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Experiments (Dima)

Dmitry Norkin edited this page May 19, 2020 · 6 revisions

MNIST experiments

Because of the poor quality on Office-31 dataset in the beginning, we decided to check if everything is correct on MNIST dataset. We have conducted 2 experiments with MNIST and MNIST-M domains and the results have showed that our model even slightly outperforms the original DANN. After that some experiments on SVHN and USPS domains were also made. The results are in the following table:

Source Target Train on target Source only Vanilla DANN DANN w Alexnet DANN paper
MNIST MNIST-M 0.9715 0.4583 0.8652 0.7844 0.7666
MNIST-M MNIST 0.9902 0.9673 0.9748
MNIST SVHN 0.8823 0.2006 0.2601
SVHN MNIST 0.9902 0.6489 0.6161 0.8353 0.7385
MNIST USPS 0.9681 0.4036 0.7634
USPS MNIST 0.9902 0.6225 0.9037 0.9410

Following parameters were used for training:

  • batch_size = 32
  • lr = 0.01
  • n_epochs = 800
  • domain_head = mnist_dann

trg_acc pred_loss domain_loss

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