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162 lines (157 loc) · 7.72 KB

File metadata and controls

162 lines (157 loc) · 7.72 KB


  • ozCore
    • null replaced by nullptr keyword
    • global abs(), min(), max(), clamp() and hash() functions, overloaded where necessary
    • container improvements
      • improved iterators: much less code duplication, no more key() and value() members
      • STL-like begin() and end() members on containers
      • new Set template class: Map with arbitrary elements instead of key-value pairs
      • HashIndex and HashString merged into new HashMap template class with an arbitrary key type
      • new HashSet template class: hashtable of arbitrary elements instead of key-value pairs
    • String: construction from numbers, new number parsing functions
    • new Mat33 class
    • SIMD support for linear algebra classes
    • new SpinLock class
    • ALSA and OSS back-ends for System::bell()
    • linear algebra classes added as primitives to streams, Log and JSON
    • PFile class merged into File class
  • ozDynamics: new rigid body dynamics library
    • collision
      • primitives: Box, Capsule, Polytope, Compound
  • ozEngine: new engine building blocks library
    • GL class for OpenGL utilities: error checks, DDS texture loader
    • AL class for OpenAL utilities: error checks, WAVE & Vorbis loader, Vorbis streamer
    • Window class based on client::Window
    • Pepper class based on client::NaClPlatform
  • matrix
    • melee attack
  • ui
    • UI colours, fonts and layouts can be configured in ui/style.json
  • client
    • text-to-speech using eSpeak library
    • SMM models can be rendered at BSP entities
  • builder
    • Context generates mipmaps and S3TC textures (using libsquish) without initialising OpenGL
  • general
    • ported to Android (i686, ARM, ARMv7a, MIPS)
    • LuaJIT can be optionally used instead of official Lua


  • client
    • credits screen
  • general
    • Win32 port fixed, bugfixes, polishing ...


  • oz
    • more C++11 features
      • move semantics
      • defaulted & deleted functions
      • explicit overrides
      • new exception specification
      • limited use of initialiser lists
      • limited use of constexpr (float constants)
    • (D)List renamed to (D)Chain, (S)Vector renamed to (S)List
    • String class has more consistent members, parsing functions added
    • Vec3, Vec4, Quat don't inherit from each other or Simd class
    • AABB & Bounds moved to liboz from matrix
    • Mutex, Semaphore and Thread classes for high-level thread management
    • new Time class
    • new StackTrace class (split from System class)
    • System::bell()
    • OutputStream is readable
    • new BufferStream class (OutputStream with dynamic internal storage)
    • File class: file type and size setting changed, added support for NaCl local filesystems
    • new PFile class: version of File class to act as PhysicsFS wrapper
    • Log supports operator << for printing streams
    • new JSON class for manipulating JSON files
    • Config class removed
    • clearmacros.hh header to undefine liboz macros that might conflict other libraries
    • can be compiled as a shared library
    • additional Linux dependency: PhysicsFS, optional dependency for Linux: libpulse-simple
    • better Win32 support, POSIX API replaced with Win32 API where possible
    • ported to NaCl
    • fully documented
    • ZLIB licence
  • common
    • new layer, split from matrix
    • Span and Timer classes moved to common from matrix
    • new Lingua class, gettext-like system, but modularised and suitable for data package system
  • matrix
    • BSPs, object classes, fragment pools, client imagos and audios are internally referenced by pointers or indices instead by strings, several lookup hashtables replaced by arrays
    • object attributes: tell what special abilities an object can have (nigh vision, binoculars, satnav, music player ...)
    • fragment pools: particle replacements; fragments can be configured like object classes, can have a graphic model assigned, etc.
    • keys: object can have assigned a key value, so it can lock/unlock matching structure entities
    • lava: can be used both in structures and terrain instead of sea
    • objects can be rotated around z axis in 90° steps
    • physics
      • object tracks lower entity: when an entity moves horizontally it also moves objects on top
      • sliding damage
      • configurable gravity
      • fine-tuning of constants and many small improvements and bugfixes
    • structures
      • crushing: structures fall into terrain, and crush objects in their way
      • bound objects: objects that are created together with a structure and destroyed with it; useful for defence turrets
      • air brushes to tag certain structure areas that should not be filled with water when the structure is under sea
      • sea brushes tag areas with the same content as terrain sea (including fog colour)
      • no more need for hull around BSPs
      • triggers: some entities can be activated; they can trigger themselves or other entities
      • entities can be locked/unlocked with appropriate key
      • manual doors
      • elevators
  • client
    • smooth loading: model loading split to preloading (mapping file to memory) that is run in a new thread and upload to graphic card that has to be synchronous with rendering
    • textures have 3 components: diffuse (base colour), masks (per-pixel specular and emission masks) and normal map
    • objects are filtered from rendering if aspect angle from eye is too small
    • configurable fog colour for both terrain and structure water/lava
    • Mesh class
      • meshes are not rendered immediately but lists are created for each mesh and all instances of a mesh are rendered together
      • MD2-like vertex animation integrated into Mesh class
    • offscreen rendering support
    • postprocessing, bloom postprocess effect
    • Camera class & proxies
      • smoothing of movement and rotation
      • colour transformation matrix, used for visual effects like injuries, night vision, black-and-white sequences ...
      • camera bob, walk/run animations and footsteps sounds are synchronised to a counter in Bot class
      • CinematicProxy class for scripted camera movements, colours, music track setting ...
    • *Audio classes
      • footstep and swim sounds
      • filtering of high-frequency events
      • velocity is set for sound sources and listener
    • Sound class
      • sounds are played asynchronously, parallel to rendering
      • asynchronous streaming of tracks
      • support for music in MP3 and AAC formats
      • a user-specified directory can be searched for music
    • new Input class
      • key-to-action mappings, key/mouse sensitivity etc.
      • input.json configuration file
    • resizable main window
    • new main menu, mission selection menu
  • builder
    • prebuilding entirely split from the runtime part of the engine
    • SDL_image replaced by FreeImage, wider range of image formats supported as prebuilding source
    • 16-bit colour components for terrain heightmap
    • no more encapsulating a BSP with a box
    • fragment pools and object classes are compiled
  • tools
    • ozGettext tool for extracting structure, entity, object names and strings from mission scripts for translation
    • ozManifest for generating package manifests for NaCl port
    • ozSineSample for generating src/oz/
  • general
    • PhysicsFS used for accessing game data, so they can be loaded directly from archives
    • game data can be modularised into packages
    • Lua API redesigned
    • Lua classes share API code - no more code triplication of Lua API implementations
    • ported to SDL 2.0
    • ported to NaCl
    • PKGBUILD for Arch Linux and RPM spec file