINT_STAT_INTERP_SHAPE` interp.shape
:term:`POINT_STAT_INTERP_TYPE_METHOD` interp.type.method
:term:`POINT_STAT_INTERP_TYPE_WIDTH` interp.type.width



Used to configure the PyEmbedIngest wrapper that runs RegridDataPlane to convert data using python embedding scripts into NetCDF so it can be read by the MET tools.

METplus Configuration



Used to configure the MET tool regrid_data_plane which can be used to change projections of a grid with user configurable interpolation choices. It can also be used to convert GRIB1 and GRIB2 files into netcdf files if desired.

METplus Configuration





The SeriesAnalysis wrapper is used to find files and build a command that calls the MET tool SeriesAnalysis. It can be configured to process ranges of inputs, i.e. once for all files, once for each forecast lead (using , once for a group of forecast leads, once for each initialization time, etc. with the :term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_RUNTIME_FREQ` variable. Optionally, a .tcst file generated by TCStat can be provided to allow filtering by storm ID (see :term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_RUN_ONCE_PER_STORM_ID`). Images of the output data can also optionally be generated as well as animated gif images (See :term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_GENERATE_PLOTS` and :term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_GENERATE_ANIMATIONS`)

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/SeriesAnalysisConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC` -or- :term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBTYPE` obtype


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_REGRID_TO_GRID` regrid.to_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`FCST_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_LEVELS` fcst.field.level
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_THRESH` fcst.field.cat_thresh
:term:`OBS_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_FILE_NAME` climo_mean.file_name
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_FIELD` climo_mean.field
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_METHOD` climo_mean.regrid.method
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_mean.regrid.width
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_mean.regrid.shape
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_mean.time_interp_method
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_MATCH_MONTH` climo_mean.match_month
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_mean.day_interval
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_MEAN_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_mean.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_FILE_NAME` climo_stdev.file_name
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_FIELD` climo_stdev.field
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_METHOD` climo_stdev.regrid.method
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_WIDTH` climo_stdev.regrid.width
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_REGRID_SHAPE` climo_stdev.regrid.shape
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_TIME_INTERP_METHOD` climo_stdev.time_interp_method
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_MATCH_MONTH` climo_stdev.match_month
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_DAY_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.day_interval
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CLIMO_STDEV_HOUR_INTERVAL` climo_stdev.hour_interval


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_CTS_LIST` output_stats.cts


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`SERIES_ANALYSIS_STAT_LIST` output_stats.cnt


METplus Config(s) MET Config File




This tool has been DEPRECATED. Please use SeriesAnalysis wrapper




This tool has been DEPRECATED. Please use SeriesAnalysis wrapper



The StatAnalysis wrapper encapsulates the behavior of the MET stat_analysis tool. It provides the infrastructure to summarize and filter the MET .stat files. StatAnalysis wrapper can be run in two different methods. First is to look at the STAT lines for a single date, to use this method set LOOP_ORDER = times. Second is to look at the STAT lines over a span of dates, to use this method set LOOP_ORDER = processes. To run StatAnalysis wrapper, include StatAnalysis in PROCESS_LIST.

METplus Configuration

The following values must be defined in the METplus Wrappers configuration file for running with LOOP_ORDER = times:

The following values are optional in the METplus Wrappers configuration file for running with LOOP_ORDER = times:

The following values must be defined in the METplus Wrappers configuration file for running with LOOP_ORDER = processes:

The following values are optional in the METplus Wrappers configuration file for running with LOOP_ORDER = processes:



MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/STATAnalysisConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC_LIST` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_LEAD_LIST` fcst_lead


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_LEAD_LIST` obs_lead


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VALID_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`VALID_BEG` fcst_valid_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VALID_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`VALID_END` fcst_valid_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VALID_HOUR_LIST` fcst_valid_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VALID_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`VALID_BEG` obs_valid_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VALID_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`VALID_END` obs_valid_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VALID_HOUR_LIST` obs_valid_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_INIT_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`INIT_BEG` fcst_init_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_INIT_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`INIT_END` fcst_init_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_INIT_HOUR_LIST` fcst_init_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_INIT_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`INIT_BEG` obs_init_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_INIT_HOUR_LIST` and :term:`INIT_END` obs_init_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_INIT_HOUR_LIST` obs_init_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_VAR_LIST` fcst_var


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_VAR_LIST` obs_var


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_UNITS_LIST` fcst_units


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_UNITS_LIST` obs_units


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_LEVEL_LIST` fcst_lev


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_LEVEL_LIST` obs_lev


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL<n>_OBTYPE` obtype


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`VX_MASK_LIST` vx_mask


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`INTERP_MTHD_LIST` interp_mthd


