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The concept of the Prolog "variable"

The noun "variable" is used confusingly in the Prolog universe.

Let's attempt to clarify (hopefully).

Compare with:

See also:

  • The entry for var/1 in the SWI-Prolog manual.


One basically has three things:

  • "cells" (a storage element; cells are referencing each other, forming directed graphs), held in a globally accessible "cell store";

  • "terms" (a cell graph is interpreted as a term; as the cell store is globally accessible, so are the terms)

  • "variable names"

  • A term is represented by a (equivalence class of) directed graphs of cells. Inner cells of the graph cannot be "empty". Leaf cells of the graph can be "empty" ;

  • An "unbound variable" or "uninstantiated variable" (sometimes called a "fresh variable" and even sometimes a "free variable") has exactly the meaning of an "empty cell" in the cell store (one can call this "hole") ;

  • In particular an "empty term" is represented by an "empty cell" (empty terms are distinguishable, as are empty cells) ;

  • An "empty term" represents "missing knowledge about the solution" ;

  • A term, empty or otherwise, is designated (or denoted) by a "variable name" in source or in printouts: X, _123 etc. (one colloquially says: "the term X")

  • And if the variable name X designates an empty cell (an empty term) one colloquially says: "variable X is unbound/uninstantiated/fresh".

"Variable Names"

"Variable names" are clause-local or goal-local names found in source code and queries. The clause below sports local variable names X, Y, Z.

f(X,Y) :- g(X,Z),h(Z,Y).

Variable names may be generated on demand by predicates like print/1:

Here the original variable names are dropped as the term f(X,Y) :- g(X,Z),h(Z,Y) is read in. New ones are generated on need when printing. (The number probably indicates the cell address).

?- print((f(X,Y) :- g(X,Z),h(Z,Y))).

"Terms" and the "Cells" that represent them

A variable name that appears in a clause or goal designates (or "denotes"), at runtime, a cell in a "global cell store". The cell store is global as the currently active clause may access any cell therein as long as the activation (stack frame) holds a reference to said cell.

Cells form directed graphs that are concrete representations of terms.

The special variable name _ is the "anonymous variable name". Wherever it appears, it designates a distinct cell.

Consider the clause:

f(X,Y) :- g(X,Z),h(Z,Y).

It uses variables names X, Y and Z. At runtime, the activation of the clause (the stack frame) is initialized with references into the global term store for the arguments passed in: one for X and one for Y. A new reference into the global term store for the fresh variable Z is also added. The actual variable names used in source code, X, Y, Z are of no relevance and actually unknown to the activation.

A term is generally considered to have tree structure (a "tree of terms", the definition being recursive). Inner nodes of the tree are compound terms and leaf nodes are either atomic terms or empty terms. An empty term leaf is printed as a variable name. Empty terms are distinguishable:

Example: Create a list with 5 empty terms, with the list denoted by the variable name L. Denote the empty terms at position 0 with E0 and position 1 with E1 (SWI Prolog will actually reause those names when printing out L, but there is no deep reason for that). The empty terms designated by E0 and E1 are distinguishable:

?- length(L,5), nth0(0,L,E0),nth0(1,L,E1),E0\==E1.
L = [E0, E1, _124792, _124798, _124804].

The same empty term may appear in several distinct leaf positions ("the variable is shared") and cycles may even be constructed. In that case, the term can no longer be considered a tree: it is a directed graph, possibly cyclic.

If there is sharing of subterms (entire subtrees referenced from multiple places) inside the term graph, there is in principle no way to find out from Prolog that this is the case.

One can consider each node of a term graph to be represented by a (either shared or unique) cell in the global term store. Inner nodes are cells with (possibly 0) children. Leaf nodes (or rather, nodes the the edge of the graph) are cells with no children.

An empty term is represented by an empty cell (maybe call this a hole (not official terminology and not to be confused with an Haskell type holes).

The idea is that this represents an as-yet-undefined datum. The cell may be filled using unification as computation proceeds. The empty term is "instantiated" (or "refined"). This represents accumulation of information about the problem to solve. Prolog does allow one to "uninstantiate" an instantiated, previously empty term except when backtracking.

Concept of a variable

Fluidly, one talks about the term X when one really wants to talk about the (possibly empty) term designated by the variable name X at a given step of the computation. Indeed, whatever can be found inside the parentheses of a predicate call may be called a "term".

Also, "term" may be used to designate the full graph reachable from a given node/cell but sometimes it is used to designate a single node of a term graph. Watch out for context!

Note this important unification behaviour of empty cells:

When unifying two empty cells, the cells are merged and one cell disappears:

?- print(X),nl,print(Y),nl,X=Y,print(X),nl,print(Y),nl.
X = Y.

When unifying an empty cell and a nonempty cell, the empty cell disappears:

?- print(X),nl,X=a,print(X).
X = a.

Another example:

Unification example

The noun "variable"

Fluidly, the noun "variable" may be used for:

  • An empty cell in the term store. In particular the designation Attributed Variable uses "variable" in that sense. The predicate name var/1 makes sense under this interpretation: Checking whether what is inside the parentheses is a "variable" means checking whether it is an empty cell.
  • A variable name as found in source code, which may designate an empty or nonempty cell at runtime (as in "the variable X in var(X)")
  • A variable name printed out at runtime, like X or _124, which always designates an empty cell (otherwise the content of the cell would be printed). Empty cells do not have a name by themselves.

If the variable name designates an empty cell, one talks about an unbound variable or an uninstantiated variable.

There is also the fresh variable (always uninstantiated at first), which is a "newly introduced" empty cell.

For example:

?- length(List,2).
List = [_4480, _4486].

Variables _4480 and _4486 are evidently "fresh", which is a pithy way of saying "the cells designated by variable names _4480 and _4486 are newly allocated and as yet empty".

When does "freshness" end? Maybe at first unification, maybe earlier, maybe later. It's vague. Consider the "Law of Fresh" from The Reasoned Schemer: "If x is fresh, then (≡ v x) succeeds and associates x with v."

If the variable name designates a nonempty cell (it represents the topmost node of a nonemtpy term), one talks about a bound variable or an instantiated variable or one says that the variable is bound to a term (note the direction: not term is bound to a variable).

The predicates var(X) and nonvar(X)

When you ask var(X) you are actually asking whether the variable name X currently (at query time, a non-logical concept) designates an empty cell.

The predicate would be less confusing if named unbound(X).

If the text within the parentheses of the var(.) call is not a variable name, the answer is immediately false. The compiler should warn about a call that always fails when it sees source text like var(foo).

Due to the fact that an empty cell can be filled, but not unfilled, if var(X) succeeds at computation step t, it may fail at step t+n. Conversely, if it fails at computation step t, it will keep failing at step t+n.

Similarly, when you ask nonvar(X) you are actually asking whether the variable name X currently designates anything other than an empty cell. This is the complement of var(X): exactly one of var(X) or nonvar(X) is true for any X.

Again, if the text within the parentheses of the nonvar(.) call is not a variable name, the answer is immediately true.

"Free variables"

The definition given by the SWI-Prolog reference manual for var/1 uses the adjective free, which is something else entirely and should not be used: a variable is free in a formula (of logic or a lambda expression) if it is not bound in a quantifier (or a lambda prefix) closing over the formula (making the formula not well-formed).

On the other hand, the Mercury language indeed uses the adjectives "free" and "bound"

Insts, modes, and mode definitions:

if the node is “free”, then the corresponding node in the term (if any) is a free variable that does not share with any other variable (we call such variables distinct);

if the node is “bound”, then the corresponding node in the term (if any) is a function symbol.