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Dumpus API

API to extract statistics from the Discord Data Packages (GDPR packages). This API is completely open-source, self-hostable and documented.

Table of Contents

Architecture Documentation

It has been adapted to meet the following constraints:

  • users' Discord Data Package must be entirely encrypted on the server side.
  • the encryption key must always remain on the client side, and must never be stored on the server side.
  • Discord Data Package processing must be fast and scalable.

In short, Dumpus admins, or users providing their own Dumpus instance, must never have access to users' Discord Data Packages, even if the server is compromised.

A Discord Data Package download link consists of a UPN KEY. It is therefore possible to download the Discord Data Package from the UPN KEY.{UPN_KEY}


  • a Discord Data Package identifier is created from a function that hashes the package's UPN KEY (called package_id).
  • when a Discord Data Package is to be stored in a database, it is encrypted with its UPN KEY.
  • when the client queries the server, it must always provide its UPN KEY to prove that it is the owner of the Discord Data Package, and to enable the server to return the decrypted data (if the client makes a data request).


Anyone can host their own Dumpus instance. The official Dumpus client can then be configured to use it.

  • clone
  • you can use Docker (easy way)
  • or you can install everything by yourself:
    • install requirements with pip
    • start a RabbitMQ server (or redis)
    • start a PostgreSQL server
    • fill the .env file with your Redis and PostgreSQL creds
    • start the API using waitress-serve --port=5000 app:app
    • start one worker using celery --app tasks worker --loglevel=info --queues=regular_process --hostname=regular_process@%h --concurrency=1

By default, Dumpus API will only treat zip files sent from You can specify a DL_ZIP_WHITELISTED_DOMAINS environment variable to add other allowed domains.

API Documentation

One header is required for all the requests except the POST /process one:

Authorization: Bearer <UPN_KEY>

Process a package

  • POST /process

Request body:

    "package_link": "<UPN_KEY>"


    "isAccepted": true, // whether or not the package has been accepted for processing (if false, the error message will be in errorMessageCode)
    "packageId": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0", // the package ID

    "errorMessageCode": null // if an error occurs, the error message code will show up here

Current error message codes:

  • INVALID_LINK: the link provided is not a valid Discord Data Package link.

Note: if the package was already processed previously, the API will not return a specific response. You will see that the isDataAvailable will be true in the first status response.

Fetch a package status

  • GET /process/<package_id>/status


    "isDataAvailable": false, // whether or not the data is available (meaning the processing is ended)

    "isUpgraded": false, // whether or not the user has paid for the "queue skip" feature

    "isErrored": false, // whether or not an error occurred during the processing
    "errorMessageCode": null, // if an error occurs, the error message code will show up here

    "isProcessing": true, // whether or not the package is still being processed
    "processingStep": "messages", // the current processing step
    "processingQueuePosition": {
        "premiumQueueTotal": 20, // the number of premium packages in the queue
        "standardQueueTotal": 300, // the number of standard packages in the queue
        "premiumQueueUser": null, // the number of premium packages in the queue before the user's package
        "standardQueueUser": 63, // the number of standard packages in the queue before the user's package
        "standardWhenJoined": 150, // the number of standard packages in the queue when the user's package joined the queue
        "premiumWhenJoined": 10 // the number of premium packages in the queue when the user's package joined the queue

Current error message codes:

  • UNKNOWN_PACKAGE_ID: for some reason, you are asking for the status of a package that does not exist in the database.
  • UNKNOWN_ERROR: an unknown error occurred on the server side. Please contact us on GitHub or Discord.
  • UNAUTHORIZED: the UPN KEY provided in the Authorization header is not valid.
  • EXPIRED_LINK: the link provided is a valid Discord Data Package link, but it has expired.

Available steps:

  • LOCKED: the package is locked, meaning it is waiting for a worker to process it. It can still be aborted by calling the DELETE endpoint.
  • DOWNLOADING: the package is being downloaded from Discord's servers.
  • ANALYZING: the package is being analyzed to determine the number of messages, channels, etc.
  • PROCESSED: the package has been processed and the data is available.

Fetch a package data

  • GET /process/<package_id>/data

Response: the Discord Data Package SQLite database (GZIP of the binary SQLite file), decrypted.

Status codes:

  • 200: the data is available and has been returned.
  • 401: the UPN KEY provided in the Authorization header is not valid.
  • 404: unknown package ID.

Fetch a package user

  • GET /process/<package_id>/user/<user_id>


    "avatar_url": "",
    "display_name": "Androz",
    "user_id": "422820341791064085"

Status codes:

  • 200: the data is available and has been returned.
  • 401: the UPN KEY provided in the Authorization header is not valid, or the package does not exist.
  • 404: unknown user ID.
  • 500: an error occurred while fetching the data (can often happen).
  • 429: you are being rate limited. Wait 500ms and send the request again.

Delete a package (and abort the processing)

  • DELETE /process/<package_id>


    "isDeleted": true, // whether or not the package has been deleted
    "errorMessageCode": null // if an error occurs, the error message code will show up here

Current error message codes:

  • UNKNOWN_PACKAGE_ID: for some reason, you are asking for the status of a package that does not exist in the database.
  • UNAUTHORIZED: the UPN KEY provided in the Authorization header is not valid.


  • Server does not respond after POST /process. Try to remove this property from the file.
    'ssl_cert_reqs': None
  • API server is crashing and say that Postgres is not supported.
    Make sure that your PostgreSQL server URL starts with postgresql:// and not postgres://, which is no longer supported by SQLAlchemy.


Self-hostable API for the Dumpus app






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