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Sean Durham edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 5 revisions

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Grid view filters

Date range filter

High priority

  • Date (from Article)

Categorical filters

Each property has a fixed set of options (e.g. "English", "French", "German"). Allow the user to choose one or more properties. Properties are additive E.g. If I choose "English" I'll see all articles in English. If I choose "English" and "German", show all articles in English and German.

  • Country (from Article)
  • Language (from Article)
  • Publisher (from Article)
  • Source type (from Article)
  • Subjects (from Article)

Lower priority

  • Visualization type
  • Visual technique
  • Interaction technique
  • Article technique (from Article)


Figures in the grid view

  • Title (from Figure)
  • Publication date (from Article)
  • Publisher (from Article)
  • Country (from Article)

Article in the detail view

  • Article title
  • Country
  • Language
  • Source type
  • Publisher
  • Date (of publication)
  • Data source
  • Subjects

Figures in the detail view

  • Title (from Figure)