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Eye Movement Detection Facial Landmark dan KNN


Eye Movement Detection Facial Landmark dan KNN

About the dataset:

The dataset we use is a Eye Movement


Download and Installation:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine by either clicking on clone button or you can do it form git bash or linux terminal using following command.
git clone
  1. Once you have codes on your local machine now run jupyter on your machine then upload the code and respective dataset to jupyter home.
  2. Now you have codes in your jupyter repository or folder now you can see your project on home in jupyter now click on and a new windows with browser will be opened up now click run button and you will see the results.

How to contribute

  1. Fork this repository
  2. clone that repository
git clone link_of_that_repository
  1. Make changes that you want in local repository
  2. Add those changes
git add .
  1. commmit those changes
git commit -m 'name of commit'
  1. push changes to remote repository
  2. create pull request