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Deno Merch

The Deno shop! Built with Deno and Fresh, and deployed to the edge with Deno Deploy.

Using SSR, islands architecture, and being deployed close to users, this shop has a perfect Lighthouse score of 100. Learn how you can build an e-commerce site with a perfect Lighthouse score.

Screen Shot

Screen Shot

Develop locally

  • Clone the repository
  • Set up Shopify credentials in the .env, follows .env.example.
  • Start the project in local mode:
    deno task start

Deploy to global

Sign in to, create a new project, and then link to your clone version of the repository.

Perfect Lighthouse score

Perfect lighthouse score

Today’s consumers are more demanding than ever, especially when it comes to shopping online. These experiences must feel intuitive and snappy. Even a 100-millisecond delay in load time can hurt conversion rates by 7%.

Our merch store, built with Fresh is server-side rendered (SSR) with some islands of interactivity and deployed close to users on the edge. Sending only what the client needs keeps the site lean and fast, earning it a perfect Lighthouse score.

Check out our tutorial that teaches you how to build an e-commerce site with a perfect Lighthouse score.


  • TypeScript 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%