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Webina is a JavaScript/WebAssembly library that runs AutoDock Vina entirely in a web browser. The docking calculations take place on the user's own computer rather than a remote server. To encourage use, we have incorporated the Webina library into our own Webina web application.


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Webina 1.0.5


Webina is a JavaScript/WebAssembly library that runs AutoDock Vina, a popular program for molecular docking, entirely in a web browser. The docking calculations take place on the user's own computer rather than a remote server. To encourage use, we have incorporated the Webina library into our own Webina web app. The app includes a convenient interface so users can easily setup their docking runs and analyze the results. A working version of the app can be accessed free of charge from


We have tested the Webina library on macOS 10.14.5, Windows 10 Home 1803, and Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS. Webina uses the SharedArrayBuffer JavaScript object to allow multiple processes/threads to exchange data directly. This object is currently available on Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome. Additional browsers are likely to enable SharedArrayBuffer soon.

Repository Contents

  • dist/: The production (distribution) files. If you wish to run the Webina library or web app on your own server, these are the only files you need. For convenience, the contains the contents of the dist/ directory.
  • src/: The Webina source files. You cannot use these files directly. They must be compiled.
  • utils/, package.json, package-lock.json, tsconfig.json: Files used to compile the contents of the src/ directory to the dist/ directory.
  •,, Documentation files.

Description of Use

Receptor/Ligand PDBQT Input Files

As is the case with command-line Vina, Webina accepts input receptor and ligand files in the PDBQT format. The latest version of the Webina app optionally interfaces with the PDBQTConvert app (included in the git repository) to convert these files from other formats (e.g., PDB) to PDBQT. But some advanced users may wish to provide their own PDBQT files. Such users include:

  • Users who wish to have more fine-grained control over the input. For example, users who wish to specify protonation states, ring-conformational forms, etc.
  • Users who wish to access the Webina JavaScript Library itself, independent of our user-friendly Webina app. The library itself is simply Vina compiled to WebAssembly. It cannot convert files because Vina cannot convert files, so users must provide their own PDBQT files.

Preparing the Receptor PDBQT File

We recommend the following steps for those who wish to provide their own receptor PDBQT files:

  • Download the PDB file from the Protein Data Bank.
  • Remove any ligands, ions, co-factors, water molecules, etc. that might interfere with docking. Editing the PDB file in a text editor (e.g., Notepad++) and deleting the appropriate ATOM and HETATM records is perhaps the easiest way to remove these components.
  • Assign hydrogen atoms to the protein model. We recommend using the PDB2PQR server, an online website that adds hydrogen atoms per a user-specified pH.
  • Convert to the PDBQT format. The PDB2PQR server will produce a PQR file that includes hydrogen atoms. The simplest way to convert this file to PDBQT is with the free program Open Babel. Here is an example command: obabel -xr -ipqr my_receptor.pqr -O my_receptor.pdbqt

Preparing the Ligand PDBQT File

We recommend the following steps for those who wish to provide their own ligand PDBQT files:

  • Obtain a copy of your ligand file in SMILES-string or SDF format. Many molecular databases provide small-molecule files in these common formats. If necessary, you can convert to these formats using Open Babel. Many online molecular editors also generate SMILES strings by letting users draw their molecules.
  • Generate 3D models of your ligand. We recommend using the program Gypsum-DL to generate high-quality models that account for alternate ionization, tautomeric, chiral, cis/trans isomeric, and ring-conformational states (see the documentation for a description of use).
  • Convert to PDBQT. Gypsum-DL will output ligand models in the SDF format. You can convert these to PDBQT using Open Babel like this: obabel -isdf gypsum_output.sdf -O gypsum_output.pdbqt
  • It is also possible to convert directly from a SMILES or SDF file using only Open Babel, though Open Babel lacks some of the features Gypsum-DL provides. Here is an example command line: obabel --gen3d -p -ismi ligand.smi -O ligand.pdbqt

Webina Web App

Input Parameters Tab

We have incorporated the Webina JavaScript library into a Webina web app that includes additional tools for setting up Webina runs and visualizing docking results. On first visiting the Webina web app, the user encounters the "Input Parameters" tab. This tab includes several subsections that are useful for setting up a Webina run.

Input PDBQT Files. The "Input (PDBQT) Files" subsection allows the user to select their receptor and ligand files. The user can also optionally specify a known-pose PDB or PDBQT ligand file. This file includes the ligand in its experimentally determined, correct bound pose (e.g., per X-ray crystallography or NMR). The known-pose file plays no role in the docking calculation; rather, it serves as a positive-control reference for evaluating Webina-predicted ligand poses. In our experience, it is often helpful to first benchmark Webina (or Vina) against a known ligand before using the program to evaluate compounds with unknown poses and binding affinities.

The "Input (PDBQT) Files" subsection also includes several options to simplify the process of preparing/testing protein/ligand input files.

  • If users wish only to test Webina without having to provide their own files, they can click the "Use Example Files" button to automatically load example receptor, ligand, and known-pose files.
  • If users specify receptor/ligand input files that are not in the required PDBQT format, the Webina web app will optionally attempt to convert them to PDBQT using the PDBQTConvert app. Interactions between the Webina and PDBQTConvert apps occur at "arm's length" via an iframe.
  • If users' receptor files include non-protein residues that might interfere with docking (e.g., a co-crystallized ligand), they can remove all non-protein atoms.
  • If users do not have a ligand file, they can use a web-based 2D molecular editor to draw their ligand by hand. PDBQTConvert then converts that 2D ligand representation to a 3D PDBQT file for docking.

