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try this

Function for avoiding try catch boilerplate.


Often we want to just try some function that could throw and do not trigger any error warning, but just provide a fallback value to use instead or reacting in the same closure. In JS there's lot of pain into doing this as we would need to create two closures, a let variable, re-write it for each use case. For example this is very common:

let value

try {
  value = trySomeThrowingFunction()
} catch () {
  value = fallback

return value

With this package we got one liner function:

const { ok, value, error } = tryThis(throwingFunction)


We can provide an options object which will get a fallback value (of the same type as the expected value) and / or an 'else' function which can return the same kind of type as the original function or be void and the original error (or fallback) will be passed back.

const { ok, value, error } = tryThis(throwingFunction, {
  fallback: 'some fallback value',
  else: () => 'some alternative to the original function'

The else function will be evaluated the same way as the original function. The fallback value is the last resort value.


Yes, there is also tryThisAsync made for handling async functions or promises

const { ok, value, error } = await tryThisAsync(promise, {
  fallback: 'some fallback value',
  else: () => 'some alternative to the original promise'

The else function will be evaluated in place of the original promise. The fallback value is the last resort value.

Ok promises, but async functions?

At the moment it's handling only promises, if you have an async function, you'll have to call it in it

const { ok, value, error } = await tryThisAsync(fnAsync(), {
  fallback: 'some fallback value',
  else: () => 'some alternative to the original async function'