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Crawling data of all Tiki product in TV category

Overall Logic:

  • Step 1: Crawl data of 1 item in page 1.
  • Step 2: Loop step 1 to get all items in page 1.
  • Step 3: Loop step 2 for all pages in Tiki category until the final page.

Extra Features:

  1. Extend an excel (.xlsx) file with crawled data of every page.
  2. Continue the page where the script left off.


  1. data_columns.xlsx: Data need to crawl from Tiki webpage.
  2. Get data of 1 item in page 1 (Step 1).
  3. Test loops with step 1 and step 2.
  4. Complete script with final result as .xlsx file.
  5. tiki_tv_product.xlsx, tiki_tv_product.csv: Final result files.

Python Code and Tips:

Step 1: Crawl data of 1 item in page 1:

Author: Jun

Experiment with 1 item first in

Use BeautifulSoup to crawl data on

Tip: Use the bottom bar to get the exact level the HTML tag is on. image

Step 2: Loop step 1 to get all items in page 1:

Author: Duong

Created 3 functions:

  • get_html(link)
  • get_item_list(full_webpage_html)
  • get_data(item_html, output_dict): Use the result of Step 1

Use for loop with the above 3 functions:

  • Get HTML from link
    • -> Get the list of items in 1 page
      • -> Loop through the list to get data of each item
        • -> Extend to pre-generated dictionary.

Output dictionary format:


Tip: Use try except if can't crawl the data to return None or '0' value for each element so that error won't stop the script.

Step 3: Loop step 2 for all pages in Tiki category until the final page:

Author: Duong

Use while loop and stop when there is 0 product in the page ~ len(list of items in 1 page) == 0

1 page 1 loop.

Tip: Create a column in output file to store page number df['page'] = page_number.

Extra Features:

Author: Duong

Why need extra features: Script can be interrupted at anytime, specially when crawling hundreds of pages.

  • Don't want to lose the data the script crawled.
  • Don't want to start over again.

1. Extend an excel (.xlsx) file with crawled data of every page:

Create a dataframe after each loop in the while loop -> Concat that dataframe to a master dataframe -> Export the master dataframe to a excel file.

2. Continue the page where the script left off:

Try to read output file (use try except) -> Get the max page number in the file -> The script starts from max page number + 1


Crawling Items Data on Tiki: Category Tivi






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