Docking Box. The "Docking Box" subsection allows users to specify the region of the receptor where Webina should attempt to pose the ligand. This box-shaped volume is typically centered on a known protein pocket or cavity where a small-molecule ligand might reasonably bind. If the box is large enough to encompass the whole protein, Webina will attempt full-surface docking (though so broad a search is not recommended).

To simplify the process of selecting a docking box, the Webina web app automatically displays 3D models of the user-specified receptor and ligand using the 3Dmol.js JavaScript library. By default, the receptor and ligand are displayed using cartoon and sticks representations, respectively. The user can toggle a surface representation as required to identify candidate receptor pockets. A transparent yellow box is superimposed on the structures to indicate the docking-box region.

When the user clicks the atoms of the receptor model, the Webina web app recenters the docking box on the selected atom. Users can also adjust the location and dimensions of the box using text fields below the molecular visualization.

Other Critical Parameters. The "Other Critical Parameters" subsection allows the user to specify the number of CPUs and the exhaustiveness setting. We chose to set these two parameters apart because they are particularly important in a browser-based setting. Users expect command-line tools to consume substantial computer resources, but they do not expect web apps to do so. By default, Vina uses all available CPUs and an exhaustiveness setting of eight. Webina has the same ability to consume CPUs and memory, but many users will wish to adjust these parameters to avoid impacting the performance of other programs and browser tabs.

Advanced Parameters. The "Advanced Parameters" subsection allows users to specify many additional parameters that are also available via command-line Vina. In our experience, it is rarely necessary to adjust these parameters, so they are hidden by default.

Run Vina from Command Line. The "Run Vina from Command Line" subsection aims to help Vina users who wish to use the Webina web app to setup their docking boxes and user parameters. A text field provides a mock example of how to use command-line Vina with the specified parameters. Users can copy this example, modify it as needed, and paste it into their command-line terminals to run the desired calculation with the standard Vina executable. This subsection also includes links that allow the user to download the receptor/ligand PDBQT files for command-line use.

Starting the Webina Calculation. Once users click the "Start Webina" button, the Webina app will switch to the "Running Webina" tab while Webina executes. When the calculation is complete, the Webina web app will switch to the "Output" tab (described below) where users can visualize the docking results.

Existing Vina Output Tab

The "Existing Vina Output" tab allows users to load and visualize the results of previous Webina and Vina runs, without having to rerun the calculations. Users must specify the existing receptor and Webina/Vina output file they wish to visualize. They can also optionally specify a known-pose ligand file for reference. Users who wish to test the web app without providing their own files can click the "Use Example Files" button. Otherwise the "Load Files" button will open and visualize the specified files.

Output Tab

The "Output" tab allows users to visualize their Webina docking results. The same tab also displays the output of any previous Webina/Vina calculations that the user specifies via the "Existing Vina Output" tab.

Visualization. The "Visualization" subsection uses 3Dmol.js to display the receptor and docked molecule in cartoon/surface and sticks representation, respectively. If the user has specified a known-pose ligand file, that pose is also displayed in yellow sticks. Like Vina, Webina predicts several poses per input ligand. A table below the visualization viewport lists each pose together with associated information such as the docking score. Clicking on a table row updates the 3D view with the specified pose so users can easily examine all predicted poses.

Output Files. The "Output Files" subsection shows the text contents of the Webina output files. An associated "Download" button allows users to easily save those files.

Run Vina from Command Line. Similar to the "Input Parameters" tab, the "Output" tab also includes a "Run Vina from Command Line" subsection. This subsection makes it easy for users to reproduce Webina's results using stand-alone Vina. It also reminds users what parameters they selected to generate the displayed Webina output.

Start Over Tab

The "Start Over" tab displays a simple button that allows the user to restart the Webina app. A warning message reminds the user that they will lose the results of the current Webina run unless they have saved their output files.

Running Webina on Your Own Computer

Most users will wish to simply access the already compiled, publicly available Webina web app at If you wish to instead run Webina on your own UNIX-like computer (LINUX, macOS, etc.), follow these instructions:

  1. Download the file
  2. Uncompress the file: unzip
  3. Change to the new webina/ directory: cd webina
  4. Start a local server.
    • Webina uses SharedArrayBuffer to leverage multiple processors, so your server must send the following headers:
      • Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
      • Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
    • To simplify testing on users' local machines, the Webina download includes a Python3 web-server script.
      • The script is named (with a .txt extension) for security purposes, so first rename it to
        • mv
      • Then run from the command line:
        • python3
  5. Access the server from your web-browser.

Running Webina on other operating systems (e.g., Windows) should be similar.

Notes on User Analytics

In some circumstances, the Webina web app may report usage statistics to Google Analytics. These reports are useful for securing and justifying funding for the Durrant lab. Usage statistics are only sent if the web-app URL contains the substring "durrantlab," so installing Webina on your own server should prevent reporting. Even when using the publicly available version of Webina hosted at, information about your specific receptor and ligand files is never transmitted to any remote server.


Webina is a JavaScript/WebAssembly library that runs AutoDock Vina entirely in a web browser. The docking calculations take place on the user's own computer rather than a remote server. To encourage use, we have incorporated the Webina library into our own Webina web application.







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