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`INTERP_PNTS_LIST` interp_pnts


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`FCST_THRESH_LIST` fcst_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`OBS_THRESH_LIST` obs_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`COV_THRESH_LIST` cov_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`ALPHA_LIST` alpha


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`LINE_TYPE_LIST` line_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



The TCGen wrapper encapsulates the behavior of the MET tc_gen tool. The wrapper accepts track (Adeck or Bdeck) data and Genesis data.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/TCGenConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_INIT_FREQ` init_freq


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_VALID_FREQ` valid_freq


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_FCST_HR_WINDOW_BEGIN` fcst_hr_window.beg
:term:`TC_GEN_FCST_HR_WINDOW_END` fcst_hr_window.end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_MIN_DURATION` min_duration


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_FCST_GENESIS_VMAX_THRESH` fcst_genesis.vmax_thresh
:term:`TC_GEN_FCST_GENESIS_MSLP_THRESH` fcst_genesis.mslp_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_BEST_GENESIS_TECHNIQUE` best_genesis.technique
:term:`TC_GEN_BEST_GENESIS_CATEGORY` best_genesis.category
:term:`TC_GEN_BEST_GENESIS_VMAX_THRESH` best_genesis.vmax_thresh
:term:`TC_GEN_BEST_GENESIS_MSLP_THRESH` best_genesis.mslp_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_OPER_TECHNIQUE` oper_technique


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_FILTER_\<n\>` filter


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC` -or- :term:`TC_GEN_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_STORM_ID` storm_id


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_STORM_NAME` storm_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_INIT_BEG` init_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_INIT_END` init_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_INIT_INC` init_inc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_INIT_EXC` init_exc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_VALID_BEG` valid_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_VALID_END` valid_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_INIT_HOUR` init_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`LEAD_SEQ` lead


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_VX_MASK` vx_mask


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_BASIN_MASK` basin_mask


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_DLAND_THRESH` dland_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_DEV_HIT_WINDOW_BEGIN` dev_hit_window.beg
:term:`TC_GEN_DEV_HIT_WINDOW_END` dev_hit_window.end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_GENESIS_MATCH_RADIUS` genesis_match_radius


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_GENESIS_MATCH_POINT_TO_TRACK` genesis_match_point_to_track


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_GENESIS_MATCH_WINDOW_BEG` genesis_match_window.beg
:term:`TC_GEN_GENESIS_MATCH_WINDOW_END` genesis_match_window.end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_DEV_HIT_RADIUS` dev_hit_radius


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_OPS_HIT_WINDOW_BEG` ops_hit_window.beg
:term:`TC_GEN_OPS_HIT_WINDOW_END` ops_hit_window.end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_DISCARD_INIT_POST_GENESIS_FLAG` discard_init_post_genesis_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_DEV_METHOD_FLAG` dev_method_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_OPS_METHOD_FLAG` ops_method_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_CI_ALPHA` ci_alpha


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_OUTPUT_FLAG_FHO` output_flag.fho
:term:`TC_GEN_OUTPUT_FLAG_CTC` output_flag.ctc
:term:`TC_GEN_OUTPUT_FLAG_CTS` output_flag.cts
:term:`TC_GEN_OUTPUT_FLAG_GENMPR` output_flag.genmpr


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_LATLON` nc_pairs_flag.latlon
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_FCST_GENESIS` nc_pairs_flag.fcst_genesis
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_FCST_TRACKS` nc_pairs_flag.fcst_tracks
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_FCST_FY_OY` nc_pairs_flag.fcst_fy_oy
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_FCST_FY_ON` nc_pairs_flag.fcst_fy_on
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_BEST_GENESIS` nc_pairs_flag.best_genesis
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_BEST_TRACKS` nc_pairs_flag.best_tracks
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_BEST_FY_OY` nc_pairs_flag.best_fy_oy
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_FLAG_BEST_FN_OY` nc_pairs_flag.best_fn_oy


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_VALID_MINUS_GENESIS_DIFF_THRESH` valid_minus_genesis_diff_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_BEST_UNIQUE_FLAG` best_unique_flag


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_DLAND_FILE` dland_file


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_BASIN_FILE` basin_file


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_GEN_NC_PAIRS_GRID` nc_pairs_grid


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



The TCMPRPlotter wrapper is a Python script that wraps the R script plot_tcmpr.R. This script is useful for plotting the calculated statistics for the output from the MET-TC tools. This script, and other R scripts are included in the MET installation. Please refer to the MET User's Guide for usage information.

