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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



SI1-OTPCustomView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SI1-OTPCustomView'

Screen Shot


Get started

Import the library where you want to use it. Create a OTPView object, init it to your views. Otherwise, you have also create a IBOutlet and init it in your storyboard or xib file.

import SI1_OTPCustomView

// ...
let otpView: OTPView!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    otpView = OTPView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 45, height: 250))

Example Configuration

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    // MARK: - IBOutlet
    @IBOutlet weak var otpView: OTPView!

    func configurationOTPView() {
        otpView.delegate = self
        otpView.otpFieldsCount = 6
        otpView.otpFieldType = .corner
        otpView.otpFieldCornerRadius = 4
        otpView.otpFieldSize = 40
        otpView.otpFieldSeparatorSpace = 5
        otpView.otpFieldDefaultBorderColor = UIColor.gray


- otpFieldType  // Defines the otp type, defaults is circular

- otpFieldsCount  // Defines the otp count, defaults is 5

- otpFieldInputType  // Defines the otp keyboard type, defaults is numberPad

- otpFieldFont  // Defines the otp font type, defaults is system font - size 20

- otpFieldEntrySecureType  // If set “true”, the * symbol will be show, defaults is false

- otpFilledEntryDisplay  // If set “true” the content of textField will be not visible. Instead, show the • symbol, it’s look like Apple pass lock, defaults is false

- cursorColor  // Defines the blinking cursor color, defaults is Black color

- otpFieldSize  // Defines the otp size, defaults is 40 (CGFloat)

- otpFieldSeparatorSpace  // Defines the separator spacing between otp fields, defaults is 10

- otpFieldBorderWidth  // Defines width for border otp fields, defaults is 1

- otpFieldDefaultBackgroundColor  // Defines the otp background color, defaults is clear

- otpFieldEnteredBackgroundColor  // Defines the current otp background color, that’s visible, defaults is clear

- otpFieldNextFieldBackgroundColor  // Defines the next otp background color, defaults is light gray (It’s just available on square and corner otp type)

- otpFieldDefaultBorderColor  // Defines the defaults otp border color, defaults is gray

- otpFieldEnteredBorderColor  // Defines the otp border color, it was entered, defaults is gray

- otpFieldErrorBorderColor  // Defines the error otp border color, defaults is red

- otpFieldCornerRadius  // Defines radius of otp, (available on corner type) defaults is 4

- shouldAllowIntermediateEditing  // If set “false”, editing will take place from last filled text field, defaults is true

- shouldRequireCursor  // If set “false”, the blinking cursor for otp will not be visible , defaults is true


dubydu -


SI1-OTPCustomView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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