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Merge branch 'siri/sasl/check_process_code/OTP-9395' into dev
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* siri/sasl/check_process_code/OTP-9395:
  Add option purge to release_handler:check_install_release
  Improve performance of upgrade when many processes have old code
  • Loading branch information
sirihansen committed Sep 5, 2011
2 parents 7db8403 + 23a3507 commit 53475d0
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Showing 35 changed files with 722 additions and 53 deletions.
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion lib/sasl/doc/src/release_handler.xml
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,9 +159,12 @@ old reboot_old permanent
<name>check_install_release(Vsn) -> {ok, OtherVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason}</name>
<name>check_install_release(Vsn,Opts) -> {ok, OtherVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Check installation of a release in the system.</fsummary>
<v>Vsn = OtherVsn = string()</v>
<v>Opts = [Opt]</v>
<v>Opt = purge</v>
<v>Descr = term()</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
Expand All @@ -179,6 +182,11 @@ old reboot_old permanent
upgrade script.</p>
<p>Returns the same as <c>install_release/1</c>. <c>Descr</c>
defaults to "" if no <c>relup</c> file is found.</p>
<p>If the option <c>purge</c> is given, all old code that can
be soft purged will be purged after all other checks are
successfully completed. This can be useful in order to
reduce the time needed by <seealso
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +307,24 @@ release_handler:set_unpacked(RelFile, [{myapp,"1.0","/home/user"},...]).
<c>{update_paths,true}</c>, afterwards
<c>code:lib_dir(myapp)</c> will return
<p>Installing a new release might be quite time consuming if
there are many processes in the system. The reason is that
each process must be checked for references to old code
before a module can be purged. This check might lead to
garbage collections and copying of data.</p>
<p>If you wish to speed up the execution of
<c>install_release</c>, then you may call <seealso
first, using the option <c>purge</c>. This will do the same
check for old code, and then purge all modules that can be
soft purged. The purged modules will then no longer have any
old code, and <c>install_release</c> will not need to do the
<p>Obviously, this will not reduce the overall time for the
upgrade, but it will allow checks and purge to be executed
in the background before the real upgrade is started.</p>
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50 changes: 42 additions & 8 deletions lib/sasl/src/release_handler.erl
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
create_RELEASES/1, create_RELEASES/2, create_RELEASES/4,
check_install_release/1, install_release/1, install_release/2,
check_install_release/1, check_install_release/2,
install_release/1, install_release/2, remove_release/1,
which_releases/0, make_permanent/1, reboot_old_release/1,
set_unpacked/2, set_removed/1, install_file/2]).
-export([upgrade_app/2, downgrade_app/2, downgrade_app/3,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,15 +149,35 @@ unpack_release(ReleaseName) ->
%% Purpose: Checks the relup script for the specified version.
%% The release must be unpacked.
%% Options = [purge] - all old code that can be soft purged
%% will be purged if all checks succeeds. This can be usefull
%% in order to reduce time needed in the following call to
%% install_release.
%% Returns: {ok, FromVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason}
%% Reason = {already_installed, Vsn} |
%% Reason = {illegal_option, IllegalOpt} |
%% {already_installed, Vsn} |
%% {bad_relup_file, RelFile} |
%% {no_such_release, Vsn} |
%% {no_such_from_vsn, Vsn} |
%% exit_reason()
check_install_release(Vsn) ->
call({check_install_release, Vsn}).
check_install_release(Vsn, []).

check_install_release(Vsn, Opts) ->
case check_check_install_options(Opts, false) of
{ok,Purge} ->
call({check_install_release, Vsn, Purge});
Error ->

check_check_install_options([purge|Opts], _) ->
check_check_install_options(Opts, true);
check_check_install_options([Illegal|_],Purge) ->
check_check_install_options([],Purge) ->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -541,11 +561,12 @@ handle_call({unpack_release, ReleaseName}, _From, S)
handle_call({unpack_release, _ReleaseName}, _From, S) ->
{reply, {error, client_node}, S};

handle_call({check_install_release, Vsn}, _From, S) ->
handle_call({check_install_release, Vsn, Purge}, _From, S) ->
case catch do_check_install_release(S#state.rel_dir,
S#state.masters) of
Purge) of
{ok, CurrentVsn, Descr} ->
{reply, {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr}, S};
{error, Reason} ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,7 +876,7 @@ check_path_response(Path, {ok, _Info}) ->
check_path_response(Path, {error, _Reason}) ->
throw({error, {no_such_directory, Path}}).

