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Performant React Native image component. Powered by Nuke and Coil


  • Memory cache, aggressive LRU disk cache and HTTP disk cache
  • Image Processing & Decompression
  • Written in TypeScript, Swift and Kotlin
  • Support special formats
    • SVG
    • Gif
    • APNG


npm install react-native-turbo-image

cd ios && pod install


import TurboImage from 'react-native-turbo-image';

// ...

  source={{ uri: item.url }}
  style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}


source: object

  • uri: Remote url to load the image from.
  • headers?: Headers to load the image with. e.g. { Authorization: 'someAuthToken' }

style: ImageStyle

The style of the image

placeholder?: Partial<Placeholder>

type Placeholder = {
  blurhash: string;
  thumbhash: string;

show placeholder while loading, either thumbhash or blurhash

cachePolicy?: enum

The cache policy of the image

  • memory: LRU memory cache for processed images. set by default
  • dataCache: aggressive LRU disk cache
  • urlCache: HTTP disk cache, respect cache-control

resizeMode?: enum

The resize mode of the image, default value contain

  • contain
  • cover
  • stretch
  • center


show the indicator when loading,

  • style?: medium or large, default value medium.

  • color?: number / ColorValue

indicator={{ style: 'large', color: 'red' }}

showPlaceholderOnFailure?: boolean

Show the blur placeholder image in the case of a failure.

fadeDuration?: number

The transition duration of the image. default value: 300(iOS) / 100(Android)

borderRadius?: number

The border radius added to the image

rounded?: boolean

Round the image into a circle

blur?: number

The blur radius of the blur filter added to the image

monochrome?: number / ColorValue

The color applied to the image.

note: For iOS and Android Q+, it works with any color. For Android Q-, it only supports grayscale.

resize?: number

Scales an image to the given width preserving aspect ratio

tint?: number / ColorValue

The color is applied to every non-transparent pixel, causing the image’s shape to adopt that color. This effect is not applied to placeholders.

enableLiveTextInteraction?: boolean (iOS 16+ only)

Enables Live Text interaction with the image.

format?: String

Specify the format for special image, e.g. svg and gif. In general, TurboImage will determine the decoder automatically.

onStart?: (result: NativeSyntheticEvent<TaskState>) => void

The function to call when the image is fetching

onSuccess?: (result: NativeSyntheticEvent<Success>) => void

The function to call when the image is successfully loaded

onFailure?: (result: NativeSyntheticEvent<Failure>) => void

The function to call when the request failed

onCompletion?: (result: NativeSyntheticEvent<TaskState>) => void

The function to call when the request is completed


prefetch: (sources: string[]) => Promise<void>


clearMemoryCache: () => Promise<void>

await TurboImage.clearMemoryCache();

clearDiskCache: () => Promise<void>

await TurboImage.clearDiskCache();


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