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Action Delete GHCR Untagged

This action deletes all untagged versions that have exceeded the expiration date from GitHub Container Registry.


  - uses: duskmoon314/action-delete-ghcr-untagged@v1
      # Personal access token with `delete:packages` scope.
      # Required.
      token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}

      # Owner type of the package. Can be `user` or `org`.
      # Default: `user`
      owner_type: user

      # Owner of the package. Can be a username or an organization name.
      # Default: `github.repository_owner`
      owner: ${{ github.repository_owner }}

      # Name of the package.
      # Required.
      package_name: my-package

      # Expiration date of the untagged versions.
      # Default: `30` (days)
      expiration: 30

You can find a real-world example in duskmoon314/LoD-frontend

Known Limitations

GitHub's API has a rate limit and I currently use a very simple Promise.all(` to aggressively delete all untagged versions. If you have a lot of untagged versions, the action will fail with the following error:

Error: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.