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Toshokan is a search interface application based on Ruby on Rails and Blacklight, and is being developed at the Technical Information Center of Denmark.


Toshokan means library in japanese.


Using ruby 2.1.4. If you're using RVM, you might have to install using rvm install 2.1.4 --disable-binary to avoid errors with certificates.

Test Data

To index test data from metastore, run

$ rake metastore:testdata:index


Jetty is included in the git repository, so you don't need to install it.

If you haven't indexed the test data, do that:

$ rake metastore:testdata:index

Then migrate the database and run the tests

$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
$ rake db:test:prepare
$ rake

Use rake instead of rake spec because there are both RSpec tests and Cucumber tests.