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About this project

this is a project was made following the CodeBuck's NextJS blog tutorial video on Youtube, the original final repo can be found on CodeBuck's repo:


Postgres Supabase Next JS NodeJS Vercel

Content covered

  • SEO
  • MDX manipulation
  • Custom Hooks
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind Css
  • Responsiveness

What are my thoughts on this tutorial

It's a 5h long video which i've made through in 6 days, i've learned some a way to work with MarkDown files using ContentLayer, it's a bit though to configure all the required libs, but in the end you can have a complete project which can be use as a starter point to improve more things, the course offers some great overview on different aspects of the NextJS environment which also include some really cool TailwindCSS features that i didn't know how to implement (e.g Animations, Themes, etc). It's a really nice way to learn how to work with ContentLayer, but it's a bit complex if you don't know how to search for help if you're changing things while watching the tutorial, one more cool point i've noticed is that he always head to the docs while working with the libraries used, so you can get used to learn how to use the docs.

Improvement window

As I have stated before, it gives you a really cool boilerplate of a blog which can be used to lead to a more robust blog, it's just a base, it gave me some ideas which i want to implement by the next couple days, as follows:

  • Comment section
  • Maybe a Dashboard for easing the creation of new blog posts

Live project

you can find the live code for this repo and also my portfolio in the links below: Live code:


Personal blog made with NextJS






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