do_check_install_release(RelDir, Vsn, Releases, Masters) ->
do_check_install_release(RelDir, Vsn, Releases, Masters, Purge) ->
case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of
{value, #release{status = current}} ->
{error, {already_installed, Vsn}};
Expand All @@ -880,7 +901,20 @@ do_check_install_release(RelDir, Vsn, Releases, Masters) ->
case get_rh_script(LatestRelease, Release, RelDir, Masters) of
{ok, {CurrentVsn, Descr, Script}} ->
case catch check_script(Script, Libs) of
ok ->
{ok,SoftPurgeMods} when Purge=:=true ->
%% Get modules with brutal_purge
%% instructions, but that can be
%% soft purged
{ok,BrutalPurgeMods} =
fun(Mod) ->
catch erlang:purge_module(Mod)
SoftPurgeMods ++ BrutalPurgeMods),
{ok, CurrentVsn, Descr};
{ok,_} ->
{ok, CurrentVsn, Descr};
Else ->
Expand Down
93 changes: 64 additions & 29 deletions lib/sasl/src/release_handler_1.erl
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@

%% External exports
-export([eval_script/1, eval_script/5, check_script/2]).
-export([eval_script/1, eval_script/5,
check_script/2, check_old_processes/2]).
-export([get_current_vsn/1]). %% exported because used in a test case

-record(eval_state, {bins = [], stopped = [], suspended = [], apps = [],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,17 +48,20 @@
%%% This is a low-level release handler.
check_script(Script, LibDirs) ->
case catch check_old_processes(Script) of
ok ->
case catch check_old_processes(Script,soft_purge) of
{ok, PurgeMods} ->
{Before, _After} = split_instructions(Script),
case catch lists:foldl(fun(Instruction, EvalState1) ->
eval(Instruction, EvalState1)
#eval_state{libdirs = LibDirs},
Before) of
EvalState2 when is_record(EvalState2, eval_state) -> ok;
{error, Error} -> {error, Error};
Other -> {error, Other}
EvalState2 when is_record(EvalState2, eval_state) ->
{error, Error} ->
{error, Error};
Other ->
{error, Other}
{error, Mod} ->
{error, {old_processes, Mod}}
Expand All @@ -68,8 +72,8 @@ eval_script(Script) ->
eval_script(Script, [], [], [], []).

eval_script(Script, Apps, LibDirs, NewLibs, Opts) ->
case catch check_old_processes(Script) of
ok ->
case catch check_old_processes(Script,soft_purge) of
{ok,_} ->
{Before, After} = split_instructions(Script),
case catch lists:foldl(fun(Instruction, EvalState1) ->
eval(Instruction, EvalState1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,32 +116,63 @@ split_instructions([], Before) ->
{[], lists:reverse(Before)}.

%% Func: check_old_processes/1
%% Func: check_old_processes/2
%% Args: Script = [instruction()]
%% PrePurgeMethod = soft_purge | brutal_purge
%% Purpose: Check if there is any process that runs an old version
%% of a module that should be soft_purged, (i.e. not purged
%% at all if there is any such process). Returns {error, Mod}
%% if so, ok otherwise.
%% Returns: ok | {error, Mod}
%% of a module that should be purged according to PrePurgeMethod.
%% Returns a list of modules that can be soft_purged.
%% If PrePurgeMethod == soft_purge, the function will succeed
%% only if there is no process running old code of any of the
%% modules. Else it will throw {error,Mod}, where Mod is the
%% first module found that can not be soft_purged.
%% If PrePurgeMethod == brutal_purge, the function will
%% always succeed and return a list of all modules that are
%% specified in the script with PrePurgeMethod brutal_purge,
%% but that can be soft_purged.
%% Returns: {ok,PurgeMods} | {error, Mod}
%% PurgeMods = [Mod]
%% Mod = atom()
check_old_processes(Script) ->
lists:foreach(fun({load, {Mod, soft_purge, _PostPurgeMethod}}) ->
({remove, {Mod, soft_purge, _PostPurgeMethod}}) ->
(_) -> ok
check_old_processes(Script,PrePurgeMethod) ->
Procs = erlang:processes(),
fun({load, {Mod, PPM, _PostPurgeMethod}}) when PPM==PrePurgeMethod ->
({remove, {Mod, PPM, _PostPurgeMethod}}) when PPM==PrePurgeMethod ->
(_) -> []

check_old_code(Mod,Procs,PrePurgeMethod) ->
case erlang:check_old_code(Mod) of
true when PrePurgeMethod==soft_purge ->
true when PrePurgeMethod==brutal_purge ->
case catch do_check_old_code(Mod,Procs) of
{error,Mod} -> [];
R -> R
false ->

do_check_old_code(Mod,Procs) ->
fun(Pid) ->
case erlang:check_process_code(Pid, Mod) of
false -> ok;
true -> throw({error, Mod})

check_old_code(Mod) ->
lists:foreach(fun(Pid) ->
case erlang:check_process_code(Pid, Mod) of
false -> ok;
true -> throw({error, Mod})

%% An unpurged module is a module for which there exist an old
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