METplus Configuration

The following are TCMPR flags, if set to 'no', then don't set flag, if set to 'yes', then set the flag



The TCPairs wrapper encapsulates the behavior of the MET tc_pairs tool. The wrapper accepts Adeck and Bdeck (Best track) cyclone track data in extra tropical cyclone format (such as the data used by sample data provided in the METplus tutorial), or ATCF formatted track data. If data is in an extra tropical cyclone (non-ATCF) format, the data is reformatted into an ATCF format that is recognized by MET.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/TCPairsConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`DESC` -or- :term:`TC_PAIRS_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_STORM_ID` storm_id


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_BASIN` basin


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_CYCLONE` cyclone


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_STORM_NAME` storm_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_INIT_BEG` init_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_INIT_END` init_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_INIT_INCLUDE` init_inc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_INIT_EXCLUDE` init_exc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_VALID_BEG` valid_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_VALID_END` valid_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_PAIRS_DLAND_FILE` dland_file


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



Used to configure the MET tool TC-RMW.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/TCRMWConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`MODEL` model


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_STORM_ID` storm_id


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_BASIN` basin


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_CYCLONE` cyclone


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_INIT_INCLUDE` init_inc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_VALID_BEG` valid_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_VALID_END` valid_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_VALID_INCLUDE_LIST` valid_inc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_VALID_EXCLUDE_LIST` valid_exc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_VALID_HOUR_LIST` valid_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`LEAD_SEQ` lead


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_INPUT_DATATYPE` data.file_type


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`BOTH_VAR<n>_LEVELS` data.field.level
:term:`BOTH_VAR<n>_OPTIONS` n/a


For more information on controlling the field attributes in METplus, please see the :ref:`Field_Info` section of the User's Guide.


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_REGRID_SHAPE` regrid.shape
:term:`TC_RMW_REGRID_METHOD` regrid.method
:term:`TC_RMW_REGRID_WIDTH` regrid.width
:term:`TC_RMW_REGRID_VLD_THRESH` regrid.vld_thresh


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_N_RANGE` n_range


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_N_AZIMUTH` n_azimuth


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_MAX_RANGE_KM` max_range_km


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_DELTA_RANGE_KM` delta_range_km


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_RMW_SCALE` rmw_scale


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



Used to configure the MET tool tc_stat.

METplus Configuration

MET Configuration

Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):


Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see :ref:`How METplus controls MET config file settings<metplus-control-met>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../parm/met_config/TCStatConfig_wrapped


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_AMODEL` amodel


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_BMODEL` bmodel


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_DESC` desc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_STORM_ID` storm_id


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_BASIN` basin


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_CYCLONE` cyclone


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_STORM_NAME` storm_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_BEG` init_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_END` init_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_INCLUDE` init_inc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_EXCLUDE` init_exc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_VALID_BEG` valid_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_VALID_END` valid_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_VALID_INCLUDE` valid_inc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_VALID_EXCLUDE` valid_exc


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_HOUR` init_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_VALID_HOUR` valid_hour


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_LEAD` lead


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_LEAD_REQ` lead_req


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_MASK` init_mask


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_VALID_MASK` valid_mask


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_TRACK_WATCH_WARN` track_watch_warn


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_COLUMN_THRESH_NAME` column_thresh_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_COLUMN_THRESH_VAL` column_thresh_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_NAME` column_str_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_VAL` column_str_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_EXC_NAME` column_str_exc_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_EXC_VAL` column_str_exc_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_THRESH_NAME` init_thresh_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_THRESH_VAL` init_thresh_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_STR_NAME` init_str_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_STR_VAL` init_str_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_STR_EXC_NAME` init_str_exc_name


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_INIT_STR_EXC_VAL` init_str_exc_val


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_WATER_ONLY` water_only


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_LANDFALL` landfall


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_LANDFALL_BEG` landfall_beg


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_LANDFALL_END` landfall_end


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_MATCH_POINTS` match_points


METplus Config(s) MET Config File
:term:`TC_STAT_JOBS_LIST` jobs


METplus Config(s) MET Config File



Used to generate user-defined commands to run in the process list. Commands can be run once, run once for each runtime (init/valid/lead combination) or once for init, valid, or lead only. The command to run is specified with the :term:`USER_SCRIPT_COMMAND` variable. The command should include a script or executable and any desired arguments. The variable support filename template substitution to send information like the current initialization or forecast lead time. See :ref:`Runtime_Freq` for more information on how the value of :term:`USER_SCRIPT_RUNTIME_FREQ` can control how the commands are called.

METplus Configuration