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Springboot microservices course

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Useful Maven Commands

mvn --version
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
docker build . -t duquejo/hotels
docker images
docker run -p 8080:8080 duquejo/hotels

Generating buildpacks with Maven

You must to preconfigurate in the pom.xml the following setup first:


Running the image generation service

mvn spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests

Publishing image in dockerhub You must be logged in into dockerhub first. (Replace {} with the docker image name)

docker push{docker-image-name}

General config server configuration


We could use the following Spring Cloud Tools, Sleuth and Zipkin.

For Sleuth, we need to know about the terms which are listed next:

  • TraceId: General Microservice identification
  • SpanId: Individual Microservice request identification call.
  • Annotation: It will register general metrics such as request starting time, ending time, latency and healthiness for each service.
    • cs (Client Sent): The client starts a request.
    • sr (Server Received): The server gets and parses the request.
    • ss (Server Sent): Server sends a response to client.
    • cr (Client Received): The client gets the server response.

Zipkin will be our server for all Sleuth traces and monitoring. For Zipkin, we can configure a server directly, or we can also add a message broker for log queues handling.

docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin


Keycloak: Authorization/Authentication server lib

  • Authentication: Users veracity validation.
  • Authorization: Users capability verification.
  • Terms:
    • Realm: Credentials, roles and group sets. It's like a project.
    • Client: Keycloak Entity authorization for a user.


  • Oauth: Open authorization standard protocol
  • OpenId: Identity layer for Oauth extension purposes.
  • JWT: Json Web Token, open representation method for sharing data between two parts.
docker run -p 8181:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin start-dev

Keycloak endpoint URLs


Token generation & Usage

  1. (optional) Generate a project custom realm.
  2. Generate a custom client for the application "booking". 3. Client Type: OpenId Connect 4. Client Authentication On 5. Authentication Flow: Standard Flow, Service accounts rules
  3. Generate the following POST request with this x-www-form-urlencoded body:
    • client_id: Custom client app name.
    • client_secret: You can retrieve it from Keycloak client credentials tab section.
    • grant_type: client_credentials.