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Jim Coble edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 6 revisions

Install on repository-ingest server

Method 1: Bundler

This method is the easiest, but uses only the system-installed Ruby version(s). It also may be harder to manage if you intend to use the server for other Ruby projects with different (especially conflicting) dependencies.

In your home directory, create a file called Gemfile and paste in:

source ''

gem 'ddr-ingesttools', '~> 0.3'

Then install the tool and its dependencies:

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Then run:

bundle exec <tool_name>

Method 2: RVM

Follow the RVM installation instructions, installing the GPG keys and then the stable version of RVM:

curl -sSL | bash -s stable

Read the message at the end of the RVM install about loading RVM in your environment if you are going to proceed immediately to install Ruby. (If you're going to logout and return later, you don't need to do that.)

See the RVM documentation about installing Rubies. The dependencies are already installed, so you can ignore the section on "autolibs".

rvm install 2.4

You will probably want to create a gemset:

rvm gemset create ingest

To use your newly created gemset and make it the default for the version of Ruby you installed:

rvm use 2.4.1@ingest --default # substitute the version of Ruby you installed if different from 2.4.1

Then you can install the gem in the usual way:

gem install ddr-ingesttools
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