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dtsund edited this page May 25, 2013 · 9 revisions

Current status: Mostly not done, but also not terribly high-priority compared to some other things.

Some of the gods are kind of dull and/or underpowered, or otherwise might be more entertaining with tweaks. Suggestions for tweaks to be included in 0.2 go here.

Ashenzari: Being REMOVED. DONE

Beogh: Orcish allies within some radius (say, 3) of the player might be able to share the benefits of drunk potions. DONE, though I'd like it if potions of resistance worked here.

Cheibriados: Will recieve Ashenzari's monster detection capabilities. DONE

Elyvilon: Nothing planned.

Fedhas: Nothing planned.

Jiyva: Will let followers take the Slime:6 loot immediately. DONE

Kikubaaqudgha: Nothing planned.

Lugonu: Will let followers unwield distortion weapons without penalty. DONE

Makhleb: Nothing planned.

Nemelex Xobeh: Players should probably not fear drawing low-end decks quite so much. Low-level Torment, Banishment, and Shuffle cards could probably stand to have lesser effects. Additionally, the removal of ID means there's little reason to use Peek At Two, so that ability could probably be tweaked.

Okawaru: Nothing planned.

Sif Muna: Nothing planned, though players will get intrinsic amnesia.

The Shining One: Nothing planned.

Trog: Nothing planned.

Vehumet: Dual-casting invocation? I need to play another Vehumet game...

Xom: Needs significant overhauling. Will need to play a good Xom game or two to decide how.

Yredelemnul: Nothing planned.

Zin: Make him a status ailments god? Like Xom, needs an overhaul. KALIR'S IDEA: Use his God of Law flavoring as the basis of his ability set. Similar to Law Cards and Antilaw Cards in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, can dictate what is and is not currently legal, and punish those who break the law.
