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[MODULE] - Fast JSON lexer (tokenizer) with no memory footprint and no garbage collector pressure (zero-alloc). 5x faster compared to Go's default encoding/json tokenizer.


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Fast JSON lexer (tokenizer) with no memory footprint and no garbage collector pressure (zero heap allocations).


go get -u


Using an io.Reader that directly uses system calls (e.g. os.File) will result in poor performance. Wrap your input reader with bufio.Reader or better bytes.Reader to achieve best results.

Usage A - iterating behaviour (Cursor)

package main

import (

func main() {
    reader := bytes.NewReader(
        []byte(`{ "foo": "bar", "baz": 42 }`),

    cursor := jsonlex.NewCursor(reader, nil)


    if !cursor.Next().Is(jsonlex.TokenEOF) {
        println("there is more ...")

Usage B - emitting behaviour (Yield)

package main

import (

func main() {
    reader := bytes.NewReader(
        []byte(`{ "foo": "bar", "baz": 42 }`),

    lexer := jsonlex.NewLexer(
        func(kind jsonlex.TokenKind, load []byte, pos uint) bool {

            save := make([]byte, len(load))
            copy(save, load)

            println(pos, kind, string(save))
            return true


Please note, that the Scan() function is reentrant and subsequent invocations will continue to consume the available byte stream as long as you provide a reader that implements an UnreadByte() error interface, and you configure the Lexer with the LexerOptEnableUnreadBuffer option activated.

Emitted tokens

jsonlex Representation
TokenEOF signals end of file/stream
TokenERR error string (other than EOF)
TokenLIT literal (true, false, null)
TokenNUM float number
TokenSTR "...\"..."
TokenCOL : colon
TokenCOM , comma
TokenLSB [ left square bracket
TokenRSB ] right square bracket
TokenLCB { left curly brace
TokenRCB } right curly brace

Artificial benchmarks

Each benchmark consists of complete tokenization of a JSON document of a given size (2kB, 20kB, 200kB and 2000kB) using one CPU core. The unit doc/s means tokenized documents per second, so more is better. The comparison candidate is Go's encoding/json.Decoder.Token() implementation.

2kB 20kB 200kb 2000kB
encoding/json 9910 doc/s 1152 doc/s 126 doc/s 14 doc/s
dtgorski/jsonlex 71880 doc/s 7341 doc/s 753 doc/s 85 doc/s
cpus: 1 core (~8000 BogoMIPS)
goos: linux
goarch: amd64

Benchmark_encjson_2kB              9910     120475 ns/op      36528 B/op      1963 allocs/op
Benchmark_encjson_20kB             1152    1040771 ns/op     318432 B/op     18231 allocs/op
Benchmark_encjson_200kB             126    9494534 ns/op    2877968 B/op    164401 allocs/op
Benchmark_encjson_2000kB             14   77593586 ns/op   23355856 B/op   1319126 allocs/op

Benchmark_jsonlex_lexer_2kB       71880      16691 ns/op          0 B/op         0 allocs/op
Benchmark_jsonlex_lexer_20kB       7341     163210 ns/op          0 B/op         0 allocs/op
Benchmark_jsonlex_lexer_200kB       753    1594025 ns/op          0 B/op         0 allocs/op
Benchmark_jsonlex_lexer_2000kB       85   14107866 ns/op          0 B/op         0 allocs/op

Benchmark_jsonlex_cursor_2kB      38002      31776 ns/op       3680 B/op       592 allocs/op
Benchmark_jsonlex_cursor_20kB      4058     300490 ns/op      25168 B/op      5446 allocs/op
Benchmark_jsonlex_cursor_200kB      422    2777058 ns/op     248816 B/op     49141 allocs/op
Benchmark_jsonlex_cursor_2000kB      50   23559879 ns/op    2254896 B/op    396298 allocs/op


The implementation and features of jsonlex follow the YAGNI principle. There is no claim for completeness or reliability.


Try make:

$ make

 make help       Displays this list
 make clean      Removes build/test artifacts
 make test       Runs integrity test with -race
 make bench      Executes artificial benchmarks
 make prof-cpu   Creates CPU profiler output
 make prof-mem   Creates memory profiler output
 make sniff      Checks format and runs linter (void on success)
 make tidy       Formats source files, cleans go.mod


MIT - © dtg [at] lengo [dot] org


[MODULE] - Fast JSON lexer (tokenizer) with no memory footprint and no garbage collector pressure (zero-alloc). 5x faster compared to Go's default encoding/json tokenizer.




