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Truffle configuration

Truffle environment is located in truffle directory, with predefined configures (truffle-config.js):

  • Development network (using Ganache):
    • Host: (aka localhost)
    • Port: 7545
    • Network Id: 5777
  • Compiled Contracts Directory: ../contracts/ which is shared between frontend (Dapps) and truffle
  • Complilers version: ^0.4.26

You can change those configurations, and included it to your submission.

Ganache configuration

Ganache's workspace should be created based on truffle-config.js.

Double check the RPC Address, Port and Network ID matching with Truffle config.

MetaMask configuration

Add new Network by selecting Custom RPC with corresponding RPC Address, Port and Network ID.

Import user by input Private Key from Ganache.

Deploy and Configure Frontend

Use truffle to complie and deploy the Main Contract. Replace the Main Contract Address in config.js with new deployed address.

Execute npm start to run frontend.

Frontend Development Guideline

All function connecting with Smart contract are located in index.js with TODO: prefix.

Custom Note:

  • Install yarn install
  • cd to truffle folder truffle migrate, copy smart contract address deploy.
  • Update smart contract address to mainContract in config.js file.
  • Run yarn start
  • App url http://localhost:1234
  • Unit Test:
cd truffle
truffle test ./test/main.js
truffle test ./test/session.js
cd truffle/
remixd -s ./ -u